How To Do 10 Things (At Least Slightly) Better

how to do things better


We’re knee-deep into summer and I’m going to take the smallest of breathers. I’ve got two weeks of travel coming up, along with my birthday, and launching a big ‘ol offering. I’m going to go to the lake, eat one metric ton of raspberries, and remember what the stars look like outside the reach of street lights.
We’ll be back to business as usual with Web Time Wasters on Sunday and there’s some exciting stuff coming in August. Till then, I dug through my archives and found some of my best how-tos and tutorials. Have a dig through ’em and I’ll see you next week!


Looking through these, it’s painfully obvious how much I like lists and parenthesis, isn’t it?

If you have any how-to requests, leave ’em in the comments!

photo by Magdalena Roeseler // cc

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Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

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  1. Kelsea Echo

    Hehe I just checked out your "how to become a morning person" post and that reminded me that I need to go make a cup of coffee. I think I need a big reminder sign or something, because I'm not even awake enough to remember I need coffee. Hahaha.

  2. Samantha U

    Traveling on a budget is quite fun! I normally use couchsurfing or airbnb. Although you don't always find a good place it depends a lot on the time when you are traveling. When I was going to Las Vegas this summer I had to book a room in Las Vegas because everything else was already taken!

  3. Hannah at The Lemon Hive

    I love this list. Pinning it immediately!

    I enjoyed the attention span article in particular. I used to have such a great attention span but then along came university and facebook and wham-bam, it disappeared. I'd never looked at attention as muscle before but it's a fabulous concept.

    There are some fabulous tips in there. In fact, look! I managed to keep writing this comment without getting distracted 😉

    • Sarah Von Bargen

      Ha! Yeah, I think I need to re-read that attention-span article myself!

    • Sarah Von Bargen

      Eeeeep! How exciting! I love her stuff!

  4. Angela

    Just discovered this blog (also via Joy the Baker) and am obsessed. These lists are amazing and wish I had the birthday one two weeks ago…alas, next year.

    • Sarah Von Bargen

      Thanks so much! Welcome to the party!

  5. Jemma

    This is excellent, thank you for the round-up.

  6. Pieliekamais

    Enjoy your time off! Recharge! 🙂

  7. Rachel

    I'm facing the same birthday that you were in your marvelous birthday ideas post… and have no clue what to do. Thanks for the inspo – you KNOW I'm starting with the egregious b-day mani!

  8. anuja

    Yes, The above mention things we can do them as better. Your mentioned things in the article are really we can do better.Thanks for research on this one. You’re such a gem for providing this information!

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Yes and Yes
how to do things better
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