The easiest meal you will ever make

Not that you would ever know it from this blog, but I am actually quite the domesticated little bunny. Hot glue-gunning thematic centerpieces? Slaving over Brazilian beer and coconut soup? Compulisively cleaning my white carpet with a lint brush? Sounds like a great Friday night to me!
However! There are many a night when it’s all I can do not to pass out over a bowl of cold cereal. So for those nights when I’m craving something slightly more fancy than generic cheerios, I make The Easiest Meal Ever, black bean soup.
Seriously, it might be faster than your Lean Cuisine. Let’s race. Readygo.
2 cans of black beans
1 can of stock
1 jar of salsa
Dump all of the above into a blender. Blend. Heat through and top with sour cream and the last of that bag of Fritos. Viola! Dinner on the table in less than 5 minutes. Aren’t you the clever one?
What’s your go-to speedy meal?

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  1. Gem

    hmm, i might just have to try that one 😀

  2. Darcie

    i’ve got something like this, only exchange stock for cheese and 1 can of beans for tortilla chips, and you’ve got it, the “I’M DYING AND I NEED CHEESY BEANDIP RIGHT. NOW.” meal.

    ps. it’s not really a meal.

    • Shannon

      I sub out the cheese for stock too! I then dip multi-grain crackers from Kashi in it and instant lunch.

  3. Caitlin

    I've just started reading your blog. *LOVE IT* Anyways, I made this last night and it was PERFECTION. So good! And if you choose good natural salsa, organic veggie stock mixed with the always good for you black beans, it's super healthy AND delish. Thanks for the recipe!

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