How To Date A Younger Man Without Losing Your Mind

Wondering how to date a younger man? Dating a young dude and struggling? Click through for "I've been there!" relationship advice!

This post comes to us via Carly Jacobs of Smaggle fame. Follow along with her awesomery on Facebook or Instagram!

At the ripe old age of twenty-six, my delicious man is four years younger than me, making him a slightly cringe-worthy twenty-two. While this age gap is not shocking, it sounded a lot worse four years ago when I was twenty-two and he was… um… eighteen… anyways…

The point is, age honestly doesn’t matter in a relationship, but this doesn’t mean that there won’t be hurdles caused by the fact that your boyfriend can’t remember The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when you’re dating a younger man

(I must preface this manifesto with a disclaimer that not all behaviors outlined below have been displayed by my man. Only some…)

Get over the fact that you graduated from high school before he even started

You made your choice. Embrace it. Don’t cop crap for it and don’t give it anymore brain space than it deserves. You are either okay with it, or you aren’t. End of story. It’s awesome.

It is fabulous being the arm candy of a younger man. It’s sexy, it’s taboo and elevates both parties to legend status. Make the most of it.

Be understanding

About his need to sleep for twelve hours a day, his ability to survive on nothing but toast and the desire to spend $500 on an X-box despite the fact that he has only one functioning coffee cup in the whole house. He’ll grow out of it. I promise.

Realize that he might need a little more time

If you date a younger man you must understand what you have signed on for. All activities that fall under the banner of ‘commitment’ will probably flip him out. When I say “understand this “I mean “understand this.” Just cast your mind back to when you were that age and ask yourself how you would react to the situation. Be honest and cut him some slack.

Also, remember that age is not an excuse

You need to be realistic. Give him the space to be a young man but if it’s been two or three years and he is still choking on his tongue whenever you talk about moving in together then you need to do some serious thinking.

Have you ever dated someone significantly younger than you? I dated a 21-year-old when I was 27!

P.S. If you’re dating or in a relationship and you haven’t read this book yet, I CANNOT RECOMMEND IT HIGHLY ENOUGH.

photo credit: Sebastian Pichler and Adriana Velásquez // cc

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  1. Rachel @ Suburban Yogini

    My long term beau and love of my life is 7 years younger than me. He's a few months younger than my baby brother!

    It's not an issue. Sometimes he has no idea what I'm rattling on about when I'm talking about things that happened in the 70s (he was born in 1981), but other than that it's fine.

    If I was a guy dating a girl 7 years younger no-one would even think it worth writing about. 🙂

    • Anonymous

      I am 15, soon 16 inish and I have this HUGE hit on this 25 year old woman. She probably knows I like her? Is this normal?

      • Hazi

        Same case is with me.I’m 18 year old and loves a 26 year old women.

        • Senõr

          Go for it im 23 and i only date 40+

          • Nissa

            I think that is great. I am a 47 year old woman and in love with a 27 year old guy. But I don’t understand his behavior, it’s seams so damn complicated for him to start dating me. Advice anyone?

          • SUZIE

            I’m currently 21 but he is 14… nothing has happened we both agreed that we have feelings for one another but clearly I won’t pursue anything because he is not old enough. I told him maybe in the future if our paths cross something could happen but right now it’s just not right. It’s been great reading all these posts, I have felt so guilty and anxious over this!!

          • Nicole

            I am 37 and this guy that I been knowing for a while is 24 and he told my son which is 18 that he love me what should I do

          • Tracy

            27 male & 47 female been going strong 6 years and about to get married ? Sounds crazy I week him if it bothers him the age and I’m female white and he’s Mexican/Indian and my family done what prediduce,we had our issues but not to bad he took on me and my 2 kids and now a 3rd we decided to have a baby after we fell in love and planned marriage when we get the money now the time has come and it’s falling into place I guess I now we go from here and continue to connect.

          • Alodia

            Well be honest with yourself and if you feel the same then pursue to know him more and see where things go. Im 30 years old and my 19 year old mate was inlove with me for foir months and we dating long distance and its our love thats keeping us hoojng for the future. Its nice to know im not the only one whose dating younger men.

          • Anonymous

            I was 21 years old when I met the Love of My Life who I found out was 48 but I didn’t care, I loved her at first site when she came into 2 out of the 3 jobs I was working at the time. Instantly clicked and had everything in common, we are basically the same! My Birthday was in April and Hers is the day after mine, Two Peas in a Pod! She’s a Mother of 3 grown kids and also Grandmother to 2 beautiful grandkids and soon to be 3 as we found out recently her 24 year old daughter is expecting! Anyways today I am a 28 year old Silver Fox and My Love is a Gorgeous 55 year old but looks 35. We are Happily Married, tied the knot 3 years after dating. This September will mark our 4 Year Wedding Anniversary and 7 Year All Together Anniversary. Here’s to Eternity!!!!

          • Alex

            I am 44, he is 21, it is a sexual relationship but as a woman who is passionate and feels deep this kid is making me lose my mind, and have become a mumbling mess while with him. How is that possible? I know he is a kid, and very aware that this is only just sex, but he is so sweet, sex is pretty amazing but can’t get him off my head

          • Leena

            I don’t know about this I’m 38 years old but look younger then my age I just meet this guy from Facebook we have a talk and video call he look very gentleman person they way he talk look the mature from his age, he only 22 but he what to take me as his girl I’m so afraid about what happen next I been single for 9 year without a man but he really touch my heart..

          • Lerato

            I feel in love with a 20 year old guy, I’m 29 years. He recently because he told me about our age difference and how he wants to explore life. But he still acts like my boyfriend half of the time. Any advice

        • Kamesha

          I’m 27 year old female dating a 19 year old and I think he’s cheating,lieing,and using he sleeps with me everyday we post each other on Facebook everyone knows we together.he says he loves me I already got pregnant by him 3 or 4 times didn’t keep it just cause I don’t wanna be a single parent again he was hurt all those times I didn’t tell him I got a abortion ???‍♀️he said he wants to marry me wen he turns 21 idk if it’s real or am I dum.

        • Caleb Hopkins

          I’m 18 and into same age to late 50s

      • Anonymous

        Leave it alone

        • Joanne Liberatore

          I AM 49 YEAR old woman dating a 29 year old man how do you keep from neing insecure

          • G.M. Mayo

            Dont is too short.We all get hurt.Thats life.
            I know a woman over 20 w one super guy nearing 60 anf Trudeaus wife is 30 plus yrs older than he.(btw hes prime minister of Canada! Movie dtars are 20, 30 and 40 over.Men have always done it so why frown on women.Enjoy it and know God placed him in your patj for a very soecial reasin! Go 4 it!

          • Terrie

            I’m 49 yrs lady dating 36 yrs guy it’s been great sex is awesome never be insecure he wants you

          • Lin

            I am 51, my bf is 33. we have been dating for 2 years. How are you all deal with insecure about looks,,,Age can’t stop.
            I look younger for sure but my bf looks younger too
            I get scared getting old looking ,,,

          • Emily Fromme

            The guy I like is almost 19 and I’ll be 29 this year. It’s not that I don’t mind the age difference, it’s just the fact that we work together also and there is also the matter of my mother who wants me to be with someone older. I know she wouldn’t approve so I feel like I have to be with someone that she wants me to be with…

          • Anon

            I have the same issue, I am 54 and he is 29, we live and work at the same complex. The jealous issue is he and his ex are friends and she comes over . ?

          • Anonymous

            I’ll be 50 in a few weeks and my man is only 18. It works because we’re having fun just being together. It’s as easy as breathing! I was widowed 2 years ago and I hadn’t dated anyone since it happened. Then he walked in & we made eye contact. That was all it took.

            Either you trust him or you don’t. Insecurities are something that you have to conquer and I know it’s difficult, but you should know how he feels about you and his commitment to the relationship. If you don’t, then that’s a good place to start.

          • Corliss Sinclair

            Develop your own life and interests. Self fulfillment. Fill yourself with YOU. Be who YOU need. Like Brian Nox says in his videos… ‘If you loved yourself would you allow this to happen; would you allow him to do this or that; if you loved yourself what would you choose to do.’
            If you are feeling insecure that isn’t who your true self IS. Confidence is the most attractive thing a woman can have. Fill your life with YOU and let him live his own, and then you find each other from time to time. Take it slow.

        • G.M. Mayo

          Im 20 yrs older than a man,who cooks, bakes, repairs, does anything I need for me. Not slept with him..yet but gives greatest hugs and kisses ever but am totally smitten with the hunk! Im learning after all this time and its beginning to work!Would I take anyones advise to drop him? Try at least once each month but he wont! God placed him in my life for a reason and Im running…..with him arm and arm.Enjoy the moment. Thats all we can count on!Merry Christmas!

          • Anonymous

            I’m happy for you.

          • Anonymous

            Brilliant ?

        • Terrie

          It’s great and exciting enjoy the experience I’m a 49 yr woman happily dating a 36 yr man

          • Anita Virdee

            I’m 43 year old woman dating a 35 year old man ? petrified

          • Joye Guerin

            what makes you feel that way?I am 42 and I’m dating a 35 yr old guy

        • Deborah

          I am 21 in love with a 19 yr old boy, we are so in love with each and promise to stay together till end

      • Joshua Gross

        It’s perfectly normal to date someone older than you. I am a 19 year old guy in a long term committed relationship with a 35 year old woman. We both share similar interested and plan on getting married and having kids. This is the first time I have ever been with a women older than me but she is so beautiful and we both love each other so much. If you are in love with someone older or even younger as long as they are not underage then go for it and hopefully it works out.

        • Luna

          O am so glad to hear that relationships with a big age gap can work. I am 36 and madly in love with a 18 year old. It terrifies me that friends and family will reject us because of our relationship. Any advice.

      • Anonymous

        am a 35 year old woman going on to 36 and am not dating nor having sex wit the guy but a 22 year old guy wants wit me what do i do

        • Rose

          I’m 38 but look 25 still. I have great genes and age perfectly. I met a 24 year old who will be 25 soon. He’s gorgeous and knows exactly what to say and how to act. He’s respectful and did I mention gorgeous lol I’m not dating or having sex. I haven’t been for 6 years now believe it or not. I decided today to just go for it. You only live once and you might as well enjoy every minute. He knows I’m not looking for anything serious so we agreed to just live life and have fun. We made a date and we video chat and text all the time. The best part is I met him the old fashioned way, in person, in broad daylight so we know what each other looks like and every cute flaw was seen. So next time we see each other it won’t be a weird first date based on pictures. Just go for it. Date him, have sex, spend time together, chat, talk, video, laugh and just live. Even if it is just friends with benefits at least you can look back at fun good times.

          • Karla

            Your situation is much like mine, me a 56 year old woman who is fortunate to look early forties with a very attractive 33 guy. I have never revealed my age to him ( he has guessed me to be 42) . I have told him several times that I am not interested in marriage or live- in relationships. I have no idea why he is so hung up on me but I have decided to just enjoy it while it lasts. The sex is fantastic, he has carried me to bed many times and with my heart racing, he has made me feel like a woman again !! I have been a widow for 8 years and thought my sexual years were over but this man has given me new life. I totally believe that all women should experience a man much younger to have the excitement of what sex should be.

      • Anon

        I’m 15 about to turn 16 trying to get with this 26 year old girl and I dont know how to convince her

    • Anonymous

      It normal, as I'm also dating a woman 9 years older than me. Love has no age restrictions

      • J.

        I feel bad cuz he s almost 4 years younger :/

        • tracy

          I am a, ,,53 yr old lady that dates a 27 yr old man I love him he loves me so is that bad

          • MAM

            Someone I can relate with. How did it turn out? I’m a 53yr old woman (look younger) and met a 27yr old guy online. We have a lot in common, similar views and beliefs. Looking forward to meeting him in person one day.

      • OLEA

        Young guys always try to talk to me, but this one guy just would not let up… Once he told me he was 25… I tried to leave, but he just wouldn’t take no for an answer. I am 40, but I don’t look my age… I have dated guys younger than me, but not that young… He bugged me that day until I took his number… I figured he just needed somebody to talk to, and that would be that… But come to find out this dude maybe 25,but he more like 55 in the mind… But still I didn’t want to take it there… I made the mistake of letting him come and hang out with me one evening, and a year later…. I still can’t get rid of him…He is one of the most jealous people I ever met in my life. Everything was cool until we had sex, and it’s like he lost his mind… I knew I was in trouble when he said… I was the best woman he ever had….He acts an complete fool whenever I am out of his sight…. I’ve had bad luck with men before, but this is just terrible…. He’s a faithful man, he goes to work, and he make sure I have what I need… But the jealousy and controlling insecure stuff is running me away… And I have tried but he knows where I live…

        • Candy

          I’m a 45 year old f and I’m seeing a 25 year old . My daughter is 25 and 21 and son 20 this is so hard I said no that we can’t do this bcuz I’m to old for u. He said age is just a number and I went with it and it’s 4 months soon. I’ve been hiding this and finally told only my daughters how old he was . They excepted It and said my son wouldn’t . So I went in2 his work to see 1 of my friends and the guys said are you kidding me I thought that was her son . I’ve been crying and thinking how I feel and embarrassing it must be for him . He doesn’t act like a 25 year old and he treats me with so much dignity and respect it’s amazing to be with him! But i’m sure nobody wants to be reminded and made fun of every day should I just isolate myself with him so nobody sees us And I don’t feel like this anymore?

        • Rose

          I sure hope you were able to get rid of him.

      • A Margaret

        I totally agreed. Am dating a 37 year man and am 50 year old woman though I look like am in my Middle 30

    • Anonymous

      Omg I can't even sleep I'm 49 and this 27 boy is crazy about me I'm the one feeling shy in the spot when he worship me he is not shy to kiss me or hug me in front of everyone he always is telling me how beautiful I'm we are from diferents culture but he doesn't care my kid's are older then him he even made jokes about his step son's he is very active like to dance,walk and hold me everywhere I'm really scared after my marriage of 30 year's fail I'm confuse.

      • J

        I say go for it and date the 27 year old! He sounds perfectly fabulous for you. I am divorced myself and it was hard dating again especially being a survivor of domestic violence . But once I got over my fear of being nervous and not being able to trust men, I’ve been having a wonderful time dating. I’m 32 and my boyfriend is 23. He’s an amazing and mature young man.

        Just remember that if you and the 27 year old doesn’t work out in a relationship it’s okay! It’s normal and dont be so hard on yourself sweetheart now and in the future. You deserve to be happy! Best of luck!

        • Anonymous

          I’m 34 and my boyfriend is 25. He’s so much fun and makes me feel amazing!

          • Anonymous

            Im 38, dating soon to be 23 yo man, he is mature enough for his age. Seems that he knows to handle me when im moody. Once a while we did talked about our future together. But we’ll see what happen.

        • T g

          Am 34 and my boyfriend is 25 e is very nice always makes me comfortable but I don’t look my age I look way too young is it OK to be with him

          • Anonymous

            Totally ok, im 38 and my boyfriend soon will be 23, he makes me feel young, amazing, comfortable and happy. He is more mature than his age, and to be honest most people think that im way younger than my age.

        • Ashley

          Amazing and go for it! Love knows no age. I wish it worked for me. I am told I am beautiful and kind. A younger man chased me for a year and I finally gave us a chance! I really always felt we had chemistry. We dated a while and once he made me feel safe and we got intimate he broke my heart and became incredibly cruel. Now he will not even speak to me and I have done nothing wrong. I am beyond crushed and it has destroyed my self esteem. I love and miss him terribly and he will not even give me a real reason.
          I say go for it and I am so happy for you!!?

          • Lucy

            I wish that person who im in love will have courage come to me and tell me same…im 33 and he is 20 and im his manager, maybe we want each other and will never knows this?

          • Jessica

            was his name ethan?

      • Hayley

        Fantastic!! I am so happy for you and so jealous. I wish I had a hot boyfriend in his 20’s !! That is my fantasy. I am 45 and divorced from abusive partner. Having somebody your age does not garantee security, respect or deep love.

