31 New Things: Get A Piece of Freelance Writing Published

When I was eight years old, I announced to my parents that I wanted to be a writer. Okay, I was actually aiming for some sort of writer/ballerina/lion-tamer hybrid, but I was pretty sure that I wanted the written word to be part of my future. And over the last few years I’ve edited my university’s literary journal, interned at a newspaper, did my time at an ad agency writing press releases for Michael Bolton concerts (yes. really.) and now I blather daily on the interwebz.However.

I’ve never engaged in real, true freelance writing. Pitches and connections and angles, oh my! I just want to wander into my editor’s office and be all “So. Half page on cheap summer fun, eh? Cool.”


When I chose this goal for part of my 31 before 31 list, I was rather intimidated. Truly, I registered for a stripper-size class months before I started looking up editors’ email addresses.But then! Like a fairy godmother dressed in Gucci and Prada, Danai Christoloulou appeared on my horizon. In addition to being adorable and painfully talented, Danai is a senior editor at the Greek edition of Glamour magazine. We’ve been twitter buddies for nearly a year now, retweeting each other and swooning over cat photos. So I couldn’t have been more thrilled when Danai asked if I’d condense my post on surviving a breakup for translation in the March issue.

What?! Yes please! All the glory with none of the gore!


(p.s. not wearing any makeup in that photo. mistake?)

And so it was with baited breath and sweaty little hands that I ripped open my copy yesterday and saw my article tucked amongst those glossy pages. I literally whooped and promptly made several color copies for my grandmas. Of course, I can’t actually read said article, as it’s all Greek to me (oh hush, you knew that pun was coming). But I couldn’t be more thankful for such a fantastic opportunity.

Now, if I can just work up the nerve to send a pitch to an editor of the American edition of Glamour …

I know many of you are writers! Please – share your tips/secrets/stories!

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  1. Helene


  2. Carolina

    Congratulations a million times! I honestly can not fathom how exciting that must be – amazing! 🙂

    Right now I just dream of becoming a writer – and really, I haven't even really said to people, "I want to be a writer!" I'm still having middle-school insecurity problems, lol.

    Plus, by the looks of it, I'll be asking you how you did it 😀

    Congratulations again 🙂

    All my best always,

  3. Helena

    Congrats! I'm Greek (and can read Greek) and it is kinda bizarre and awesome to see your stuff in a different language!

  4. DanaiShips

    Your very wellcome, hon! 🙂

  5. ♥ deciphertheday

    Congratulations on achieving a dream! I recently got signed to an illustration agency after years of drawing for fun and was most recently commissioned by Women's Weekly AUS. My illustration appeared in the Obama isssue so I was over the moon. All I can say is that if you do what you love and share it – opportunities will arise! 🙂

  6. Sarah Von Bargen

    Helena: That's so crazy! I'm glad that a few of my blog readers can appreciate the article 🙂

    Deciphertheday: That's huge! Congrats!

  7. liz

    that is so awesome! congratulations!

  8. Alzy

    Congrats! That's amazing. How did you go about pitching it? I'm also trying to work up the nerve to pitch to American Glamour. I have some truly brilliant ideas for pieces & want to present them in a way that will make Glamour hire me forever and ever on the spot.

    Or something like that. any tips?

  9. Chloe Walker

    Wow, what a cool and yet bizarre experience to have your first published article be in a foreign language! I don't think many writers can make that claim. It sounds like you're in a great position to pitch American Glamour right now – just do it, be confident, and make sure they know about this clip!

  10. Catherine

    Congrats! Great news. I recommend The Urban Muse – a blog about freelancing. Lots of tips and tactics.

  11. Leia

    I'd love to be a proper published writer! Congratulations 😀

  12. Heather @ Side of Sneakers

    Congratulations!! The writing in your posts is wonderful- I can only imagine it in print 🙂

  13. MP

    Whoop it up indeed! 😀 Congrats Sarah!

  14. efitzo

    congratulations!!It must be strange to see your first published article in greek, I am greek but I understand how strange it seems to other people. I'm going to buy the magazine, your advice is always great, I hope we will see more of it published!!:)

  15. Fajr | Stylish Thought

    Being a freelance writer is certainly one of my major life goals! May have to do a 30 things before 30… you've inspired me!

  16. Chika

    Congratulations Sarah.

  17. The Pieces

    That is sososososo freaking cool Sarah!! Congratulations! xo

  18. Francine

    Congrats! I've never done freelance work but wanted to be a journalist since I was about 7 years old. In college I had a couple of internships, then when I graduated took on a full-time reporter role. After a year I realized it wasn't for me, haha, and now I'm in marketing. Rock on, though!

  19. Kelly

    That's so RAD! I've always wanted to write by The Fear has kept me scribbling poems underground. Congrats, this is inspiring!

  20. Vanessa


    Recently, I got an internship with a local-ish magazine and they decided to publish one of my writing samples as online content. I was really excited, but if that wasn't enough, when I picked up a copy of the magazine, my article was listed in a section about the online content and my NAME was listed under "writers"– I was really pumped and did a little dance, I will admit.

