5 Surprising Small Bedroom Storage Ideas

Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
Looking for small bedroom storage ideas? You’re in the right place! If you live in an apartment or an adorable older home with small rooms and tiny closets, lean in closer for great small-space tips from Thalita!

Hello friends! I’m so excited to share this month’s DIY post with you because I know it’s something many of you are personally struggling with.  I have the same problem – little to no closet space!

I’ve lived in apartments with such small closets it almost brought tears to my eyes, but I have a few smart solutions for you, and some of them are even pretty!

Small bedroom storage idea 1: Use your doors

The inside of the closet door is prime storage real estate! It may not look like much, but think of it as a hidden wall you can hang things on. Don’t forget about using the back of your actual bedroom door, too! If you rent, don’t worry about the possibility of making holes; you always have over-the-door hooks and Command strips.
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
You can even use the inside of your door for makeup, jewelry, and small accessories storage. I love the use of hooks to hang shoes as well. How genius is that?!?
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!

Small bedroom storage idea 2: rearrange your rods and shelving

If you’re a little handy (or know someone who is), consider moving some of the rods in your closet. I have certainly been the victim of poorly-planned closets and when I asked the landlord if I could move things around to make it better, he gave me the green light. I know not everyone will be so lucky, but it’s worth a shot!(Sarah’s note: I’m fan of asking for forgiveness rather than permission in this case. Or you can just return the rods to their original position before you move out!)

Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
Inexpensive shelving or an extra rod can make a huge difference. You don’t even need holes for that – all you need is a rod and some rope. You could replicate the picture below, hanging on the existing rod in your closet. Of course, make sure the initial rod has plenty of reinforcement before you hang a second rod from it.
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!

Small bedroom storage idea 3: r Recycle, Reduce, Reuse!

Think outside the box (or inside, in some cases) and use what’s around you for storage. This example uses a wine box for shoes. You can hide these away under your bed and you have a drawer of shoes to pull out instead of just a box you have to dig through!
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!

Pop tabs in your closet? Why, yes! You can buy little pieces to fit on your hanger from most home organization stores, but why not make your own for free? These will work on just about any hanger, and trust me when I say that they DO make a difference!

Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
Did your shower curtain come with some cheap clips? Don’t throw them out; use them for scarf storage either on a hanger or a rod. This would also be great for belts!
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!

Small bedroom storage idea 4: d Don’t be afraid of exposed storage

It may be a bit scary to think of your clothes all out on display (especially if you’re in a studio apartment), but we all have pretty clothes that we wouldn’t mind letting the world see, so consider exposed storage for these items and leave your painting jeans behind closed doors!
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
And if you’re not that handy, take a cue from Blush Shop and use an old hotel bellhops. I’ve seen these for sale on Craigslist and they’re never too expensive. With gold and brass making a comeback, you’ll have the most stylish clothing storage on the block! Truth: I totally want one for myself.
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!

Small bedroom storage idea 5: u Use all kinds of containers

We talked about this in a small galley kitchen and it’s just as applicable in a small bedroom or anywhere lacking storage space. Wire baskets can be used to hold all the items you can never figure out how to store: clutches, gloves, hats. And you’ll be able to see them and therefore actually use them!
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
Boxes are great for two reasons: you can hide things in them, and when stacked, they can even become extra tables! Another bonus, they don’t have to cost a lot! Try taking a simple white IKEA box and using some electrical tape to make it stylish. Shoe boxes can also get a great makeover this way, then you can leave them out on your fabulous bellhop!
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
Double-duty items are always a bonus. A wine rack used to hold clutches? Into it.
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!

How is this for storage inspiration? I hope you’ll be able to look around your home and reinvent a few things into storage possibilities!

What are your best storage secrets? Share them in the comments!

P.S. 5 ways to make your tiny galley kitchen feel bigger

Sources: IKEA rails behind the door // Jewelry & accessories storage behind the door // Move rods to optimize space // Add a hanging bar inside the closet // Wine box as shoe storage // Soda tabs to make double hangers // Shower curtain clips to hang scarves // DIY pipe clothes rack // Using a bellhop as storage // Hanging wire baskets // Electrical tape storage boxes // Wine rack clutch holder // Emily May 

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  1. Secret Squirrel

    Perfect timing Thalita, thank you. I have quite a lot of clothes and scarves but not so much space. I really like these ideas, particularly the shower hooks and the can-pulls!

  2. Hijriatul Laila

    Thank you much much much. Such an inspiration. 🙂

  3. Tanya Patrice

    I'm another person who is saying perfect timing! This post is awesome and gave me quite a few ideas – that I needed bad!

  4. Audrey Lin

    I never realized how small college dorm rooms were until I got there. This is much needed! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

  5. kathrynoh

    My favorite tip is higher bed legs. Not super, bunk style higher but enough to add useable stoage space.

  6. Tiff Jan

    When I was in a dorm, this girl I knew used her necklaces (of which she had many) and used them as decoration. It was brilliant, since they were all beautiful and they looked like this amazing curated vignette on her wall. Plus you know, her necklaces were never tangled. Added bonus!


  7. Sarah

    I especially love the tips for storing shoes and maximising closet space! I’d also recommend storing out-of-season clothes separately. My winter clothes are currently in boxes under my bed so it is easier to see what I have in the closet. When it starts to get cold, I switch them over, and find all sorts of things I had forgotten about. It’s great!

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Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
Looking for storage ideas for your small bedroom? Click through for 5 clever organizing tips you haven't seen before!
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