        • Anonymous

          Ok so i have to say im 45 my bf is 24 and im in love. I never thought this would hit on me all the time( not to be conceded) its my job and i dont look my age ,so ive been told . Men my age are boring and hes full of life and treats me like gold. I learn from him and he learns from me.its not always roses its a relationship its work.been together 6 months ,dont know what the future holds for us and try not to over think just take each day as it comes. Get yourself out and find that young man who you can fall in love with. If you do never mind what anyone says its your life and we only get this one make the best of it… good luck

          • Dez

            Thank you all I needed to get out of “my head” on this issue, I am 48 and my boyfriend is 21. He looks 28 and to him I look 28 so when we meet neither one of us bothered to ask “how old are you?” After our “moment of truth” he asked me not judge him based on his age, I feel like I keep fighting this battle in my head that I am too old for him. We play fight together, go to dinner we have genuine fun no matter what we do. I got out of a terrible 5 year relationship with a man who is my age and he treated me like crap! My boyfriend even says that he is more mature then most men in their 30’s and 40’s and because of his life experiences…he’s right!! So thank you!! I’m going to keep moving forward and see where this leads.

          • WANDAFUL FAY


          • Anonymous

            I love this..Am encouraged..Dating a younger one too for a short while..I was doubting if it will work..I am 40 the guy is 35 and I love him too much and he loves me too.

          • Anonymous

            People are placed in our life paths for a reason. I strongly believe this. It might be what we need at that particular time in our lives? I think if both parties are aware of what issues could arise from any and difference and if their is compatibility and desire for each other, what’s the harm? If it feels good and neither is committing adultery, why not see where the desires of Life takes you. Life is short. Be happy. If someone fills your heart with joy, what could be the harm.

        • Anonymous

          Fabulous !!!! Honey go for it. I’m 43 in love with a 31 year old, he is so smart and intelligent when he desk I could listen to him all day. He makes me so happy that I want to leave my husband who have cheated on me repeated. He always talk about our age difference but to be honest with you I told him age shouldn’t be a factor when you care for someone and that someone care for you.

          • Justice

            Im.lurking at a guy that’s 28 but I’m 43 am I too old

          • Anonymous

            I’m 24 and my bf of 5 months now is 19.. he literally graduated last year and it’s mice being with him bc he treats me good but he still have plenty of growing up to do ! Like the way he plays is mad irritating sometimes ! Only the time so would say “stoppp” he would keep doing it until I catch an attitude.. like idk no man around my age or older who would intentionally keep aggravating someone that doesn’t want to be bother

        • Anonymous

          Fabulous !!!! Honey go for it. I’m 43 in love with a 31 year old, he is so smart and intelligent when he talks I could listen to him all day. He makes me so happy that I want to leave my husband who have cheated on me repeated. He always talk about our age difference but to be honest with you I told him age shouldn’t be a factor hi when you care for someone and that someone care for you. I know that he really cares for me I just hope one day even though we are of different culture he won’t let that stop him from been with me because I really and truly love this man.

        • Nicole

          Okay.. help!!! I’m 30 I have a 4 year old daughter I was wondering my ex for 6 years (3of them married) I also am a domestic violence survivor and was scared to.. I’m currently talking to this guy who is 22 completely falling for him and him with me too and yes its been said! But I am nervous about how family would react. Because if it was just one he’s dating a 30 yr old that’s one thing but she has a 4year old part might complicate with his family.. and to top it off we are in the same group of friends so know one knows about us and we don’t know what to do??

          • Dragon Queen

            Just date? Like honestly if you are happy why should it matter to anyone else. If a 30 year old man dated a 22 year old, no one bats an eye. Just go for it. You live once and make sure to live happy and for YOURSELF.

      • jacinta

        I am 49 and my bf is 22, 27 years apart. I did not know at first as he is very mature and seems to look/act more like 35, I am often told that I look 35 and younger, no-one ever guesses my age correctly. So, in essence, we both seem to be around 35 which allows us to relate well. When he was 14 he dated someone 28 as he also did not know her age when they began dating. So, that early relationship was 14 years apart, he is at 22 more like 35 which is 13 years apart and me being more like 35 at 49 is also 14 years apart so all things being equal, Im gonna go for it. The math helps me to manage my initial feelings of ickiness! He makes me feel good, he treats me well, he is ambitious and mature and the sex is amazing!! I love him in my own way and he loves me in his, no guarantee for the future but we’re gonna work it and no-one has guarantees regardless of age so we are not doomed as some people feel but have been given a unique experience to be a part of!!! We both feel lucky!

        • Theresa

          This gives me HOPE!!!! I am 41 and starting to talk to an 18 year old….I am scares to death but he makes me so happy and is everything I ever could have wanted in a person. I can honestly say that he is more mature than most of the 30-40 something men that hit on me on a weekly basis. I look like I am in my 20’s ( not to sound stuck on myself) but that makes me feel better when we will be out and about. The main issue I know will be his family and mine. I feel like I NEED to get over the initial SHOCK of all of this and how I am feeling and then focus on the fact that I have been lucky enough to find someone that I know is the right one for me 🙂
          Good luck and lots of love

          • Theresa

            also- your comment about ” feelings of ickiness” really hit home to me. I felt AWFUL at first. The fact that this was something I had never done or ever thought of doing was tearing me apart. I really had to sit down with myself and realize that I am a GOOD PERSON who has always done good to others and this is a man, not a child! He may not be 30 but I need to get over the feeling that I am doing something wrong because of what others think and feel. People who judge are probably cheaters, liars and have done WAYYYYYYY worse and are afraid to point that finger of back at themselves so FORGET THEM!!!!!! let them judge! they are just afraid of what they will see if they stand in front of the mirror! nobody is going to make me feel low because of their issues!!!! LOVE is the best way to answer back! 🙂

          • Nane

            Tell me about it smh

          • Roz

            This makes me feel sick as I am 41 and my SON is 18.

          • Anonymous

            What if a female 19 and the man is 29 and they are in love

        • Tanya Richardson

          Are ya’ll still together ?

          • Anonymous

            Im a female I’m 19 and the man that loves is 29 I’m in love with him

          • Anonymous

            32 year old woman, cutest 20 year old guy is hitting on me non stop, telling me he wants to be with me..I stopped it before it even begun and I feel so bad..cause I really like him..
            I look way too young, people think I still go to school, he looks like a 25 year old and boy does he know how to spoil a woman…

      • Krista

        I’ve been with my prince charming almost 3yrs. I’m 45, he’s 24. After divorcing my high school sweetheart after 22yrs of being a devoted wife and mother I was completely lost. My oldest moved out a few months after that. I tried to keep going, one step at a time, one day at a time. I still had my younger son to take care of. He lost dad and brother who were close and his mom stayed in bed 24/7 squalling. I had to go to therapist. When she asked me to name some things that I enjoy, hobbies etc. that did not involve my xhusband or kids. I sat there shocked that I could only think of one thing, I love reading. WOW, eye opener! What do I do next, what do I like? Where to start.., During the unhappy years of my marriage I’d made list in my mind of what I needed in a man.. But I forgot to put an age limit lol. This young man pursued me on a dating website but I’d never give him a chance. But the more we talked I realized he has an old soul. We love the same music, movies, food, dog lovers. He lets me be who I am, I’ve never been as comfortable and felt safe as I do with him. On our 1st date he asked me if he could kiss me.. Good lord.. hot. He holds doors open.. for everyone, pull over to help a stranger, and my fave.. He’ll have my purse already packed with phone, money cigs, and keys waiting patiently for me to come running thru to leave yelling where’s my purse? Keys? Cigs?! It was hard for me at 1st. I never realized how mentally abused I was. After dressing to go out I’d walk in automatically waiting to be rediculed about my hair, or xtra pounds, etc. Wait for it.. He smiles and tells me how beautiful I am. He never looks twice or stares at a pretty woman in my presence. Never said a negative word to me. We are considerate and say thank you and let each other know we appreciate one another just thru our actions continuing to be considerate and happily doing for the other. Every morning we text good morning, every night goodnight and he calls me beautiful. We spend Friday night thru Monday morning together. His parents and two dogs love me. His brother and sis don’t live close but I’ve met them and they’re fine with our relationship. My oldest is not. He was fine with it the first year but later said he thought it’d pass and back then he was just happy to see me smile again but it’s time for me to find a man I can have a future with.. It’s causing problems now like not getting to see my 22mo old grandson. We had discussed from the beginning that we had no future together. I didn’t want to hold him back from having children and his own family. And I didn’t want to waste anymore of my life for him to leave me when he decides he wants a family. But for now we enjoy being together. I’m pretty sure he saved me from myself.

        • Kate Medellin

          How old is your son?

      • Trina

        Hi well I’m big 37 and my boyfriend father of my son 26 and I’m thinking our age difference is a problem I can’t keep up with him in everything but I feel insecure about our future

        • Hearbroken

          I just turned 45.. He’ll be 26 this weekend. We’ve been together a little over 2 years. We’ve been off and on. I was alone for almost 11 years. I didn’t want anyone, I didn’t have the time for anyone. I have 3 daughters and I am a grandma. I have daughters still at home and I am constantly on the go because my girls play every sport the school provides. There was something about this guy that I couldn’t turn down. I struggled with the age difference at first but he made me feel so loved and beautiful. We are “off” again. The age difference had played a huge role in our constant break ups. He wants an older women for all the obvious reasons… were more mature than women his age, we’re set and know what we want. But he’s so insure and has to constantly be texting me. I can’t do this insecure shit anymore. He no longer gets along with my daughters because they don’t appreciate how he treats me… he’s so controlling. I honestly thought that I could shake this out of him, but I can’t and I won’t continue to try to make him see that I love him. I know he loves me and we feel it when we’re happy together but with this last fight, I have completely fallen out of love with the one person who finally gave me a reason to smile 2 years ago. He’s so afraid that I’ll leave him for someone else. But I don’t want anyone else and he just can’t seem to get it thru his thick head. I really don’t think he’s cheating. He’s always wanting to be by myside. He stays with me and doesn’t hide his fone. I think to myself, “Oh brother, what could I possibly expect from a 26 year old whom has years to go before growing up?” Yes, I’m heart broken, but I just need to get over it and move on. I think I found it easier to be alone or maybe just without him. My best wishes to all of you older women dating younger men. Guess it all depends on the guy n how quick he chooses to grow up. I just thought mine would’ve been more mature being that he’s a cop…sad to say that I was wrong. I think i need to keep to someone my own age who has the same goals and expectations as me for the sake of myself and for the sake of my daughters. I will find love and happiness again.

      • Anonymous

        Enjoy it i am but wete only friends im 45 and he 26! Wr have been dating for 8 months and im scated that im falling in love with a 26 old

      • Anonymous

        That’s what’s happening to me, I’m 53 he 25, but I don’t wanna live together I wanna give him his space because he young, he adores me.

        • Keena

          49 dating a 35 yr old, dating 3 yrs now. I have the problem….with the 14 year age difference… recently broke it off , however he wants me back…..just not so sure.

      • James

        As someone from the other side of this. I can say just enjoy it. Age is merely a number.

      • Anonymous

        Well, it’s wonderful two full adults can love each other without others opinion or advice. If you love each other beside the age gap there’s no reason to give anyone explanations of true love because love is blind showing the true nature of purity and loyalty is royalty. So to all the older ladies out there don’t give up on the beauty of being loved by a younger man because every emotion and every love has been built to show the world what love is about when a man is younger take care and god bless

      • Deloris White

        Go for it I’m 44 soon 45 in two months I’m in love with a 24 yrs old guy he love me so much we go anywhere bit I am shy sometimes age is just a number.

      • Maame

        Font be confused.take a chance at many lives do you have?10?even if you had 100 lives someday it will all end. We are on a journey and do you realize you are spending your life just as you would your money?
        Spend your life being happy.accept and give your heart and be free.we are the ones who always put lids and limits on ourselves.I am currently 39 and he is 29.10 years difference. He’s so matured.wants to marry me.I had a 5 year old son whom he adores.God brings people into our lives to lessen our burdens. Don’t over think. Just allow him to love u.

      • Goldilocks

        I’m with you I can’t sleep either sometime it’s scary !
        I’m 50 he’s 22 we are both independent people and we are both tall and attractive he haven’t heard from me in a month I think I’m going to cut it off because I know he takes a lot of women his age he likes me he told me I’m beautiful sometime when we were out he wants to hold my hand but I know it’s not going to work I can tell he’s scared of me I’m probably thinking I’m going to hurt him I think we’re both perfect for each other I used to be the main person should I would never she or date a younger man and if I do he would have to really be about & put me on a pedestal ? my main concern is it’s not a game with me !?!

        • Dee

          I am 49 and I am without a doubt completely in love with a 23 year old man. I did not set out for this to happen and I even tried to fight it at first but the attraction was just too much. I am attracted to him both physically and mentally. I was married to a man who spent the better part of our 20+ year marriage tearing down my self esteem, I have had many relationships in my life but I have NEVER felt as comfortable and safe as I do when I am wrapped in his arms. He is beautiful inside and out. He has pulled away though, he says he loves me but he just cant give up on his dream of having a family, I think maybe his family, or at least his dad, does not approve of me. The thing is, I have always wanted more kids, I just never found anyone I wanted to have them with until now. I never told this man that I wanted a family with him because I wasnt sure it was possible now and because I was scared at first that he would think I was nuts. I know now that although it may not be an easy road I can still have a baby and I want so badly to have a family with him. We are so in tune with each other, love the same things, I have never experienced anything like this before and its amazing, he is amazing. I’m going to talk with him about this even though it scares the hell out of me, I know that I will have to let him go if he doesnt live me enough to take on a more difficult road to children but at least I will know if there is any chance at a future with him. I know God brought us together for a reason, I need to trust in that wherever it leads. Even if it doent work out at least I know what it is like to love someone with your heart and soul and to feel the warmth and safety of their love in return. I love this man and I dont see him as an age, he is an amazing, kind, sexy, hot, gentle man. I dont care what anyone thinks about it.

          • Mrs. Sharon Parsons

            Dee, do not second guess your love for this boy or God’s reason for injecting him into your life. At 23, he is old enough to know what he wants and needs in a wife, and its seems that he knows in his heart that you’re the one for him. At 49, you may be too old to give him children, but maybe you’re not. This is something that you, your love, your doctor and God will need to figure out together.
            Like you, God blessed me by putting a younger man into my life, and he had a reason for doing so. Unlike you, I tried to second guess God. We met in church when he was 16 and I was 52. I was his Sunday school teacher. He approached me one morning before class while I was outside having a cigarette. He told me I was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen in his life. I was shell shocked, disturbed but I was also flattered. I thanked him, but I corrected him. I reminded him of his age and my position as his Sunday school teacher, but he wasn’t dissuaded, and he was patient in his pursuit. I finally agreed to go out with him on a date two years later in hopes that he would get over his infatuation and move on to someone his own age. It didn’t work out that way. I fell in love with him and we married six months after he graduated from high school with his parent’s blessing and the blessing of our congregation and my own children. We’ll celebrate our third wedding anniversary this December. I’ll be 56 and he’ll be 21.
            I won’t tell you that its all been easy because it hasn’t been. We’ve both struggled with our age difference and our other differences, that are physical and related to maturity, but it is our shared love of God and our love for each other that keeps us happy, fulfilled and together. We still get a lot of looks when we’re out as a couple. Most people assume he’s my son until they see the romantic spark between us when he lights my cigarettes and kisses me afterwards. Believe it or not, he actually thinks I’m sexy when I smoke! He truly is a gift from God!
            His mother tells me I’m the best thing that ever happened to her son, because I make him so happy. That coming from a woman who is ten years younger than me. God does work in mysterious ways you if you get out of his way. Good luck, Dee. I wish you all the happiness in the world because God must think you deserve it!

          • Kate Medellin

            Do you have children? how old are that?

      • Anonymous

        My man is 21. I’m 43, I have 2 children older than him. Itbused to bother me, but he fact he gets along really well with my boys means more time with my kids and we all hang out and it’s fun!!!

