A Reminder

a reminder you

I know you know this. But. 

It’s good to remember that you (and I!) are capable of innumerable amazing things.

We can:

Someone's going to do amazing things. It may as well be you. Share on X

Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

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  1. Nicola

    So true! xxx

  2. Brittany

    Thanks for posting this! It's exactly what I needed.

  3. Rachel

    I love how inspiring your blog is, I completely agree.

  4. Leia

    I love your blog. And this post reminds me why!

  5. georgie

    i think maybe you are psychic, this is exactly what i needed to hear! i am going to finish my essay right now, at 12:53am, new zealand time. it's late and i've been avoiding it. maybe i am the person that can hand in an essay late and still get a good mark. maybe… just maybe….

  6. nifer

    Sarah, this list is amazing! Such a great post – thank you! I do try to remind myself of an item or two off a list like this whenever I'm facing a slump or challenge.

    Keep it up, lady!

    ~ Jen

  7. D_frost

    Thank you for this post, Sarah! It's so encouraging and clever 🙂 I love your blog!

  8. Hannah Miet

    Way to inspire my Monday. Thank you for this.

  9. Veronica, aka  "Suzy Tofu"

    Made my day! Thank you!

    It's nice to be reminded that it is possible to have exactly the life I want. I hope so!

  10. Stephanie

    This is just what I needed! You rock!

  11. Heidi Rose

    That's it! I'm going to use that blue eyeliner I have! (I avoid wearing it because I feel like I can't put it on properly)

  12. Amy!

    Damn, I'm a badass! 😉

    Fantastic post! I'm diggin the peppiness and pleasantly truthful words.

  13. Jill

    YES SARAH!!!!!!!

  14. {Tara}

    Fantastic!! Thanks for the reminders!!

  15. ~A

    Funny how we need to be reminded of these things…

    Thanks a lot – perfect thing to read on a blah Monday afternoon

  16. Nina

    thank you, i needed this today.

  17. ekerplay

    merci! merci!! for this list. Your blog is very charming, and in fact, I think that once school is out for good and i'm a free woman, I would like to follow your path and try 30 new things too. Very inspirational!

    xxxxxbisous, Ekerplay

  18. jprp

    I love this post! I'm taking my grumpy pants off and putting on my happy pants, thanks for making my day!

    Oh, and i'v started on my "32 things" yay!

  19. Eli Squared

    Sarah thank you for posting this. I start my last year of college tomorrow, and I've been feeling pretty inadequate lately. This simple list just made me smile and gave me a happy little boost of confidence that I'm going to do great this last year.

    Thank you for always having an amazing blog, and such inspirational things to share with us.

  20. Sarah Von Bargen

    Awwww! Thank *you guys*! I'm so touched that you guys make Yes and Yes part of your day <3

  21. Miss Peregrin

    Aww, so much love for this. You always brighten up my day. <3

  22. InnyVinny

    I love posts like this. Thank you. =D

  23. GEMima.

    this post was so inspirational! Im going to do that, love life(:
    Thanks for your message, it feels nice to see that someones reading my blog.

    You're in my bookmarks<3

  24. Katy

    I love this list! It's simple yet moving and inspiring. Thank you!

  25. Magatha-May

    I love this but I REALLY can't wear those heels everywhere. 😛

  26. Kitty

    Another one of your fantastic lists! Love it. (PS. I totally want to study Monkeys in Africa. I need something cuter than a Gorilla. Maybe something that doesn't eat peoples faces. Spider monkey maybe?)

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