I’d Like More Adventure Please!

I’ve had a lovely September – making risotto, attending end-of-the-season barbeques, hiking and canoodling with the FOaF. It’s been fantastic! However, adventurous? No. There has been no sandboarding, no pack mules, no 17 hour bus rides.And I can feel myself getting itchy feet – not just for travel, but for adventure itself. I’m committed to staying in Minnesota for at least a year, to save up for another World Ticket and kind of reboot my travel settings, but that doesn’t mean I can’t have a bit of adventure in my life!In my mind, a proper adventure requires one (or more) of the following things:
1) a sense of The Unknown
2) a liiiitttle bit of danger

3) a bit of discomfort (either physical or psychological will do)That sounds rather ominous doesn’t it? But a proper adventure fills you with that feeling of “Holy Shit!” and “Whooo-hooo!” and “I can’t wait to tell everybody about this!” Some of the ways I’m going to adventure-up this season?

Forget the map and get a bit lost
I once had an excellent weekend in New Zealand, turning right until we got to the coast. We camped out on a cliff overlooking the ocean, befriended the local fisherman and spent the day throwing smooth white stones into the water.

Take a bus adventure

Try a new ethnic restaurant and let your friend order for you
Just hope they are sensitive to your feelings about Norri. And eggs. And wilted greens.

Take a Travelocity last minute trip
I’d like to do one of these with my girlfriends this winter, when everything’s awful and snow covered. A round trip flight plus hotel in Atlanta for $250? Yes please!

Jump off the high dive

Sled/ski/tube/roll down a big hill

But learn from me and make sure your car keys are not in the pocket of your loose-fitting jeans when you do this.Dye a strip of your hair a ridiculous color

Go on a ride that scares the sweet-bejesus out of you
I guess I might have a date with Camp Snoopy.

Visit a cultural festival that you know nothing about
No, Oktoberfest doesn’t count! How about Diwali or Dia de los Muertos or Santa Lucia Day?

Stop by your local Scientology branch
Only recommended in pairs and with your sense of humor firmly in tact.

Go to a place (relatively) near you that is significantly different
Think about the culture, the income bracket, the language. It can be a fancy-schmancy suburb, the inner city, the next state over, Las Vegas, Quebec, a hippie commune!

Try a new type of transportation
scooter, horse-drawn carriage, bicycle-built-for-two, convertible.

What do you do when you’re feeling the need for a bit of adventure?

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  1. Catherine

    I live in New York City so just walking down the street can be an adventure! But when I go looking for it, a short trip to another neighborhood always does the trick. Diverse people! Awesome multicultural food! Live music! Ahhh, thank you for reminding me to appreciate where I am. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures.

  2. rachel

    When I visited New Zealand in college with a friend, we decided that we needed to get from Queenstown to Dunedin. But, we didn't have a car, and had very little money for a bus. And, I suppose, a little bit of desire for adeventure. So, we had a backpacker from our hostel drop us off a few miles out of Queenstown, where we stood with our thumbs up for a ride. Stranded between a beautiful turquoise lake and a mountain, it was a little panicky at first. Luckily, we were picked up by a couple from Canada on their way to a para-sailing adventure, and then, not too long after, a very kind college boy in a brown and dented VW van on his way to visit his Auntie in Dunedin. Perfect! We listened to Bob Marley the whole way there, the three of us across the front seat.

    It felt so safe then, whereas here in the U.S. – yea, no thanks!

  3. The Naked Redhead

    Improv! There is no better sense of adventure than being on a stage in front of fifty people with no script and no ideas and then…go! It's all from the gut, in the moment and it's always "yes, and (yes!)". There are no "no's" in improv, so anything is possible. I tell EVERYONE to take an improv class…it will make you feel alive.

  4. Jessika

    Twice a year at least I try to go somewhere I've never been before and check it out. There are plenty of little towns and bigger ones too, that I've never been. Go there, be there and then come back. Invigourating.

  5. The Maiden Metallurgist

    I've been neglecting my list, I think I'll revisit it this weekend and try something new.

  6. Sheena

    My biggest adventure so far has been traveling to another country alone. I'd like to do this as often as possible (if funds permit). However, on a local basis, I guess I'm pretty stagnant and I should be more adventurous.

  7. daddylikeyblog

    Great post, Ms. VB! I can personally vouch for the dying your strip of hair a ridiculous color–it provided an unexpected paradigm shift and was super exciting!

    p.s. This morning Nick and I both had the morning off, and I just realized that we both stumbled out of bed, I got juice and he got coffee, and now we're both reading Yes and Yes on separate computers. Morning ritual!

  8. Jessika

    Getting off at a bus- or tube-stop other than your regular is also kind of fun.

  9. Lindsey

    Wow, you seem like a really cool gal :]

  10. Kate

    Mmmm… thank you for your blog. I had the urge to click on the link to your blog while reading Daddy Likey. I am so glad I did. You offer humor, creativity, inspiration, ideas and deliciously satisfying writing. Not to mention that I am so adventure-deficient right now that I think it's sucking the rosy out of my cheeks.

    So, thank you for these ideas. After reading a few more entries, I will be checking out some last-minute trip deals. Ooooo… how exciting 🙂

    Plus, you're a Minnesota girl. I love it.

  11. InnyVinny

    I have GOT to try out that Travelocity ticket!!

  12. Leila

    Great Post! I agree with it all! I too am craving adventure but I am restricted now that classes have started back up.
    Luckily I am taking an Oceanography class (in Sandy Hook, a national park in NJ) so we get to explore the beach and the bay and pick up squiggly things.
    When I'm in an adventure rut, and I have no money. I look at a map of my state, find a green spot, and go explore a park I haven't been too. Its a great thing to do outside and its FREE!

  13. Leila

    Great Post! I agree with it all! I too am craving adventure but I am restricted now that classes have started back up.
    Luckily I am taking an Oceanography class (in Sandy Hook, a national park in NJ) so we get to explore the beach and the bay and pick up squiggly things.
    When I'm in an adventure rut, and I have no money. I look at a map of my state, find a green spot, and go explore a park I haven't been too. Its a great thing to do outside and its FREE!

  14. {Tara}

    I have been feeling exactly like this myself! I'm not so much the adrenaline-junkie kind of adventurer, but I definitely need things to get me out of my day-to-day ruts now and again. I just recently booked two weekend/overnight trips for my boyfriend and I [despite the 100 excuses I made about money and time, etc.] Sometimes you just HAVE to do it!!! Otherwise, what's the point of living!? Also, I find that little things, like eating at a new restaurant can jolt you out of boredom for a bit!

  15. renmbrock

    The transportation one got me thinking about riding my bike to class instead of walking. I wanted to bring my bike to school with me freshman year when I lived on campus, but didn't because there was a dearth of space to put it around the dorm and I was scared that I would run over someone on the way to class. Funny how fear can prevent you from having even small experiences.

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