      • Anonymous

        I’m 52 and seeing a 26 yr old. I am very young looking for my age and he is a freaking cutie pie. He’s very mature for 26 but he has so many young girls chasing him around. So I’m just having fun with it. He tells me I’m beautiful and I am his. We haven’t had sex yet but I feel so guilty every time we do anything sexual.

    • Anonymous

      I have had a ton of various odd crushes. I had a 19-year old boyfriend, I’m 25. A 22 year old..a 33 year old…38. I’ve had a crush on a sexy young 70 year old too. For some reason the only men I’m not into are just around my age. Odd!

    • lesley

      Im 45 and hes 19 this is his first year in college no strings attached.

      • Raine

        Omg!!!! We are in the same boat. I’m 32 and he’s 19. First year in college too. I’ve been driving myself crazy…thinking “what am I doing” but he’s good to me. I’m happy for you, and I’m happy I found this post.


        • Dmpf

          I’m 31 and he’s 19 his mother hates me and I’ve even had to get a restraining order against her. I’m so confused because all we want is to be left alone and love each other.

          • Maame

            Don’t do are gonna rip a family apart.if his mum was not in the pic it would be better.let it be.walk away my dear.there’s nothing worse than being in a relationship with a guy when his family don’t like me.I’ve been there.ran while you still have legs.

      • lash

        are you kitten me right meow???????????? whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttt you are 45 and he’s 19
        are you crazy
        im sorry but im just saying
        its gross like wtf
        you would look like his grandma its so bad dont do it you cant even think about it
        im sorry but i just couldnt keep it inside i had to say it

        • Amanda

          I’m 36 and my boyfriend is 29. I used to be with older men, had a 12 year relationship and 10 year marriage with a man 8 years my senior, and obviously you are a very closed -minded individual for trying to shame an older woman because she landed a younger man. They don’t have to play childish games with an older female… We know what we want and they love that confidence. Sounds as if you’re a little jealous… Just saying.

        • Roz

          I agree with you lash, these are teenage boys.

        • Anonymous

          Well ladies after beign married and divorced. To a man who had baggage and myself as well..that showed no interested in making a woman feel good about herself. i found myself in love with a 22 year old virgin male. Who by the way fell in love with me first..the thought took awhile to process. He is humble,gorgeous,respectful and not demanding. i am blessed with wonderful genes that a lot mistakes me for a 20 something year old. Our relationship is still new..and yes our religion forbidds us from having sex before marriage..meaning yes he is still a virgin and i obviously not. reading some of the articles posted gave me some insight on how to tread more carefully as beign western guys his age here are more experienced,then where he is from which is the middle east. But his trail of thought are more he takes his responsibility of providing for his family very seriously. The same as he would have when it comes to providing for me. Not that i need financial support..the emotional and such a good feeling. Yes of course i am scared..but at the same time excited..i am just enjoying the attention at the moment. And yes he wants to get married..and not have their traditional arranged marriage. So to those of you saying yuck etc. maybe if you find yourself in the situation with a man that does not give a darm versus a man who does..screw age. it is ok for older men to have younger woman but not the other way around . Shame on you think less of us as woman when we are suppose to support each other. if my son falls in love with an older woman and she makes him truely happy. i will support his decision. regards beign loved the way i always wanted to be.

          • Luna

            Life is too short not to do what makes you happy.

      • Leslie Russell

        I’m 45 and he’s 19, I have 3 grandchildren and 2 daughters older than him. He treats better than any man has ever treated me, but when we are in public people will ask if i’m his mother or give us those how could you looks even had one call me a pedofile. I really care alot for this guy . Just curious as to how long your relationship lasted or are you still with him

    • Anonymous

      I’m uh, 14 and a 23 year old and I really like each other. We’ve been good friends for a while now and I recently confessed, expecting her to be weirded out and angry. Turns out she felt the same way. I’m really into her and so is she, but we aren’t sure if it’ll work because of the age gap. I’ve never been attracted to someone that much older than me, but I look and sound old for my age so I’m often hit on by 19+
      Should we go for it?

      • Anonymous

        14 and 23. You need to wait. I doesn’t matter when an adult. Honestly he’s too old for you right now

    • Anonymous

      Read all these wonderful cases where people have met their partners who may keep them in a good state. Whereas in my case my GF is 4 years older than me and she is damm gud in all aspects. Most of the things are really good bwt us but something is missing, I don’t know what, I am unable to talk about this, I just act like everything is okay[Acting Mature…which isnt true]. If anybody can help or understands this situation please let me know…

    • Anonymous

      Im 16, and am dating a 43 year old man. And i think he is amazing

    • Danielle Mackall

      Well im 26 year old and i date a 22 year old guy that im in love with any advice

    • Paula Lujan

      Wow true. 27 dating 23 year old and I swear in my life I never met a man more honest and respectful adn with his sh#$* so together with a drive that’s insane and we have a really strong connection but the age Gap… It doesn’t bother me but my mind keeps bringing it up like I’m doing something wrong…. As u said if I was a man nobody would even care… I wonder if stereotypes are what is bothering me right now…

    • GG

      I’m 66 and he is 32 and handsome and has the reputation of being promiscuous although he has a live in girlfriend X 10 years. I came on to hard and wanted just a fling but it has lasted over a year. During that time I’ve been his sugar momma spending in excess of $8000+ dollars. Now I feel like an old fool but I feel stuck. I don’t trust him but I keep holding on hoping he will finally truly care for me. I’m such a fool…

    • Very happy in love

      I am 51 about to be 52 and my boyfriend is 39 about to be 40 and Our relationship is the best ,he is my best friend and the love of my life I’ve never been more happier ,we are about to get married next year! He’s the sexiest most handsome man and sweetest man I’ve ever met! So I see no problem with datingA younger man

    • Teresa Lynn Baker

      I am 56 and my boyfriend is 39.

  2. Diana

    I actually have the opposite situation: my boyfriend is 12 years older than me. Some people find that really weird, and his friends joked that he was robbing the cradle, but to me, there's nothing wrong with it. I'd rather be with a guy that's already dealt with all the immaturity that tends to go with the college years. We love each other, and we fit together well, so why should age matter?

  3. Lorra Fae

    When I was 27 I dated an 18 year old. It was one of the most delusional things I've ever attempted. Mostly torturous, but I think that had more to do with his personality than his age.
    BUT, I do talk to him lately and he has grown up a lot, though this might be because he had a kid when he was 20.
    Anyway, I don't recommend dating anyone significantly younger than yourself if you are still pretty young. Then again, there's always exceptions.
    I'm dating someone 8 years older than me now and he's the most immature guy I've ever dated (but it's charming).

    • Jessica

      Hi Lorra

      I am dating a 19 year old, his in high school, which I finished 8years ago. Im 27 by the way. I love his adventure attitude. We have fun together and its magic. Its cute how his there to see me every day, you know.

      • Hayley

        Love it!! Oh you are so lucky! I think it’s time we women rejoice in the love we receive instead of being made to feel ashamed.

    • Anonymous

      I'm currently dating an 18 year old and I have just turned 27, we are the best of friends and were for a while before dating. He is very mature for his age and we have so much fun together and it is so much easier being with him than anyone from my past. All our friends and my family are so happy for us which is great and never bring up the age gap.
      My only issue is his wanting me to meet his parents obviously but they don't know how old i am and if they did they would flip it so he doesn't want them to find out until after I meet them. I'm not sure how to feel about that because when we're together everything is perfect but now in the back of my mind constantly is his parents disapproval :/

      • Harshala

        When you both are comfortable with each other & love each other that is all what you need. His parents will also accept you is because they will see their son happy with you.

        • Sega

          I’m 32 an he’s 26

  4. Monster Girl

    The last guy I was with was 19, I was 21. Now I'm 22 and sort of dating another 19 year old. I definitely do not have a type, i just keep finding great guys…and then finding out their age! It's a bit of an issue but it's definitely no deal-breaker for me, although my last boyfriend completely shattered my heart and I think if he'd had a couple of years maturity and perspective under his belt we could have worked things out, which hurts like hell. Guys this age have all the qualities of any other guy but even more negative junk than usual – there IS a maturity gap, and even the most mature guy is still going to be "developing" if he's still a teenager especially. Also, it is crazy hard finding a young guy that can handle the serious stuff an older girl is thinking about or concerned with, and I don't just mean kids and marriage, I mean the value of having a job, the value of moving out and independence, saving, etc. Be careful, girls.

  5. Laura

    I'm 30, my boyfriend is 24. It's awesome. He is, by far, the most romantic, spontaneous man I've ever dated. He's also very unselfish and thoughtful of others.
    A lot of those things have nothing to do with age, just the kind of character that he has. And if be dating him makes me a cougar or a cradle robber, or whatever, it's totally worth it.

    • Anonymous

      absoulelty love it 🙂

    • Anonymous

      We on the same boat -)

    • Anonymous

      thats me right there…just found out that my new bf is five years younger than me.he told me this last night,was shockd bt thn now im fine with it coz i loved him,n his personality.loved everything abt his age shocked me but nothing hav changed.still love him

    • Anonymous

      I am 31 years old and my boyfriend is 23, I think by far he has been an amazing experience. He has an open mind and a huge heart. At first I was hesitant, but now I realized it was the best thing that ever happened to me. In the end as long as you are happy that is all that matters (:

    • Anonymous

      I'm 31 with a 25 yr old boyfriend I swear he runs circles around 40 yr olds I've dated and makes my 33 yr old ex husband look like I married a toddler! I look at him sometimes and when I think about it age I literally see where I could have easily gotten In my own if I let age matter. So if I'm a craddle robber I plead guilty! And if I'm a cougar by golly hear me roar! Rrrrrraaaaaaawww

      • Anonymous

        I love this! I’m currently 32 and my beautiful man is 25. I met him just over two years ago when my marriage was falling apart and he was so supportive and kind even before my separation and the beginning of our relationship (which I never thought I’d ever want again since my ex husband broke my heart) and he made me believe in the truest of loves because he loves me at my most joyful and saddest moments. This relationship is exactly what my marriage wasn’t. There’s so much love, honesty and friendship now. My beautiful man has so much maturity and understanding about him. He amazes me.

        • Estina

          This is awesome. I must admit I have been battling my own demons in my head over this very subject. I have always had issue with age gaps and because of the type of person I am I always looked to my parents who are 1year apart. I always wanted what they had. Plus I have a younger brother who is 7 year younger than me, so I was always aware about dating younger would make me meet someone my brothers age. I have always made such a big deal out of this sort of situation. However when u have been single since your late 20s (26 2 Months b4 my 27th Birthday) you start to question things.
          I have met a 25 year old guy online dating who seems so lovely we have heaps in common, we make each other laugh, but I’m worried. I can’t get my head around the fact that he wants to date me 32 soon to be 33 year old when he could get any 25-19 year old hard body.
          Guys my own age don’t seem to be interested in me, nonsense about me being far to independent and making them not feel like a man.
          I have the added pressure of my friends and family wondering if I will ever find someone as apparently time is running out for me.
          I’m not sure if I should give him ago or not.
          God I’m driving myself crazy.

        • lindz

          i am 32 years old any my bf is just 24 i met him a year ago ,when i was dating my ex of 6yrs abusive relationship.i finally broke up from the torture and started dating him. he was so close like my best friend we share alot of ideas and secret together. he is so romantic and koving untill he starting abusing me and hitting me now i am so sad because when ever he is angry he threatens to kill me..when ever he feels jealous like i am cheating on him he goes angry,when he is angry he goes voilent and punch me.. what do i do?!?

        • Joe

          I’m 15 and a 33 year old likes me

          • Anonymous

            That’s illegal Joe! Not to mention immoral! I suggest you run, keep running and don’t look back! Should know better! You are a minor, so far too young!

          • Anonymous

            * Should read “she should know better” by the way

    • Anonymous

      I am in a relationship with a 28 year old man and I am….. wellllll lets just say I'm more of a jaguar. I believe that age does not really matter. We compliment each other and have a true love for each other.
      We are both very open minded with our age and cultural differences and we seem to find a way to embrace that. The love that we have developed for each other is a true life experience and I am thankful we have been brought into each others lives.
      In my opinion sharing a relationship with a compatible partner is not be determined by the age. My man and I are blessed to have each other in so many different ways. We just work through things and learn from each other.
      I enjoyed reading all of your posts. I wish all of you couples happiness, we all deserve it:)
      I love my Mufasa and am thankful for him everyday. Love is a beautiful thing no matter what the age difference is.

      • Deborah

        I totally agree. Our love for one another is so awesome. Hard to believe that two people can actually love each other. We both are truly blessed and grateful and thankful for this wonderful relationship.

      • Sylvie

        I have been seeing a 30 yr old man, he makes me feel young, I have realized I am in love with him, he has told me he has loved me since we first met, on tuesday, last time we saw each other he asked me to marry him, I have been a widow for the past 2 yrs, that marriage was 30 yrs, he was 6 yrs older then me, I told him I love him too, but won’t get married without an engagement ring, he said he would buy one for me, but the next day he said he was joking about marrying me, and he still wants to have sex with other women. I am very confused, I dropped off his coat yesterday while going to work and he asked me where his hug and kiss was, so I gave him a kiss and hug. I now know his address he still lives at home, he says he is scared to commit to me because of our age difference, and he knows his mother and father would disapprove of our relationship. Am I being an idiot to continue this romance, or just enjoy it as long as I can?

    • Anonymous

      This is fantastic! It's so great to know there are other women out there in the same position as me and the happiness and success in the relationships makes me confirm that it can work out 🙂 I am 27 and my man is 18 I call him a man because I forget sometimes how much younger he is lol he is the most amazing guy I have ever met let alone been with 🙂 he is my best friend and I couldn't have dreamed of being happier.

      How did some of you go when meeting the parents and them finding out your age?? I haven't met his parents yet so I'm not sure how to approach the age situation.

      • Anonymous

        I am 28 dating a 20 year old. I was nervous to meet his family, but they were so wonderful and accepting. They said they didn’t care about the age difference at all! My family on the other hand, still arnt completely okay with it. But I think they will come around eventually.

      • Daisy

        Well I already knew his parents because my dad and his dad were friends. His mum worked at the same company as my dad. So more or less like a family friend. I had been abused by my ex and he had an ex that was too high maintenance. I prefered a guy 10 yeard older than me but since he is so mature, taking over his dad’s property business and he wanted to get married young, his age wasnt an issue. He was 21 when we dated and I was 26. He is now 26 and I’m 31 and have been married for two years. I knew him since I was 21 so I knew fairly well what he was like but disnt act up on it cos of his age. I kinda dated a guy 11 years older than me while he liked me but he was such a show off and I felt like I was his property than his SO so I started dating my toyboy lol.

    • Anonymous

      I just met my boyfriends mom n dad . My boyfriend is 19 and I'm 24 . They both told me I don't care if you're older than him.. She was more interested on my intentions with her son and if I was planning to be with him for the rest of my life or if I was just using him for a while. It was an awkward moment but I didn't panic. I answered and she responded by hugging me and now she calls me daughter in law and includes me in everything they do on holidays .. Don't worry just be yourself. Just let them know how much you love their son or daughter and that you wouldn't do anything to hurt them ever.

      • Feel like grandma

        I just went out with a 54 year old man, and I’m 65 and really don’t know how to handle it. He doesn’t look younger Than me, but It still is bothering me, we haven’t been in time to yet just a kiss, but I haven’t been in a relationship in a long time and this scares me. Should I pursue it. He wants another date. Am I too old for him.

    • Hayley

      I’m 26 and I’m hooked on a 21 year old. I’m glad I’m not the only one!

    • Hannah

      Hi Laura,

      Out of curiosity, did that relationship work? It’s been some time. My reason asking is bc I am 26 and my boyfriend is 20, almost 21.