  21. Sal

    Woo hoo! That's awesome, doll. Congrats!

  22. kathrynoh

    Congratulations. And how strange to have your first article published in Greek! It will make a great story when you become famous 😀

  23. Elle Sees

    Congrats, congrats!
    If you believe it, you can do it! I'm so excited for you!!!!!

  24. agoraphob

    Congats!! you rock!!

  25. Cara

    And I bet if you informed the US's Glamour Magazine that you've got something in the Greek edition, they'll be even more eager to put you in! I also just read your "how to get over a breakup" post and it was wonderful. SO wonderful.

    don't forget my first ever giveaway over at my blog!

  26. Nicole

    Congratulations! That's amazing. I think it's even more awesome that your article is in a different language. You writing is cross-cultural! How cool is that!

  27. Tiffany

    I'm giving you a standing ovation–your talent is unmistakeable! Congratulations! More to come, I have no doubt!

    P.S. The picture of you at the top is adorable!

  28. Marilyn

    Congratulations Sarah! Having your work published in Greek certainly makes the goal a little more interesting when looking over your list!

  29. ~Kristina

    Congratulations! the Greek pun was perfect.

  30. Cassie

    Congratulations! I am not surprised at all! I knew someone would snatch you up! I look forward to each piece of yours!

  31. Ellie Di

    Many congratulations, dear! And I know you can keep it up. American Glamour just doesn't know what they're missing yet! <3

  32. Raquel

    yay this is amazing!

  33. hip hip gin gin

    Congratulations!!!! That is so amazing!! I would make several more color copies and frame those bad boys all over the house!

  34. Ashe Mischief

    Congrats, doll! This is exciting news, and like many of the other commenters, I'm jealous and pumped by your ability to do this!

  35. Pin

    Oh, my gosh, that's so exciting! Congratulations!! This is certainly well-deserved– Your blog is awesome, and your 'how tos' are very insightful (maybe you could convince them to let you have your own "how to" column like Kate Hudson's character on "How to Lose a Guy"?? Is it sad that I'm referencing that movie right now?). Congrats again!

  36. Midnight Cowgirl

    Congratulations! Freelance writing is a dream of mine, too.

  37. Jen

    Congratulations, Sarah! You are truly an international writer now!

    I think I would send your post, along with the Greek clip from Glamour to the US editor. If it's good enough to publish in Greece, why not here? Heck, send it to Glamour world-wide!

  38. Melanie's Randomness

    Well isn't that a treat to see yourself published!! Good for you!! =)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog too!!! =)

  39. Kelly


    There was an article I read in one of the recent magazines (don't remember which)(American magazine of course so not this one) that was written by someone named Sarah Von and I wondered if it was you (but decided it wasn't, obviously).

  40. Maureen

    Wow Congratulations!!! SO exciting!!

  41. Katie

    Congratulations! That's one of my goals for this year as well. It's inspiring to see that it's really possible!

    Also, I've never commented before, but I just wanted to tell you how much I love your blog and your calendar. Your positive outlook and adventurous spirit always seems to inspire me in the mornings! Keep up the good work!

  42. Betsy

    Awesome! I've loved your blog for a while – so inspiring. My dream is to become a writer… Maybe you can post some tips? 🙂

  43. TIERAsta

    Congratulations girl! Being published in a mainstream magazine is onmy list as well!

  44. Sarah_J_Evans

    That is SO cool!! Well done you. You must immediately start pitching your ideas to American mags so that you can not only see your work printed but actually read it to!!

    You go girl – you can do it!!


  45. RMb

    no tips, but congratulations!!

  46. Ali

    I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am for you. As a fellow writer, I can only imagine how freaking good that feels.

    You're sort of my hero.

  47. Ann Marie

    congratulations! you've inspired me!

  48. A-C


  49. phonakins

    That's awesome!

  50. Kite Tails

    I've wanted to be a writer since I was a kid. I've never had the nerve to submit my writing even though I keep a current edition of Writers Market here on my desk.

    Congratulations! That is SO awesome!! I hope you're published a million times over!

    What a happy and inspiring post to all of us writers!

  51. screwdestiny

    Congratulations, Sarah! I'm sure all the other Glamour editors will soon be catching wind of your awesomeness.

  52. Vixel

    I'm a little late to the party, but yay congratulations, that's really brilliant! 😀

  53. jprp

    just when i though nothing could beat crossing something off your list, youve gone and done this! congratulations!

  54. kelly ann

    oh my gosh, congratulations! this is exciting, i bet it feels so good to see your writing on the pages of a magazine. 🙂

  55. Meghana


  56. Caitlyn

    Yay! Congrats that is incredibly exciting!

  57. Heidi Rose


  58. Ebun

    I live in the UK, so your words travel far! The power of the InterWeb eh?!

    I stumbled across your blog as a 'recommended' and I'm so glad I did follow it up. This particular post is really inspiring and I will definitely be recommending that you be read!


  59. katie d.

    Super rad, yo!! I just saw this post. If you ever want to talk writing, you know the girl to call. This one!

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