      I am 34 and my boyfriend is 24. Yeah, that’s a 10 year age gap. We were on a date when he told me how old he was and my face turned white. I thought the relationship was over. He very maturely talked about it being something to consider, but not a reason to end the date. Months later, I am still not okay with him being so much younger. Though we look the same age (mid to late-20ies), his family has happily accepted me and expects us to start a family of our own soon, he gives my 30 year old friends good life advise (he has such a good head on his shoulders), he is more mature than all of my friends (who are mature), has a great job, gives me great career advise, my boss loves him, is extremely intelligent, amazing to have as a friend, amazing to have as a boyfriend, I am 100% in, then I think about his age–ick. I hate that it is weird for me. I just don’t want to hurt him. And as an attractive blond who has always looked innocent and very young for my age I have come into contact with some very unsavory older men. I feel like there must be something wrong with me that now I’m dating someone younger–like I am one of those creepy older men who tried to take advantage of me. While that is certainly not the case with me and my fella, the age thing does feel weird for me. Does anyone else feel so lucky to have met ‘the one’ only to feel sightly weird that ‘the one’ is half your age + 7 years? He even knows the same childhood things I do like Doug and Mr. Rogers. We definitely have watched Mr. Rogers videos together and cried–my guy is the best. We are a lovely match. Everyone says we are a good looking couple too. He accepts me completely. What is wrong with me? Why does that one thing bother me? Anyone feel the same way?

      • Tray

        Hey, I’m 49 and my BF is 26 – we’ve been together for 4 years; we’ve definitely had our ups and downs but i say honestly this is the best relationship I’ve ever had. I live day by day and and I’m so glad
        I took the chance to get to know and love this wonderful young man 🙂

        • Queenie7

          Good on you as long as you make each other happy

        • Shy older lady

          I am 40 and was approached a few months ago by a gorgeous guy. The way that he approached me was unconventional but cute nevertheless. He started off boldly but became anxious when I suggested meeting up away from his place of work. To cut a long story short I found that he’s just 28. I have feelings for him but I have been single for many years so I am unsure of whether this can work. He is very respectful and well spoken and also ambitious. He doesn’t know my age and I am scared of his reaction when he finds out. I don’t want a fling as at this stage of my life as I want to settle down. I am going to have a heart to heart with before Christmas. If we are on the same page then I guess it’s worth it to try and make a go of it. I have found great comfort in the posts on here.

        • Erika

          Did you have to have the kid talk? I’m 36 and the guy who is interested in me is 28. I have three kids, two of which are teenagers and I am definitely not wanting anymore. I feel like if we were to start something and it last that I’d be robbing him of being a father… it’s so hard because we get on so we’ll, he’s gorgeous and funny but that’s the one thing holding me back because I don’t want to get my heart broken when I have to let him go if he wants to be a dad.

    • Hayley

      How fantastic!! Good for you

    • Amanda


  6. Chrissy

    When I got back into dating I found I attracted much younger… I was 50 at the time and never ever looked my age.. At 50 I was told countless times I could pass for late 30's. And I guess it was true since a 35 yr. old pursued me… believe me I questioned him 'why' and he even said he had at one time a gf my age and it worked out except distance became a factor and not the age. I've also dated men in their 40's… But the fact is, they are younger both physically and mentally… Sure its nice to be seen w/a younger good looking man..I don't think we ever got double looks or raised eyebrows.. Fact remains, they are fun, but not at all serious when it comes to having a serious relationship… The ones I met were just into having fun, a few couldn't even discuss something serious….I just wish I could find someone my age and those are the ones thinking 20-30 somethings want them… What 20-30 something woman would want a man in their 50's? I wouldn't. It would be like dating my Dad.

    • Anonymous

      Love the story I'm 43 I have 33 year old that keeps trying to get my attention I'm so scared…..I think I'm m ore worried what people think…he is a great guy…

    • Anonymous

      Well, I'm 50 yo FM, married with 2 grown sons. I have been married for 30 years and I was approached by a very intelligent young 37 yr old male. It took a while but we have been seeing each other for 1 year. We just got intimate w/each other. I have known him all his life. I think it happened b/c I hit a low part in the marriage. A cheating spouse w/numerous women. This was my first engagement w/another . I like it because we do things that I have never done before and I LOVE It.

    • Anonymous

      Well, I'm 53 and he's 41.I ignored his advanced for a year and a half.Finally, after being approached by only 40 year old's I decided to answer his call..One week in…so far so good. I'm still a little shaky about this but these posts are really helping me out 🙂

    • Anonymous

      I'm 43 and my guy is 27 .we get along well.i finally love him ..we talked , unmindful of the time..

      • Anonymous

        I’m 49 and I have a 24 year old Latino man pursuing me.
        He wouldn’t give up.
        I finally gave in and I’ll tell you what…
        Not only the best sex I have ever had, but he is very attentive and makes sure I am happy.
        He is also a sweetheart and doesn’t speak a word of English. But we converse via translator on our mobile devices.
        Younger men are always ready and are up to anything you desire.
        Anyone who thinks it’s wrong are just haters because they can’t get a younger man.
        And I also don’t think older men that date younger women are dirty.
        As long as they are of age and consenting adults.
        What goes on behind closed doors and its not adults with underage children, then No Problem.

        • Hayley

          So happy for you! I am divorced from a negligent abusive man my age and you have the kind of relationship I have been craving all my life… to be absolutely adored. I was a virgin when I ex-husband and he still denigrated me and made me feel ashamed for having kissed a few other men, even though my first kiss was at 25. He made feel ugly and worthless. Finally managed to free myself from him & divorced. Took 2 yrs to feel ready to date and getting sooo much attention!! I never realized I was this pretty. And guess what? suddenly ex proclaims his undying love for me & insists I take him back! He’s giving me hell. No way I’ll go back. Now I am 45 and want to date gorgeous young men I missed out on in my youth!

    • Anonymous

      I'm going through something similar. I've just turned 43 and seeing a gorgeous 27 year old. Its all fairly new and we are now intimate also for the past couple of weeks. Unsure if it will lead to anything more than just fun so i am trying to embrace the moments and make happy memories and see where this leads…

      • Hayley

        Wonderful! Enjoy the love and attention.

    • Jim

      Chrissy, age means nothing. After both parties are 18 years old, its no ones business what they do. More and more we see much older men and women marrying younger, and its great! A close friend just married a woman 19 years older and they both are in dreamland! To him, she is the most beautiful woman in the world and is everything he ever wanted. She at 53 still has a strong sexual desire and he is thrilled with her abilities in that department. She is one pampered wife!

  7. molly YEH!

    i have a few friends who date younger guys, and their relationships seem to be so healthy. one of the reasons is that those guys WORSHIP those girls like they're queens. It's fabulous. Everyone should do it.

  8. Vikki

    Oh Sarah and the lovely Lady Smaggle, there I was debating whether new love interest (just entered stage right) was in fact two young (6 years younger than me 26) and you guys come along & write a post on it! The outcome of said discussions in my head, I'm not gonna rule it out but I think we may need to get to know each other a little better first. ohh excitement 🙂

  9. Sarah Von Bargen

    Vikki! Dooooo it! My current Gentleman Caller is five years older than me, but I almost always date younger. It's fun!

  10. Vanessa

    Great advice! I've never dated a significantly younger guy– though all my boyfriends have been slightly younger. The awesome man in my life right now is about 6 months my junior.

  11. Clare

    I've only ever dated guys who are a bit older than me, but honestly I kind of think these are great tips for ANY relationship with ANY guy (or girl, to be honest)!

  12. Shaye

    I accidentally went on a date with a 20-year-old when I was 28. (Accidentally because I, um, didn't realize it was a date? He was 20 and not so good at being straightforward.) (Also my mom swore up at down he was at least 23.) Then I realized that my dad was his fourth grade teacher. When I was a senior in high school.

    I have never felt like such a perv!

  13. Raquel

    I always date older men, but that's mainly because I'm 19, and teenage boys are icky lol. I've had two boyfriends, one was 3 years older than me, and the other one was 2 years older. I was always the more mature one. Sigh. I really want to date an older man – like a 25 or 26 year old. Maybe when I'm older I'll get me a boy toy =)

  14. Anonymous

    I've never dated a younger guy. I usually go for someone a few years older. It was interesting to read about though! And props to you ladies 🙂

    My fiance is 5 years older than I am (31 & 26) and the age difference is totally not an issue! The man I dated before him was 4 years older than I am. I think the biggest issue in age differences is life experiences. Both my fiance and I are divorced so we understand a lot much about each other and what we've been through. The guy I dated before him had never been married and I just felt like he had no idea where I was coming from sometimes!

  15. sheena may is...

    my boyfriend of almost three years is 4 years younger than me.

    at times, its trying because i realize how much younger 4 years can make someone.

    but at others, its pretty amazing. and i don't know what i'd do without him. he makes life more fun and has definitely brought back part of my life i missed out on.

  16. Vampires and Tofu

    I've been with my boyfriend for a year and a half…he's 26 and I am 41 =) The age difference does present its own set of challenges but so far nothing we haven't been able to work out =)

    (But DAMN, younger men DO sleep a lot!!)

    • Anonymous

      A 23 year old asked me out and I'm 45 I said yes and now I'm freaking out!! Help!! Lol

    • Anonymous

      A 23 yea old asked me out and I'm 45 I said yes and now im freaking out!! help

    • Anonymous

      My best mate and I started dating the other day I'm 29 he's 20 I'm freaking out a little

      • Anonymous

        U are not 30 and I’m completely attracted to younger guys they just soo cute

  17. Laura

    I've dated guys up to 5 years younger than me and one guy who was 10 years older. I don't think I'd go any more than 10 years older or 5 years younger, but within that range I don't think age really matters. Older than that and I start to feel weird, like I'm dating my dad or something… and more than 5 years younger makes me worry about having kids while I'm still, *ahem* in the age range where it's feasible.

    But it's probably not an issue anyway. I'm 30 and my current boyfriend is 26. And I'd like to think I'm going to marry this one 🙂

  18. Sahi

    I've been together for 15 years now, with my boyfriend who is 8 years older than I am.

  19. balancejoyanddelicias

    I dated a man of 24 when I'm 29. It was such a fun experience 🙂 Surprisingly we don't feel the 5 years age difference at all, probably because he's quite mature for his age. But the fun part is that a young man is so fresh and so energetic!

  20. Sara

    My darling husband is 5 years younger than I am. We started dating when he was 22 and I was 27. 3 years later and we've been married for a year.

    I do agree, DON'T rush things. Think back to when you were that age. It's difficult sometimes to see him going through some of the hard lessons that I had to go through at that age. But I can't learn those lessons for him.

    And can I say, I HATE it when people find out that he's 5 years younger and automatically say "ooooh, you're a cougar!" Please stop. That term feels derogatory to me. There is nothing wrong or gross or manipulative about dating a younger man. Most of the time I forget our age difference even exists.

    He's fun, he loves me, I've never been with a more devoted man or someone who encourages me to be my best more than him.

    • Anonymous

      Hi sara, I'm 24 and he's 19 the BEST freaking relationship I've been in. I've dated 2, 3 years older than me but it turned out to be hell. This guy has everything I could ask for in a companion. The scary part now is he's feeling lost, feeling like he doesn't knw who he is anymore. He wants to be with me. He says its nothing that im doing he just doesn't know where he's going. Did you ever deal with this with your guy. I try not to nag but I have asked question just to get a abetter understanding of where he's at, where were at. He shows affection, love, we laugh and play but then he shifts back into his mood. I was told to support him because although he doesn't say it. He needs support. I give him space I just dnt know how to deal sometimes. Seeing how you've married someone 5 years younger I just want to know ur take on it. Yes we have talked about a future but that's something we don't focus on because were still getting ourselves together…but the want is there……..

    • Anonymous

      Hi…I'm 24 and my boyfriend is 19 felt really weird to me, because Ive always been with elder guys, I'm kind of needy and childlike myself, but we get along so well that its crazy. I let him call the shots in the relationship because I want him to feel entitled, not like he's my boytoy, or someone he has to listen to and obey just because I'm older and …well I was crying about Kurt Cobain dying when the year he was born. He's younger than my baby brother but it doesn't feel like that when we're together. If your guy is feeling lost then with your experience, just guide him. Teenagers are really tricky, I mean sometimes I actually feel protective of him as if I'm his mom or something because the kid in him pops up. But I know he'll mature up eventually and become a great man, and I can't wait to be with him then. Its a lot of waiting, because where I come from, women who don't get married before 25 are considered 'old', but obv i have to make concessions for his age which I do happily. He's all the man I need when we're together and alone, but sometimes when he's messing around with me saying stuff like, "I can't decide whether I like your boobs or my xbox better" makes me think, that well…I need patience.

  21. Kate [lone+starr]

    Opposingly, I'm am currently in a relationship with a wonderful man who is 10 years old than I. We are doing marvelously. Even though I'm 19 and he is 28, our personalities mesh perfectly, and although others (including close family and friends) tend to frown down upon the rather large age gap, I am not ashamed in the least. :]
    I find that the years between us create a balance in our relationship. He has the opportunity to show me new things, share knowledge and stories, and encourage me in my decisions, while I'm able to bring him back to the fun side of life, spontaneity, and remind him that it's okay to be an idiot sometimes. Our relationship is mature, stable and completely amazing.

  22. Anonymous

    I currently am 28, and I have it bad for a 22 year old. We were friends 1st but I don't know if he's ready for what I'm ready for. The sex is out of this world he's in my top 3; ) I've also dated a man 9yrs older than me (I was 18, he was 27) and it lasted 4 yes but I usually am not attracted to older men.

  23. Anonymous

    I'm just curious as to whether this is weird, so bare with me, yeah?
    I'm 16, 17 in about 3ish months.
    He's 14, fifteen in just under a month.
    He's ridiculously mature for his age, and he is absolutely gorgeous. I know that the age gap seems big now, because we're in high school but honestly, he's taller than me, he's well spoken, he has manners that are out of this world, he's genius smart and he doesnt really LOOK a year and almost ten months younger.
    But some people think it's weird..
    What do you think?

    • Anonymous

      go for it! why not? if there's no one else you'd rather be with (and this guy sounds great), would you really give up this wonderful life experience because of less than 2 years?

    • Anonymous

      Go for it! Not a big deal… promise!

      • tiffany

        Im in the same boat, I have a really good guy friend of mine who is 2 years younger then me and I really like him and he’s admitted he likes me he’s 16 im 18. It feels so weird tho. Should I go for it or no?

  24. Anonymous

    I am thirty-three and am starting to go out with a twenty year old (I know it barely makes a difference, but he is turning twenty-one a month from now). It wasn't planned. We didn't even know how old the other one was in the beginning. There was just mutual attraction and chemistry.

    • Anonymous

      Wow same age difference

    • Unknown

      Same here, i am 32 and my guy is 20. It was a fling that felt like i'd met my soulmate but of course reality hit us hard and we ended up pregnant. Now im at a crossroad because my guy doesnt want to keep it but i feel this baby deserves a life no matter the circumstances, we are now not a couple so hes really pushing abortion but im not with it i know it will be a struggle but my gut is telling me to go for it and everything will be ok

  25. Anonymous

    Hi, am 42 years old, and he is 34. I do feel the age difference, what I mean sometimes I feel much more mature than him. However, we're having wonderful time together. And yes, I do think back when I was in my 30's, would I be into a serious relationship? Probably not! So I really each and every minute I spend with him.

  26. Anonymous

    I've just got involved with a 20 year old I'm 32 things are Fab he looks older and I'm told I look younger. After years of dating older men I've finally met my match

    • Hayley

      Congratulations, I love hearing stories like this.

      • Tray

        Hey, I’m 49 and my BF is 26 – we’ve been together for 4 years; we’ve definitely had our ups and downs but i say honestly this is the best relationship I’ve ever had. I live day by day and and I’m so glad
        I took the chance to get to know and love this wonderful young man 🙂

        • belinda foster

          Hello I have some questions for you.
          I have a 26 who is totally infatuated with me and I’m 50. But I’m so attracted to him.
          But I feel like its wrong…how can I get over that or can I


  27. Anonymous

    I'm dating a boy who is two years younger than me, sometimes he is immature, but at the same time, he is so fun to be with! Older men sometimes tend to be boring. But a problem with my guy is he won't make out with me! Any suggestions?

  28. Anonymous

    I feel like I am the weirdest 20 something year old woman in the world, I'm 23 and I'm ALWAYS attracted to guys who're 2-4 years younger than I am. My current boyfriend is 19 but he's turning 20 next month. I think the reason why I'm feeling attracted to younger men is the fact that I'm going through quarter life crisis, it's started when I was only 22. ;/

  29. Anonymous

    Hi – Im 53, my guy is 35,I dont look my age at all, he thought I was way younger. Im also very youthfull, and look after myself, with a fun persanality. Its been about a year now, so far its great, he is very serious about our relationship, and we never talk about our age difference. – I have had a relationship before for 8 years live in, and he was 12 years younger, we only brook up cause he was a heavy drinker, and caused a lot of problems, not because of age diff. but now 18 years gap. My Sons think he is 39, Im scared to tell them he is 35. Any Comments. Tks.

  30. Anonymous

    I'm really glad to find this blog with everyone's comments. I met a wonderful guy who is extremely smart, same sense of humour, is better travelled than I am, and has a number of other commonalities between us. My reservation was that I am 29 in a month and he is 24 and not turning 25 for a while.

    I had pondered, mulled, agonized and deliberated over whether to pursue it. But he ended up 'making a move' and I am now really happy. The age difference was my ONLY reservation. If he'd been 34 I wouldn't have hesitated at all. Which when you think about it is a pretty silly way of thinking about dating.

    I've decided I'm going to focus on the awesome person that he is and how much I enjoy his company. Not on his age (as much as humanly possible anyway).

  31. Anonymous

    I'm 26 and dating a 19 yr old guy who absolutely worships me! Since the world is still so new to him it's fun to take him around and explore old places that I felt excited to go to when I was that age. He reminds me of my crazy fun tenacious self and even brings it out of me! Us ladies get so caught up paying our bills and performing well at work, we forget to just have crazy stupid fun!! I suggest you all go get a younger man that hasn't been soured by life's cruel ways! Not to be blunt either but did you all forget that men peak sexually at 18-19!!!! OMG!! Best sex of my life!!!

  32. Anonymous

    I'm 24 and he's 19 the BEST freaking relationship I've been in. I've dated 2, 3 years older than me but it turned out to be hell. This guy has everything I could ask for in a companion. The scary part now is he's feeling lost, feeling like he doesn't knw who he is anymore. He wants to be with me. He says its nothing that im doing he just doesn't know where he's going. Did you ever deal with this with your guy. I try not to nag but I have asked question just to get a abetter understanding of where he's at, where were at. He shows affection, love, we laugh and play but then he shifts back into his mood. I was told to support him because although he doesn't say it. He needs support. I give him space I just dnt know how to deal sometimes. Seeing how you've married someone 5 years younger I just want to know ur take on it. Yes we have talked about a future but that's something we don't focus on because were still getting ourselves together…but the want is there……..

  33. Anonymous

    I'm 50, and I've been seeing a 28 year old man for a month now. This is not a commitment kind of relationship, and the freedom that comes from being with someone just for fun is exhilarating! His boyish enthusiasm is like a breath of fresh air for me, and he enjoys my level of experience. Our honesty is of a level I never have experienced with other lovers- no secrets whatsoever. I know that what we have can't last forever, but it sure as hell is fun right now so I plan on going for it until it runs its course. Woohoo!

    • Anonymous

      Why can’t it last forever ?

      • Tray

        Nothing last forever 😉

    • Sylvie

      Nice to hear your comment, I am having sex with a 30 yr old, I am almost54, he makes me feel young again, he keeps telling me he loves me I finally told him I love him, but he still wants to have sex with other women, he holds my hand kisses me, and hugs me in public. He keeps thinking about in the future when he is a certain age and me being 23 yrs older. I want to keep seeing him, but the other women scare me. Can u give me any suggestions

  34. Anonymous

    I'm 23 and I'm currently dating a guy who's 18. Much like some of the positive stories on here, we have a great relationship so far. He's selfless, kind, thoughtful, supportive, and mature. Age does not determine your level of love anymore than going to a supermarket with no money will buy you groceries.

  35. Anonymous

    I'm 23 to turn 24 next month, and I'm starting to date a boy who will turn 17 this year. I really don't know what to do, I'm REALLY happy when I'm with him, he makes me feel good, and he is also happy with me, but the fact that he's still underage makes me feel so bad. What should I do?

  36. Anonymous

    Anonymous, there's nothing particularly outrageous about what you're saying and it sounds like you should just discretely see how it goes. But if it's making you feel uncomfortable then step back from it. It's not an incredible age difference, to be honest.

    I'm a 29 year-old woman, and I just started dating a 25 year-old. I've never dated anyone younger than me, but I have to say it makes a refreshing change. He is so respectful of all of the achievements I have, sweet and very loving…he also talks me up so much to his friends as though I'm a princess (I like to think it's not just because I'm older and have done more, but still…). Definitely pro dating younger. Men my age don't seem to know what they want, don't recognise what's good when they have it, or have too many hang-ups to unpack without losing your mind a little in the process!

    Yeah younger men!

    • Anonymous

      I totally agree with you!, if age is bothering you then you can always make the age discreet. Like my bf is 6 years younger than me but he looks older than me cause of our difference race.

      I agree that older men now a days don't know what they want in life or they have way to much problems to bring with them. My bf knows exactly what he wants in life and how to achieve his goals.

  37. Anonymous

    Hi well I am not married or anything I just am beginning to date a guy 3 years younger than me I'm 17 and he's 14 so is this bad?? I don't know how this happened it just did he treats me differently than any guy I've dated and trust me they were my age or even older. Can anybody give me an advise? Btw my parents won't agree with this relationship pleas reapond…

  38. Anonymous

    I don't age, at all, it is like science fiction. Everyone who meets me believes I am 18 and so when I tell them I am 28 I am laughed at, called a "liar", and told "no, you are 18". So I stopped trying to be honest about my age about a year ago and everything goes smoothly…

    until now. So he is 18 and he thinks I am 18. I am 28….. I am seriously thinking about writing a book about the whole thing

  39. Anonymous

    I'm much older than the ladies who have posted here, but here we go. I'm 55, though I don't look it. My 27 year old son was married in New Orleans, LA in September of last year. He had one groomsman who I didn't know, and before we knew who each other was, we hit it off.

    There was plenty of sexual tension and then I learned he was a groomsman and he found out I was his best friend's mom. Oh, dear! Long story short, we had an AMAZING affair. He is still in my life, and I love him dearly. We are excellent friends — good, good friends — but I'm a realist.

    When he asked me if I'd consider marriage, I had to tell him no, but not because I don't love him. I said no because I DO love him. Our 25 year difference might not matter now, but 20 years from now it would be a huge deal, and I could not do that to him. We do love each other, and speaking for myself, I will always love him.

    I love this man so much, and vice versa, that when I told him I wanted to write a book about our affair he was all for it. I'm writing what I call a trovel — it's a novel with more truth than fiction. The title is The Groomsman and I'm at about 300 pages now. It's my testament of the greatest love I've ever felt for anyone other than my son and daughter. It was awesome, fun, exhilarating and yes, taboo to have such a younger lover and it's priceless to have such a great friend.

    • Anonymous

      Wow! I am dating a 23 yr old and I am 53. He looks older and I look younger so we "shave 10 yrs off both ends and end up with only a 10- yr age difference. LOL! I teach Ashtanga Yoga and he is a Break Dancer. We met dancing 6 months ago. He took my hand, I followed and we danced for 3 hours STRAIGHT! NEVER planned to see him again. He tried to see me for two months and I finally gave in. I knew I would have no will power the chemistry was so great. Now 4 months into it he wants to marry me, move in together, be together "forever."
      I feel I should end it cuz I should know better but I find myself pondering to see if there is any possible way this could work. I plan to live and work until I am 102 plus and if he lasts to 82??? I know I am crazy… Someone needs to help me. I feel so much love. Honestly…


        Hi, I see you posted this back in 2013 . Are you still with this man . I am in the same boat as you with the same age difference . I was wondering how that is working out for you . I really love being with the person i am with but we get so much grief from some people about the age difference. I have to say it’s probably the best relationship I have had in so many years despite what people say but it does make that hard when we go out at times when people stare at us . I was wondering if we could talk maybe

    • Anonymous

      Wow. I have fallen in love with a 29 year old man and I'm a younger looking and minded 56 year old woman. We have so much fun together and have slept together for over a month every Saturday night. We have not had sex but I really want to. Any advice from anyone would be appreciated.

    • Anonymous

      Wow. I have fallen in love with a 29 year old man and I'm a younger looking and minded 56 year old woman. We have so much fun together and have slept together for over a month every Saturday night. We have not had sex but I really want to. Any advice from anyone would be appreciated. I am close with his family and don't want them to be disappointed in me but I really have become so attached to him. He is very mature for 29 and is loving and caring. I can't wait to see him again. We used to hang out one day a week now its getting like three nights a week. I want him with me every night. He has not pushed me to have sex but massages me and we cuddle like lovers. I think if I gave sex with him it will take us both to the next level but it could do the opposite. Scared to take that leap of faith but I'm going to.

  40. Anonymous

    I think in the end age doesn't really matter any more. I'm 22 and i'm in love with a 16 year old. 6 years difference it was a huge deal. younger guys have always been attracted to me. Now dating my bf who's of course 6 years younger than me, alot of people would question and compare. Were waiting till he gets into his 20's but for a young guy he's so much more mature than guys my age.

    He treats me well and is able to understand me. He is super stubborn and not exactly the most romantic guy but he does alot of sweet things to make up for it. He's the first guy that i can relax around. Guys that were older than me that went for me.. were extremely immature, couldn't handle problems, and made everything super complicated.

    I think over all don't let age stop you from getting someone that you truly love! Don't give up girls out there :]! you never know who you can end up with!

  41. Anonymous


    • Anonymous

      attracted** my bad typo

    • Anonymous

      Not bad at all!!!!

  42. Anonymous

    its not weird at all. guys are attracted to younger women and girls allllll the time and everyone totally accepts that. its totally normal 🙂

  43. Anonymous

    I am going out with a younger guy who is 43. I am 50. Everyone says I look much younger than my age which is good and I am not attracted to many older guys anyway.

    My problem is that the guy i am seeing thinks i am 45. im nervous about telling him i am actually 50 because i really do like him now.

    any ideas on how i should tell him ?? 🙂

    • Anonymous

      If he truly cares for you, it should not matter to him if your 45 or 50! Tell him your age, don't keep secrets at this point in your Relationship, honesty is the best policy!

  44. Anonymous

    Actually, I am not in a relationship right now, but I have a best friend that is PERFECT for me. We share common interests in almost every aspect of our lives, we constantly talk and joke, and he is soooooooooooooooo kind to me all the time. We also share extreme interest in sports and playing sports as well. I used to be CRAZY shy all the time, but he has showed me that it is okay to be fun sometimes. We are both Christians. The thing is, he is 20 and in college. I am 15 and going into the 10th grade. Sometimes I wonder if I should try to pursue a relationship with him or just continue to be best friends. I am pretty convinced that he is at least hinting that he has some interest in me, but that might just be because I want for him to be hinting at that.

    So, do you guys think he is too old for me? Do you think I should pursue him gradually over time until I am older and more sure of myself? Help please!!!

  45. Anonymous

    I am 28 and dating a 22 year old guy. We started off as friends and I've always enjoyed his company. Five months ago things took a different turn when he held my hand. I was at a really good place in my life and it hit a spot. I mean I think I was genuinely touched and that it wasn't at all out of despair or loneliness. From that moment on, we started spending a lot of time together. He is an earnest person, very committed to the relationship, and he more than adores me. The only problem though is that despite the fact that things are going extremely well between us, I have the deep conviction that it is bound to end. I find myself constantly mentally preparing myself for the ultimate break up. I would really love to believe in this, but the realist in me keeps shaking off all fantasies of a future together.

  46. Anonymous

    My story is a bit different. I blog and through my blogging I met a gentleman who could quite honestly be perfect for me. We have sent so many messages to each other and have video chatted on skype and since he lives about a four hour drive away, we've talked about making plans to visit. We have the same values and share a huge common interest in music, authors and art. He is respectful and calls me 'dear one' and picks up on my bad vibes and tries to talk me out of them. The only issue is that he is 19 and I'm 26. He's said that in no way does it bother him and that our shared values and connection mean more to him than my age ever will. He also looks slightly older than me, which is funny because I ALWAYS get mistaken for a 16 year old. I don't look my age at all. I hope we can meet one day soon and see what will happen. Also, "cradle robbing" runs in my family: my grandpa is 10 years older than my grandma (happily married for 51 years), my mom is 3 years older than my dad (together for 33 years and married for 30) and many of my cousins are dating or have dated much younger counterparts!

  47. Anonymous

    Here goes, I just turned 50 and tomorrow, I will be going out on a lunch date with a 31 year old, he's 19 years my junior! We both work in the same Building and for the past 5 to 6 months, we have been running into each other and chatting/talking! He started to casually hint that he would like to date an older woman as ladies his age want to get married and have children! Well he finally asked me out and tomorrow we are heading out for lunch! I do have to say that he is such a gentleman, very respectful, responsible, kind, etc! I have never met a guy like him before and I have dated in my own age range for the past 9 years, so I would be foolish to pass this up, he would be a wonderful catch! Wish me luck!!!

    • Anonymous

      dont be a slut

  48. Anonymous

    I am 22 he is 20 we've been together for nearly 5 years 🙂

    • Anonymous

      Was he ever embarassed of your age ? Im in the same boat .

  49. Anonymous

    I am in my first relationship with a younger guy. He is 22, I am 27. We started talking on an online dating site and hit off from there. We have quite a bit in common and he treats me so well. At first I wasn't feeling it because of the age difference and I usually go out with guys the same age as me or a couple of years older. I even told a few of my friends that he was 5 years younger than me and they say that's not bad. No one really feels anyway towards it. He never cared from the beginning and after people had told me that itd not a big deal I began not caring about it either. We are dating with the potencial of getting married eventually… God willing. There are somethings that drew me in connection with him, its that there is something abit sexy about dating a younger guy. O well, the point is too that we have the same goals and the same beliefs and the same respect for each other. Thank goodness that I look quite young–the other day I was told I looked 18 lol– ive been told I looked younger since I was 18 so its nothing to me but its got its benefits 😉 I don't think age should be the issue when it comes to love. You could date someone 2, 3, 5 to 10 years older than you and he can treat you like crap or be immature. As long as my man is legal, mature, has his stuff together and treats me like a woman is suppose to be treated, that's all that matters.

  50. Anonymous

    Im dating a 19 yr old im 41, im hiding this relationship i have a daughter his age don't know how my family will react to this! My kids like him they just think we good friends

    • Anonymous

      i am 41 and with a 17 year old he is very mature and looks 25 i alook like im 28 so most people say and no one believes me.i dont know how to tell my son who is 3 years younger.anyone with advice

    • Anonymous

      Is that legal in your state? That's all I would be concerned about.

  51. Anonymous

    My boyfriend is 26 and I'm 30 and I love his drive in anything he does! I was married to a 32 year old and we grew apart due to our relationship being so boring… My boyfriend makes me feel so special and important and gives me all the attention I want. He's truly understanding and appreciates me. I wouldn't have it any other way!

  52. Anonymous

    I'm 9years older than my bf (I'm 33) and he is the most amazing man I've ever dated. I'm his first official girlfriend and he's never dated someone for longer than a month. He is sweet kind and caring though after three months I feel like his interest may be waning (he used to.compliment my looks and outfits, etc, and stopped at momth two, also monthly anniversaries mean nothing to him). I am worried that as I become more attached he is becoming more disinterested. Also he doesn't know what he wants (e.g., a long-term relationship or just fun?), he is very loving and caring and calls me by all sorts of sweet terms of endearment, but he also says he can't predict how hell feel in a few months time. I now know that my feelings for him are very deep and I fear I'm getting attached to someone who is going to burn me (he may be gone for career training out of town for many months). I am confused and already feeling the heartbreak but I Dont know what to do…just reaching out on this thread because it seems like there's a lot of women in somewhat similar predicaments who may be able to lend some advice or perspective. Thanks in advance….I really appreciate it…:s

  53. Anonymous

    I just turned 21 and my amazing man is 19 (turning 20 in few months). We've been together for almost 2 years and I can tell I've never been and never will be this happy. Even though I've always thought that I would like to be with a man 3-8 years older than me, I've never have had the chance (God must know why). I've only dated 2 other guys, the first one was only few months my junior, and the other one 1 year older than me…… I can't even describe the way my guy makes me feel, he is just the sweetest man in the world. 99% of the time I forget about the age difference, and rarely, like tonight, I think about it. I took the time to read ALL of your stories and it is really heartwarming reading stuff like this. Like you, I've had my doubts, but honestly i can't imagine anything better than what i have.

    To those who are still undecided about it, i say GO FOR IT. There is nothing like someone with a young and adventurous spirit 🙂

    I'm happy I found this blog, I hope my story help you guys too!

  54. Anonymous

    I am almost 21 seeing a 49 year old woman.

    • Anonymous

      I'm 50 and my man is 22,.it was love at 1st site. We live together….he is a great man and provider. Our love is very strong.

      • Sylvie

        Awe that is a great story, I fell in love first site of my 30 yr old boytoy, he told me he loved me me the first date, I told him twice not to say that, but on tuesday I told him I love him, he says he still wants sex with other women, becacause he is scared of out age difference for the future, asked me to marry him, I told him no without a ring. He said he wants me to be his best friend if things don’t work out for us. I am scared to death

    • Anonymous

      Same situation been together for 3 yrs when we met at a mutual job he worked the kitchen later on became manager.. he had lied about age i had no clue he asked me out i knew he was young i was going through a divorce . Everyone my friends included said go have fun your beautiful age doesn’t matter.. fast forward i love him he loves me it has not been easy.. his family hates me my children still struggle i get sad sometimes i think am i being selfish for wanting him.. i believe he might want kids and i will not be able to do that.. he has treated me like no other man ever did the thought of us not being together makes me ill. We talk about it then both cling to each other for dear life.. day by day is how im taking it ..

  55. Anonymous

    I have just started going out with a 24-year-old man. I am a 31-year-old woman. We both have kids from previous relationships and neither of us wants more, so there won't be that issue. It's early days but I think he's a keeper. 🙂 The connection on every level is incredible! We both want a long-term commitment, and based on his demeanour and actions I believe he is emotionally capable of it. I am the happiest I've ever been!

  56. Anonymous

    I recently (about 2 months ago) started seeing/talking to a guy that is 7 years younger than me (he is 23 and I am 29). Its been so much fun, all we do is laugh and cut up; to me he is just perfection. The only thing that I find wrong with him is the fact that he cant be straight forward. However, I just worry that I am getting old, and I need to settle down, start having babies and such and he is in his prime… Just makes you think about things, I would give anything to be 5 years younger.

  57. Anonymous

    I love my 23 year old boyfriend. I am 31 and honestly I wouldn't change anything about our relationship. We were meant for each other. He makes me feel like I've never felt, a love no one could ever take. I love you always Matthew. 🙂

  58. Anonymous

    I have been seeing a French guy for two years, everything is perfect and very much in love. He is 26 and I am 41. We don't look any different in age. He has just decided to end the relationship as his strict french parents won't approve if we take it further. Are french parents really that draconian and are their children really that guided by them. He cried when he made the decision and said he will never forget me. It was all really sad. It would have been better if the relationship itself had run it's course

  59. Anonymous

    Im 23 and married to a man who is 21 and age has never been a issue for me as were both on the same path , however he has always had a mindset of fearing of being judged and cause I'm different cause of the age gap. Any advice and help?

    • Anonymous

      I wouldn't worry about that age gap. 2 years really isn't much and as you get older, it really won't matter at all!

  60. Anonymous

    I am 31 and my guy is 7 1/2 years younger. I met him a little over 4 years ago…and we have been through a very emotional relationship. I have no children and very much one day hope I will be blessed with at least one. We lived together for a year and I kept bringing up kids in a very subtle way every once in awhile, three times to be exact, and each time he would make me cry by his responses. We would break up get back together and break up then my sister found him on a dating website. I loved him soo much I didn't care. Then a day before our three year anniversary he dumped me through text saying he only had time for his kid and himself. I moved out that day before he got out of work. Fact was he was too young then and after a 7 month breakup with no contact he begged me back. That was the most brutal 7 months in my life. We got back together he said he wants kids with me and eventually marriage…but I suspect he is changing his mind again. :'( if I didn't want kids we would be happy. But I can't help my dreams of being a mom someday when he has a blessing of an awesome kid himself. I feel sad that he has the most important thing I might never have if I stay. I'm not getting any younger and the years are running by quicker. I think age does matter when younger they are still trying to figure out what they want in life they have all the time in the world to change their mind. I believe maybe once he is in his late 20's it may be different then but too late for me….older woman young men works for others and I'm super happy for all of you in that situation. It just doesn't work for me right now. Reading your stories though it comforts me knowing there are others that are older than their guys and are very happy. Maybe one day I will….with or without him.

  61. Anonymous

    Okay older chickies question: lol were any of you nervous about showing your older body to a hot young sexy guy?? Cuz I am!!

    • Anonymous

      most definately but he said my body was beautiful and im perfect.i am 41 and he is 17 and we are not finding any easy ways to tell my 15 year old that his friend and i are in a relationship. he sought me . i am worried about what others will say but he looks 25 and i am told i look 28 so i think it could work if my son can accept it but thats the hard part for me.

      • Raine

        I’m afraid to tell my 15 year old I’m dating a 19 year old! ?

  62. Anonymous

    Okay older chickies question: lol were any of you nervous about showing your older body to a hot young sexy guy?? Cuz I am!!

    • Anonymous

      No cause if you have a nice body u shouldn't. Be nervous n i really look young for 36 n my hubby 26 and is a good relationship we have n i dont have kids but we planning to …

  63. Ashley Robinson

    Question? I have started seeing and talking to a guy that is 20 and I'm 24 what should I do to keep him happy and in my life any advice?

  64. Anonymous

    Im 36 going to 37 and my hubby is 26 we been together for a year and 5 months he will be 27 on feb. And we are the best couple eventhough all relationship are not perfect,he is so jealous with me that he be accusing me of cheating n things i really dont look my age i look way younger than my age…

  65. Anonymous

    So I was quite relieved to read this article because for a few weeks now I have been struggling with this new relationship I am in. I'll start by saying I have only ever dated a younger guy once and even then the difference wasn't even a year. Other than that the men in my life have always been older than I am. My last relationship of 4 years was with a man 13 years older than me. Now I am dating a man 8 years younger. I am 28 he is 20! He is funny and smart, kind and caring. Basically he worships the ground I walk on and care for him very much! I feel terrible because I'm worried what people will think, especially his family. My family won't even notice because my sister in law is 10 years older than my brother. Does anyone have any advice for a woman new to dating younger men?

    • Anonymous

      yes use birth control. I have been dating younger guys for a long time and you give a youngher guy the chance and he with try to knock you up. SO — USE BIRTH CONTROL

  66. Anonymous

    I recently started a relationship with a 20 year old . With me being a month shy of 35 im very worried about our age difference, however he is so sweet and mature for his age. He always wants to go out but Im scared of the looks that we may get in the street. I dont look ancient but he looks younger than 20 to me. I like him alot and our chemistry has been amazing since the moment we met. Im new to this and the fact that my friends are calling me a cougar doesnt make me feel any better.

  67. Anonymous

    I'm 15 and going to be 16 in 3 months but the guy a like is 13 and won't be 15 for another 10 months. Is this wrong? He's really smart, mature for his age, and super kind and polite. He even helps out his mom with his younger brothers and sisters all the time! I only get to see him at church whenever he comes since we go to different schools and we live about 40 minutes from each other. 🙁 I don't know if he likes me though.

  68. Anonymous

    Does the whole older woman/younger man relationship last though? I feel like most young guys do worship the older woman and like her confidence, but when it comes to actual commitment (marriage), the younger guy has no interest. At least, I'm told that the young guy wants someone his age or younger whom he can have babies with… What do you guys think?

  69. Anonymous

    Bisexual guy here! And randomly saw this even though it wasn't what I was searching for… I'm in a relationship with a guy 44 yrs older than me! Just gotta say, it's fantastic! I'm 21, he's 65 and funnily enough.. He acts more like someone in their late 20's half the time. I'll admit that my attraction to him is partly looks (yes, I like grey hair and the 'old man' look), his personality (he's lovely) and the way he treats me.

    Having said that, there have been generational problems that have cropped up over time. One thing is he has kids and grandkids, who we both know about us even though we haven't said. Hell, he hasn't come out to them yet but again, it's obvious they know. We've worked through those problems and I'm not into the whole partying thing and much prefer to stay in the house reading a book or watching a bit of tv.

    Also, these problems i've stated above are actually very trivial and while it's hard sometimes with the way I have to interact with him around people that don't officially know, it's not what makes the relationship and I care more about him than if people know. I may not be getting what I'm trying to say across very well… Basically I'm with him because I love him. Not because of or despite any other reason.

    Also, the beginning of these types of relationships are generally the hardest i've found, more so for the older than the younger (me being younger). For them it's always been about what my family would think, is it serious, what about in the future.. that kind of thing.

    My parents know about him and although it surprised them at first, they're completely fine with it now. He's much more comfortable in the relationship now and we're soon to hit our anniversary.

    Make of that what you will. I'm just trying to say that while there are some inherent problems with these types of relationships, they can work. It takes effort on both sides.

    • Katie

      That is just weird!

      • Anonymous

        Completely unnecessary and unhelpful comment. Let’s try to be a tad respectful and mature. I appreciated reading his story and found some helpful insights for myself and my own similar situation.

    • Sylvie

      Thanks for your comment, I feel better about my relationship I am a female in love with a 30 yr old man, I am 53, he says he loves me, he told me first, but he still wants to have sex with other women

      • Anonymous

        then he’s not!if he really love you how can he have sex with other!

  70. Anonymous

    I'm 24, just met this gorgeous 19yr old guy. I'm a very mature girl my self, i've worked in different country's and always been able to support my self, moved out from my family when i was 16. i'm well into my career and have a better income than most people twice my age has, so i'm "put together" and ready for what life has to offer.
    And then i meet this young hansome man with shoulderlength black hair and eyes so deep i fear i could drown in them falls into my lap, and i just want to be 19 again and let him kiss me forever. all my future plans are nowhere to be seen at the moment.
    i dont see a future with him, i dont wanna wait till i'm 30 something to have kids, but i fear i might fall deep for this guy. OMG, what to do? He's a school boy and will be for at least 4 years more, but i can't stop thinking about him, and i know he wants me, for what i'm not sure, but he's very interested in getting to know me better and learning my personality traits. so confused

  71. Anonymous

    I am 39 and he is 19. More of a gentleman then the guys my age,

    • Anonymous

      his parents know about that?and i argee with you,my boy 16(not yet to be mine…)and me 36,he really gentleman…

  72. Anonymous

    I'm 26 and my girlfriend is 35 we're planning to have kids. The worst thing is her parents don't know about our relationship. She's scared to telling her mom because of our past relationship as learner and educator.

  73. Anonymous

    Hello everyone. I have read through all the post here and I can relate. Only I am in deep trouble. I just turn 47 three weeks ago and over the week end I found out the I am pregnant with my first child. I have been messing around with a 28 year old guy. We are I think just friends with Benni. We work together a Jo Ann fabric. We use birth control for sure every time we had sex. Plus I am 47 so my chances I thought were low of getting knocked up. I have never really wanted to be a mother but now that I am with child my mine set I think has changes. I know that this is my only chance to become a mother so late in life. I just not sure what to do or what to think.

    • dirix

      Please have your baby its your gift you dont know what many people will give to have what you ‘ve got

  74. Anonymous

    I'm 26 yet ( n month and 19 days 27) he is 20…and sometimes i'm full of doubts if thats right decision,bec for ex we didn't met today bec he has raid in World Of Warcraft or something like that…maybe i'm just too demanding we spend 2 days and 2 nights together doing nothing just lying hugging etc..but it's never enough for me

  75. Anonymous

    I'm about to be 26 next month. My best friend is 22 which is I don't care about age gap at all. My bf is about 2 years and 9 months younger. I round it up to 3 years. I don't know. He's 23. I sort of dislike how it feels even though it doesn't seem to matter. All these reassurances I read only contribute to the awkward feeling that it's notable. I just want us to be regarded as the same age. I hate to say it even matters but it bugs me a little.

    I sometimes wonder if he would ever expect more from me like I should have more experience, more knowledge. I don't think he cares but I am immature for my age. I imagine myself just a few years ago when I was his age and I'm not sure he would've liked me. If we were both 23 I think he'd find me annoying lol

    -Samantha, 25

  76. Anonymous

    I am the same commentor from above. Although I feel odd even with my nearly 3 year gap with my younger boyfriend, I don't want to make any other woman feel insecure.

    The truth is you are desirable, beautiful women. I just sometimes dislike the thought that it's still considered more of a topic than having an older man.

    If anything it makes sense because we will be caring for the man so he would be younger. I think it's a topic because women have more of a nurturing instinct that kicks in and we feel more like a maternal or sisterly caretaker. I seriously think that's it.


  77. Anonymous

    ok, I am 25 and I have been messing around with my next door neighbor. She is 38 and just moved in to the building about 6 months ago. She is in the middle of getting a divorce from her husband. We started sleeping together about three months ago on the weekends when her 2 kids went to there fathers for a weekend visit. Now we are sleeping together 5 nights out of seven.
    Bombshell over the weekend, YUP She's knocked up. Dudes, I am screwed big time. I don't want to have kids or a kids with her. I just wanted to screw until we moved on. And now, I am going to be tied to her for the next 18 years. I asked her to abort it but she is like excited to be pregnant. I mean she is hot and all but she is older. She will be getting older. I am not sure how I feel about being with a 53 year old when I am 40. To tell you the truth I think that I will want to be with a girl that is my own age and getting older at the same rate.
    And what the hell is a 38 year old woman doing letting a 25 year old guy come in her with out any birth control unless she is looking to get pregnant. I mean she told me that it was cool and don't worry about it, she is not going to get pregnant and let her we are.
    I have so many question about this I don't know were to go.

    • rubblish ANONYMOUS

      if you really 25 years old,you should know what condom works!if u not ready to be a father then use a condom!you’re selfish!if you dont think you want to be with this lady for a long relationship and just want to have fun,just go tell her!just because your fxxking selfish(you both!!!!!!!)then kill a baby!!!!!!!!!i wish your mother do the same things when you were in her belly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oh when you turn to 50 and find some young girl(U WISH) hope she will do the same things to you,just lie all your money and love then find another young boy!yeah how great is it!enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • rubblish ANONYMOUS

      oh dear,I will make a birthday wish for you that wish you become an Impotence!happy you dick head

  78. YogaMom

    I'm 41 and happily dating a 22 year old man. I'm kinda laughing at the people thinking that 28 and 21 is a big age difference. I could doubt the situation but it works for us both , we are also friends and know its not leading to marriage its just awesome for now. more people should view dating in this way and stop trying to marry every person they go out with! try it

  79. YogaMom

    and response to anonymous… r u sure it is urs and if she really won't abort thats manipulative and i would try to get away asap. drama. run. At same time it sheds some light on my situation that you do not envision being able to be with an older woman in the future. in my mind of course i have wondered…. finding that i'm not attracted to men my age and older, what now? i've been "fixed" so no getting pregnant, just feel like a younger man (maybe not so young as 22 but who knows)…. is not jaded so much by the world. I'm starting to think maybeolder men and younger women but some men out there dont want all the drama and b.s. of the young hot chick that is lying and cheating and totally unstable. An older hot, healthy, successful woman that takes good care off herself can actually become more attractive as time moves on. all young people are attractive. how they live their lives and how it manifests physically and spiritually is up to bat….. i dont know if that made any sense but would love feedback cuz i'm really curious bout the issue. peace

  80. Anonymous

    I haven't read thru all the comments and shockingly there are more than expected…but i think i take the cake when I say I am 33 and my cute younger beau and father of my 1month old child is 21….yea u read it right lol. My older son is 16! And my middle child is 10. My younger man has tried to ask for a serious commitment [marriage] after we had our son but i dont know if I wanna be that girl who takes his younger life away from him. Yes we had a child together but im not too sure if he's ready to be a step dad to my two older kids…but I do love em and he is so sweet and caring…guess ill just keep taking it one day at a time

    • Don

      Dont worry about his age when it comes to him wanting to marry you. You are not taking his life away. You and your new baby are his life now. If you are in a relationship with him now and you truly see h8m in a serious relationship light, you will need to let your guard down and allow him that role that he deserves otherwise you are going to lose him. You cant say what hes ready for only he can. Take his age out of the equation. He is your man respect him as that and believe that he has thought seriously about you, your children and your baby together and hes not walking away. He chooses you though your heaitation to married makes me ask have you chosen him ?

  81. Anonymous

    I am 31 and this young man that I have fell in love with is 20 he was only 19 when I met him a year ago this month I sid com we on to him cause I thought he was 22 or close to 25 but he wasnt I also slept with him on our first date I had been through alot prior to meeting him and just wanted to have fun n bring something back into my life because I have always been a person to have fun and just that and really was always scared to be in love it has been pure lust but I cant get him off my mind in my heart I love him he knows how I feel some what but not fully he has fell back frm me 3 times within the year the first time it took 3 months we was not to talking than the second time we were really getting close than his ex had a baby he ayep up vause could have been his but it wasnt n he fell back right before he find out it wasnt his that was the third time n we didnt talk for a couple months now we baxk talking he explained to me that every time im rude which I have been because of my past and just the Scorpio that I am and I fell to mention when we dis sleep together the first time I flipped out cause it was so good and set rules but th we more we would sleep together I would gradually break the rules I don't know but that im having a hard te to walk away cauae I love him so much I mwan I know I do cause its in my heart not just lust but in love

    • Anonymous

      Glad to see I’m not the only one this is happening to. I met my husband when I was 12 years old. We started dating when I was 17 and married when I was 23. It’s always been a rocky relationship, and we have explosive fights, and it even got to the point that I left for a couple of weeks. I think maybe we got married too young, and now that we are older there are things we just aren’t on the same page about, and it’s driving us apart. I just meet a very hot and sexy young man and we were both immediately so attracted to each other. I turned 29 the day I met him and he will be 21 sometime soon. I tried to avoid this all but I am just so drawn to him. I’ve never had this crazy level of attraction to somebody before. We can’t keep our hands off of each other. When he looks into my eyes, I can tell he feels it, too. We were intimate the day after we met. It is that magnetic with him. And he tells me he’s been with a 31 year old woman before and he prefers women, not girls. And I’m gonna be honest here, I’m not thin. Not by any means. I could stand to lose about 50 lbs. This man, though… He looks like he should be in a magazine. What he sees in me, I have no idea, but I can tell he is just as crazy about me as I am about him. I mean, it’s like I’m acting like a teenager again, sending heart emoticon texts, finding stairwells where nobody is around and ducking into them to make out and get all hot and heavy… And I mean, I’m only 29 but having been in a stale marriage for so long, it is absolutely incredible to have a man make me feel this way. I feel like I love him…. But I know it is just infatuation. He has already told me he is in love with me. It’s just incredible. My husband comes home, goes to watch something with headphones on his computer, and passes out. To have somebody making me feel like I am the center of their life and him sending me little texts or whatever just to tell me he misses me or is thinking of me…. I keep telling myself I’m crazy, asking what I’m doing, but then I wonder if maybe this could be the real thing…. Maybe I just got married before I found the right person. Well I guess that’s obvious, if this is even happening in the first place. But what’s going on with this man… I can’t explain. He took off his shirt and I was like…. Holy shit. And for some crazy reason he is just as into me. He makes me happy, and smile every time I see a text or silly picture from him. It is worrisome though that he will find a young girl his own age, but he assured me he “doesn’t have time for girls”, only women, and then he said only me. That I’m his girlfriend. Am I doing something wrong? It feels so right with him though, and he really wants it. How can this possibly be wrong? I’ve never been so happy or had a guy made me feel so sexy, and I’m in the worst shape of my life, so that’s saying something. In short, I’m in love with a 20 year old and I couldn’t be happier…

  82. Tilly

    Is 5 years difference really large enough to be significant ? It’s not even a generational gap and we its not big enough a difference for two people to be on different intellectual playing fields . … Is it ? I’m a 27 year old female really into a guy who is 22. I have never felt more comfortable with someone and this is coming from someone who struggles to make connections with people, especially men. He doesn’t know my age and while I could tell he was really into me … He’d probably be put off by the fact that I am
    Older. I often think that of I pursued this relationship if be perpetually insecure that he’d eventually leave me for a ‘younger model’ .

    • Dragon Queen

      No 🙂 It’s not. No gaps are bad as long as you are both consenting adults and are happy. Maturity and compatibility is important (as well as trust and all that jazz!) Me and my boyfriend are 4.5 years apart (I’m older). His mom and her boyfriend are 5 years apart (shes older). My boss and her husband are 5-6 years apart (she’s older) and my best friend’s aunt and her husband are 12 years apart (she’s older). They’re all happy and fine in their relationships. – Side note, my ex was the same age as me and treated me like crap and wasn’t mature. Just goes to show you age does not mean anything. Lol!

  83. ANNE

    I am 49 yrs old, my bf is 26 yrs old, we starting dating last year, moved in together immediately and besides the fighting and wanting to kill each other we just crasy about one another. He acts like his older than me always reprimanding me and when we go out and mingle he acts so mature and I am always giggling my ass off as I have a laughing, crasy, childish personality. He does look at me and gives me those special smiles, and I know he loves me with a depth so deep it is scary. He broke down in my arms and sobbed his heart out about how he feels for me.
    We both have gone through traumatic trials in our life which brought us together and has made our time together so special.
    We have come to talk about marriage, having children and I am prepared for it as I am very healthy and we both decided we want it.
    I have never been married and never lived with a man before, I have a daughter of 23 who is fantastic and supports me in any choice I make. My late son died at the age of 6.
    My bf’s mother passed away just shortly after his birth so he never knew her.
    He was raised by his sisters and father and wife.
    The love we have created for ourselves has made him change his views and ways and he is just benefiting so much from this realtionship that I am never gonna give up on us.
    Young ladies have tried to get his attention even in front of me and we have spoken about it and giggled about it and we have been realistic about it as well.
    Right now in this moment of time we are riding the wave of love although we can both rant and rave and scream and shout we still end up giggling and understanding each more.
    We love what we can bring to each other whether its normal or not, there is just so much in this relationship that we are gaining from that we find ourselves in awe of it.

  84. Anonymous

    I am saving this post. And every time I feel self conscious about the 8 year age difference between me and my boyfriend I am going to read all your wonderful encouraging posts! So thankful for this!

    • Debby

      These days eight years is not really an age gap. I know several couples who have more than eight years difference, besides, age has nothing to do with weather a couple will be happy together. More likely, a happier marriage would be with a wife who at least a few years older.


    Your comment…I’m also in love with a 16 year old boy and am 23….is is it a good thing or a bad thing?

  86. Veronica

    Im a 32 year old woman and I met my boyfriend when he was the age of 18 and now is 19. We been together for 6 months now and everything between us is amazing . I have 2 kids from my previous relationship of 15 years and I could say now with my new love ,im truly happy even of the age difference. I always said age nothing but a number. He 19 but acts like mature guy. My son is 3 years younger then him ,what makes it weird but as long as both couples are happy , nothing else matters.

  87. Anonymoussand

    I am a 43-year-old woman who started dating a 25-year-old man three months ago, which my mother set me up with. The first month between us was amazing we spent so much time together and honestly, slept together in the same bed every night since the first night we got together. But after about a month and a half things changed. Let me go back. Five days into it he told me he was in love with me and has told me he loves me every Day sense. But things changed a month and a half into it, he told me that he can ignore his friends which he wasn’t because he’s out every night at the bar. It used to be that we would go together but now he just shows up at three, four, 5 AM in the morning at my house. When we are together it’s amazing and he makes me feel like he’s completely in love with me, he holds me all night squeezes me tells me he loves me and that I’m his. But he’ll hardly ever text me or call me. We’ve broken up just about every week in the last month and gotten back together a couple days later we can’t seem to just let go. Why won’t he just let me go? Sometimes I think it must be just the sex but then I think he’s 25 he can go have sex with whoever he wants and when we have sex, he’s never once referred to it as that he’s always referred to it as making love to me. I’m so confused. Recently when I’ve decided to back away from him it’s like all of a sudden he’s more clingy, not like in the beginning but way more than he was in the last month and a half. I know I should just let him go but I truly love him and I don’t know what to do.

  88. faith

    I oso have a guy who wants to marry me is 24 & am 25.goosh am so scared for a commitment even tho we both have a child each.

  89. Leila

    What do you think of a 21 years old girl dating a 16 years old boy?

  90. ANONYMOUS1981

    I am 34 and my boyfriend is 24. Yeah, that’s a 10 year age gap. We were on a date when he told me how old he was and my face turned white. I thought the relationship was over. He very maturely talked about it being something to consider, but not a reason to end the date. Months later, I am still not okay with him being so much younger. Though we look the same age (mid to late-20ies), his family has happily accepted me and expects us to start a family of our own soon, he gives my 30 year old friends good life advise (he has such a good head on his shoulders), he is more mature than all of my friends (who are mature), has a great job, gives me great career advise, my boss loves him, is extremely intelligent, amazing to have as a friend, amazing to have as a boyfriend, I am 100% in, then I think about his age–ick. I hate that it is weird for me. I just don’t want to hurt him. And as an attractive blond who has always looked innocent and very young for my age I have come into contact with some very unsavory older men. I feel like there must be something wrong with me that now I’m dating someone younger–like I am one of those creepy older men who tried to take advantage of me. While that is certainly not the case with me and my fella, the age thing does feel weird for me. Does anyone else feel so lucky to have met ‘the one’ only to feel sightly weird that ‘the one’ is half your age + 7 years? He even knows the same childhood things I do like Doug and Mr. Rogers. We definitely have watched Mr. Rogers videos together and cried–my guy is the best. We are a lovely match. Everyone says we are a good looking couple too. He accepts me completely. What is wrong with me? Why does that one thing bother me? Anyone feel the same way?

  91. anonymous

    Writing in 2016 I met my boyfriend 5 years ago we’ve been together for 3 he was 19 when we started dating and I was 24 he has been the only relationship I’ve been in where I’ve been the older he is 21 and I’m 27 and we couldn’t be any happier.. we have great careers, no kids, life is good.. although .. I do wanna ring his neck out sometimes..but in DUE time.. he will get the picture!! Peace&love

  92. Anonymous

    Currently met a girl that just turned 20 and I just turned 24. I is really into me but I’m scared he is just falling for me because he’s young. I have no idea what to think.

  93. Sara Beth Schnittka

    Am I crazy or is it all in my head? I will be 22 in less than 4 months, while my boyfriend just recently turned 15 on February 7. Is it so wrong of me to date a guy who is 6 and a half years younger? I’m worried about his parents not liking me. Please help, what should I do?

    • Dragon Queen

      Is this legal in your area/state? That’s my only concern.

  94. Sky

    I’m glad I’m not the only one! I’m currently 29 and dating a 19 year old. I have NEVER dated anyone younger before, so it seems a little weird to me still. We started out as just friends, but he was so sweet and funny and mature (for his age) that I figured, why not give it a try? There are some things that make me feel like a cradle robber, like when I think about how he was in high school this time last year, or how he’s never heard of the X-Files, but I can get over that stuff. We genuinely enjoy each other’s company, which is the most important thing to me. We are getting an apartment together next week actually, his idea. Not all young guys are afraid of commitment, apparently… 🙂

  95. Mawethu

    You would think you are alone. Geez! There is so many of us here. With me its the opposite. He’s 28 and hidhly educated. Im 36 with just a high school diploma and a mother to a 6year old boy. This man has been there for me everytime I need a friend. He tells me im beautiful, dont look a day older than 25, and that he does not understand how it is that im single. I get a feeling he likes me but he’s scared I’ll freak out bcs of the age gap. He’s told me a ‘story’ of an older woman he liked but she turned him down bcs of the age thing. He was telling me how he was prepared to be all that she hoped for but it was not to be. I cant help but think he’s playing with my mind all the time he does that. Telling me he thinks he found the one, but she is always mysterious as I never get to meet her as he’d say he’d introduce her to me. He’s even taken me to his mom! And introduced me as a friend. His mom had a little gift for me (fruit). All this confuses me. I really like him. A lot but, like him im uncomfortable bringing it up. What should I do

  96. Liza

    Loved reading this article as like most of you , i am 43 and was married for 21 years to a man 19 years older, back then i thought i was in love, my parents told me not to marry him but the more they told me not to, the more i wanted to, we seperated on many occasions and eventually his controlling ways made me go for good, at this point our kids were all grown up and we have 2 grandchildren. I decided to move to move 200 miles away making a really tough decision to let the younger children stay with him ( they are 18 and 16). Well nearly 6 months on i am now in a relationship with a 21 nearly 22 year old, the best thing that has ever happened to me, he loves me no matter what, we live together and he takes such good care of me. Ok he can have his childish outbursts but ive seen it all remember !!! and the best bit is now we’ve just found out i am expecting a baby, he is over the moon, i am more worried about how everyone will react considering we haven’t been in the relationship long. But i now know what love feels like and i am at the happiest i have ever been.

  97. Jay

    I dated a guy that was 27 and I am 35. We had great chemistry which must have freaked him out or is just a player. We quit speaking and a month later he is now with some girl his age in a relationship on Facebook. I found out he has a class 2 felony her an extreme DUI charge. Guess it’s a crimininal thing. He has this warped view of life and how it should be perfect because other people’s life come across that way. He didn’t know about opening doors or any time of chivalry. Everything was about him. I’m glad it ended where it did. I’ll stay within my age range.

    • Dragon Queen

      This has nothing to do with age differences or dating someone younger. It’s a part of who he is and his life choices. I know many people around 30-35 (my brother..) who have done hardcore drugs and stuff. Don’t let this mishap ruin your perspective of dating younger!

  98. Nicole W

    Okay. I need a help. I have no idea, why am I falling in love with a guy who is 4 years younger than me!? He looks more mature to me. :O I know that he is very caring about me a lot of time. But this time I’m the only one who is very worried too much. Is it that okay when we are in a long distance relationship? He lives in USA, but I love to live in USA when I need to get a VISA. So, that’s it. Next year, he will be 18 years old and I’ll be 22 years old, that means we will be dating I the real life, not online. That’s what I’m talking about what is making me more worried about that. Is that okay for me and him to be dating on next year in the real life? What if the people who will look at me and him like the age differences?

  99. Sweets Laderer

    I’m 31 yrs old and my guthroat will be 23 next month. We’ve been together for a year now and I really enjoy it. We have our everyday relationship issues but for the most part he’s great. He helps me with my kids, he works full time I’m currently working for time as well we have a system that works for us. People think it’s gross for me to be dating a much younger man but my thing is this he’s taking care of home then why should it matter we’re both happy and in love and the wedding is in December

  100. She She

    I am so happy to read this article. I am a 53 yr old female dating a 26 yr old guy. I have never dated anyone so young but we have a great time together and have been seeing each other for a year. There are no expectations and we get along fine.

  101. Rose

    got to know and made friends with a man of 40+ and yes I’ve fell for him big style we were chatting and he kept saying I love you then he would say the nickname he calls me I fell for this I’ve never said how he feels only that I’m a good friend he’s going through some family issues and is separated from his wife she is manipulative and he’s been hurt very hurt he has a child by her and one to another previous partner who was a drug addict this child he brought up by himself It breaks my heart to see him suffering and loving him like I do I long to hold him close we talked today and he said he’s not going to have a relationship for a while due to the problems but deep inside I would love a relationship with him we are both softhearted and gentle pple in my life I’ve yearned for someone who could be loving gentle and tender but I only had users who were violent who treated me like dirt. Inside I die because I want him so much. I’m just an over weight woman with no self esteem I just don’t know if I will attract him I want too so much what should I do?????

  102. Rose

    I am a 69year old woman
    got to know and made friends with a man of 40+ and yes I’ve fell for him big style we were chatting and he kept saying I love you then he would say the nickname he calls me I fell for this I’ve never said how he feels only that I’m a good friend he’s going through some family issues and is separated from his wife she is manipulative and he’s been hurt very hurt he has a child by her and one to another previous partner who was a drug addict this child he brought up by himself It breaks my heart to see him suffering and loving him like I do I long to hold him close we talked today and he said he’s not going to have a relationship for a while due to the problems but deep inside I would love a relationship with him we are both softhearted and gentle pple in my life I’ve yearned for someone who could be loving gentle and tender but I only had users who were violent who treated me like dirt. Inside I die because I want him so much. I’m just an over weight woman with no self esteem I just don’t know if I will attract him I want too so much what should I do?????

  103. pw

    Hi everyone I just found this page i feel really happy for you guys which found your own ture love,and i just discover myself in love with a 16 years old boy and im 36…he guess im 27 which is because I had 2 girls…i dont know when i start have feeling one him and i really really like him,but i feel im sick,how can i in love with someone only 16!!!i try to push myself to forget him,sometime he look at me I seems can feel sometime,he walk very close to me and i just can look at his eyes over 2 sec,i was really shy(like some 16 girls <–i wish),and because his mum and dad are my friend,last time i went to his home,he said if i live here that would be fun,when he talk to me he look at me with his eyes and got something inside on his eyes, i think i might just over thinking, i really really like him…please just tell me stop doing that,but i also want to know if he likes me or not,i won't tell him what iam thinking of cause,i just want to know,and these days i just dont want to eat,we went to the park last week(whole family) and got a new girl came to join(which only 20 years old really pretty one) his father as me to ask his son to go walk with that girl(by that time i really want to cry)so i just go ask,i ask him,do you like her,he smile with me and said no,and then he said i know what you try to do,and this is what my dad ask you to do,i said do you want to go walk with her?he said no,but then later he ask that girl to walk around but he ask me to go too,i said no i dont want to,(how can i go God…) yea after i did go together,he touch my shoulder and make joke with me,but also play with that girl sometime,im really upsad,and ask myself why im not born later,and if i were boy,i must choose that hot young girl not a old women like me,after they left,i just go some place hiding and cry like a child,im really really upsad,but what for?he never say he like me,and i know better than anyone it wont work?but i just cant control……… anyone can tell me how can I forget him?i never ever think i will like a young boy,I like older then me 10 years or so,but i just dont know why i like him that much,he drink my cup,he ate what I already bite………ohhhhhhhh i dont know am i just over thinking?please tell me,and please help me out of it,many thanks

    • Dragon Queen

      Wait until he’s 18 and see if you still feel the same. Try to move on and just do you. Best of luck. Xoxo.

  104. anonymous

    Oh dear goodness! Y’all need to chill and enjoy your young men. I am divorced 30 years now 62, Mr. Young and New is 25! Just getting to know this ‘mature’ construction worker who wants kids eventually-guess he can have them at 45 when I’m cremated. He says we can “be friends;” so trying to determine what this means to HIM! People think I’m about 50. My last boyfriend was 49, a steady liar, diabetic, hypertensive with an older man’s ED dysfynction(yawn). Looking forward to a few years of fun and hopefully in the future some good boot knocking. My heart is on lockdown so no threat of heartbreak I pray.

  105. Dragon Queen

    My man is 18 and I’m 22! I graduated HS in 2012 and he graduated in 2016! I don’t really see age as a factor for both of us honestly! We are about 4.5 years apart. We’re both in college and strive to be together. We get along so well! He’s also so much mature than my ex who was the same age as me. He is my soulmate and we understand each other so fully! It’s incredible. I never thought I’d date younger, but we ended up liking each other through work! Imagine that, and can’t help who you fall in love with! His mom is also 5 years older than her boyfriend! My boss is 5 years older than her husband, and my best friend’s aunt is 12 years older than her husband! It all depends on the people in the relationship, and if you see age as a negative thing – it’s going to affect the relationship. Remain positive and love each other, and it will all work out! Cheers and many blessings ~

  106. Ann

    I’m so glad I reached this site. I’m 34 and I’m being pursued by a 23 year old at work, everyone around has noticed although I’ve tried to remain friendly yet aloof towards him. Me and him haven’t talked about whether we like each other etc. Every time he asks me out, it’s more like ‘lets hang out’. I’ve been out for drinks once with him and once in a group and never really considered it a date. But it seems like he is getting crazier about me by the week. I find him staring at me a lot of times when I turn around and those times I can’t meet his gaze without blushing. I usually just turn away. I can’t stop thinking about him but I’m worried. We’re from two different cultures, me from the more conservative one. I haven’t been in a relationship for over 10 years, since I got my heart broken last and I just busied myself with work. I’ve never dated below my age and at this stage, I just don’t know how to handle the attention.

  107. bear man

    ive been dating this girl for a month she sed she was 16 and im 19 almost 20 she kinda lied to me about her age and my friend told me she lied to me bc she liked me a lot and she was scard that i wouldn’t be with her after finding her relly age and she is 13 im 5 years older then her we live in different stats we Skype and talk about stuff but we dont do any thing sexle i feel like we wont get in trouble if we dont do anything we are not sospued to im just asking is it ok to date a girl that is 5 years younger then u if it is can some won let me no.

  108. Eva

    When I was 26, I dated a man of 20. I had a 1yo son. We later married. He adopted my son as his own and we had another. After 15 years of marriage, and due to his struggles with depression and drugs, I left him. We were ultimately not compatible, but this had nothing to do with age. Ever. We are now best friends and he is happily remarried.

    I am now 48 and in a loving exclusive relationship with a 23yo. For those who would call me a cougar, I remind them that that denotes a predatory instinct, which couldn’t be further from my personality. In fact, this man pursued me, declared his love for me and faith in our future long before I agreed to take him seriously. By then, he was declaring his intentions to friends/family/strangers/anyone who would listen…and he still does. Since things pretty new (relative to my long relationship), I still take it a day at a time, which sometimes frustrates him, but I care about him on a deeper level than I was capable of at 20-something, and don’t want his experience to be a negative one. I want him to feel safe, loved and respected – not just useful for my libido or ego.

    I guess my point is that, yes. It works. There are differences, but these can be wonderful for both partners if neither of you interpret them as bad. As worry, or anxiety, or jealousy, or fear arises, simply talk about these as a matter of normal life, rather than as a factor of age difference.

    • Tray

      I agree whole heartedly 🙂 there is a 23 year gap between myself and my significant other but we’ve been together for 4 years and it’s turning out to be the most forfilling relationship I’ve ever had.

  109. onyx

    I’m going through something similar. I’m mid 30s woman and he is ten years younger. I’m a big happy woman friendly with everyone and he is the skinny shy sort of man. I love to laugh and I find him trying to make me laugh. He is adorable as F! Like, actually cute to look at. We work together and he’s making his attention towards me very obvious. But he has not said anything directly to me yet. Its frustrating! We work in the same office and he stands near his desk at the far end of the room most of the day. We cannot see each other because of the partitions. But when I stand up from my seat for any reason, he starts waving at me furiously as if the building is on fire! Now I start feeling shy and want to duck my head and run. At least no one saw that… except for a 100 or so people sitting in the room. Outside work, he is aloof and doesn’t talk much. Should I just confront him and ask him what the hell is going on?

  110. JRT28

    Ugh, I am 28 and my recent ex(broke up 3 weeks ago, dated for about 10 months) is 23. I loved him and I’m sure he loved me but we were in just different stages I guess. It was fun and all but there were things that just weren’t working out. I’m just having a hard time.

  111. Ann

    Ok so im 35 female and have a 19 year old that iv known for years finally come out and tell me about how he sees me …i have a child a year younger than him and it was well not rwally shocked fir a year i knew he had a lil crush in me and i didnt pay it much attention then on a then oneday things changed …i never looked at this guy like that but once things happend it was never the same he wouldnt leave me alone …it was constant so needy i couldnt breath i tried to end the strange relasionship im still confused as to what it was …the intimacy was out of this would no joke , but i needed to get away it was becoming to much i ended it and moved 30 miles away its been hard its been two monthes and i miss him i talk to him but hes offish and is basically treating me the way i treated him at time…he acts like he dosnt care but its all a lie ….my point young men are a lot to deal with in this case i felt like not only a lover but a mother and my advice is stay away from men 15 years younger than you its a trap

  112. Anonymous

    I’m 43 and my boyfriend of 1and a half years is 25. we very recently went to his mother’s funeral and he introduced me as his girlfriend. Hmm no doubt behind the scenes it caused a stirr, however his closest family accepted me on the day but who’s to say what was said.
    I don’t look my age but I do if you know what I mean, put me in middle aged clothes and dye my hair mouse brown and I’d pass for 40. I’m fit and kinda cool , stupidly immature and blessed with good genes. But girls I’m 18 years older than him.
    Should I treat this as a fling or throw in my all…we are engaged by default (long story) and he obsesses over our marriage to be.
    I have a young family, a five and 9 year old and we are trying for my 3rd.
    We lost a baby last year and it devastated him.
    I’m just not sure and at times I feel motherly over him or like a passenger……

    Just now I over heard him talking to some old uni friends and I was subtly not mentioned.

    Any thoughts?


  113. Tray

    As long as you’re happy (at least most of the time) then go for it! I’m 49 and my boyfriend is 26. I’ve been with him for 4 years. We’ve had problems and I’ve been insecure that he might leave me for a younger woman but then someone pointed out to me what if I’m the one who wants to leave him for a younger guy! Lol! He tells me he doesn’t want kids and that’s something else I worried about, like what if he changes his mind? I don’t want anymore kids, my son is 29 and I have a 3 yr old grandson so I’m all set with that life. That said, I’ve stopped worrying about it. If we stay together, we do and if we don’t, we don’t. All I know is today, right now, I can’t imagine being with anyone else and he says he feels the same about me so really, what’s there to worry about?! He’s one of the best things that’s ever happened to me 🙂

    All the best!!

  114. Anonymous

    Age doesn’t matter anymore. I think it comes down to where both of you are in life and what you both are looking for. It Is hard enough to find someone you are compatible with. Don’t let any kind of prejudice remarks get in the way , (race, age, gender), it’s your life and it is only between you and that other person. The only thing I would consider before totally falling is issues like kids, things like that.

  115. Luciana Vieira

    Hi, im 36 years old and my bf is 23, and we had some problems when we started becuase i was ,married for 10 years my ex: tells me that he could be my son made me feel so bad i was feeling stupid like what am i doing , but my boyfriend didnt give up on us, and slowly im getting use to it sometimes we go out he wants to hold my hand i feel a bit strange but im getting use to it he makes me real happy , very responsable young man

  116. SadPanda

    I’m 22 and want to date a 17 year old 🙁 He thinks I’m too old for him.

  117. Kelly

    I’m 32 my bf is 22 and his mum hates me I’ve only met her once and she was nice as pie until we got talking and she found out that my age and that I’m divorced with kids she is putting a lot of pressure on him in the hopes that he will end things with me and I don’t understand why I’ve been nothing but nice to her I even stick up for her when he argues with her about us she tells him she is gonna kick him out and comes out with outrageous statements like I’m gonna cheat on him or Rob him and as a mother myself I can’t see why she would do this I have my own house my own car I work I pay my bills I treat her son well we are happy together surely that should be all that matters

  118. Miranda Hughey

    I’m 28 & have been talking to an 18 year old for about a week and a half now. I love everything about him ! He makes me smile all the time, his really understanding etc. Am I weird for wanting to see where things go?

  119. Adi

    Am 26 my boyfriend is 22… We want to get married but my family dnt like him… But his family like me. I dnt know what t do??? How t tell my dad about him…. My dad is strict…

  120. Jada

    I am 19 years old about to turn 20 on November 3rd and…. I am falling in love with a 13 year old who will be turning 14 feb 28 (his actual birthday is feb 29)! He’s 5’10” and I’m 5’6″ and EVERYONE tells me I look 14. People literally almost lose their balance when I tell them I’m 19 almost 20! I like to do more things that people younger than me would usually prefer to do. I’m very hyperactive and I have this big bubbbly personality who laughs all the time. I’m the person who would rather go out and be active, run around and play sports or go exploring than stay on my phone all day like most people my age, so I get along with younger people because they are more my speed but I’m not immature by any means. I don’t have a type but I have only ever really liked 1 older guy (that’s mostly because my birthday is past the cut off date so I’m always one of the oldest ones in my grade). I’m a sophomore in college nursing school and he’s in 8th grade (wow, that was kinda weird to say). I have been in love twice before ( awful experiences.. they both didn’t feel the same way) and never have I felt the way he makes me feel. It’s something so different! When I look at him, when I think about him, when I hear his voice or when someone even says his name I get butterlifes ALL OVER my body and I have never felt anything like that before. For the past two and a half months I have been going crazy, crying my eyes out because I have never been so frustrated, confused and unsure in my entire life. I have known him since he was 10 because we go to the same church. I see him 2x a week because of church events, sometimes 3. His brother and his sister are good friends of mine too and I hug his parents and his grandma all the time when I see them so I’m really close with his family ( I even call his grandma my grandma because my mom has always called her “mom”) so my parents know him and his family very well too. Him and I are friends and gosh he just makes me feel every emotion under the sun. I am the most comfortable when I’m around him and I can talk to him for hours about anything ( there is this like 4 hour gap between the first and the second service at our church and we sometimes hang out together talk about our lives until the second service starts so we literally talk for hours). I have a huge feeling he really likes me but I can’t tell for sure. Gosh I’m just going insane. I think about kissing him all the time but I also want to wring his neck out because he’s so hard to read!! One day he lets me hug him, he’s always around me, jokes around with me, asks me about my life and compliments me and the next week he doesn’t want me to touch him or be around him at all!! I constantly have to remind myself that he’s just 13 so he will be very indecisive and inconsistent ( probably because he really likes me and doesn’t know how to deal with it…. but sometimes I just think that’s my wishful thinking) and I have been going out of my mind!!!! I have spent hours practically everyday on google to see if other people are in the same position as I am but all I see is people commenting that it’s disgusting for someone to like someone so young and they are mentally ill and have issues and are desperate and are just trying to use and take advantage of the younger person and I hate it! Especially the word cougar because that’s used to describe a woman as a predator which is far from who I am. And I hate that people think it’s so wrong for such an age gap to date because it’s “illegal” but it’s only illegal if we have a sexual relationship but since I am a strong Christian, I believe it’s best to wait until marriage. It really bothers me because society today thinks it’s ridiculous and highly unlikely to wait until marriage so everyone will think that I would want to have sex with him when I’m not even interested in him in that way. All I want to do is just be with him and love him and be in a long, lasting, lifetime relationship with him. But the thing is, I don’t even want to date him now (I mean I do, but I won’t), I care for him so much that I just want the best for him. I want to wait because I know he is only 13 and I just want him to live his life without any issues and grow up at a regular pace and not feel pressured to mature fast because he’s in a relationship with a 19 year old, you know? I believe that if God wants us to be together then we will be together in the end no matter what! So waiting isn’t an issue for me. But I’m just going out of my mind just for the fact that I think about him NON STOP and I have all these emotions just bottled up because I haven’t told anyone! I Just don’t want to tell anyone because my friends literally won’t understand me. Like they truly won’t have any good advice to tell me and they’ll just be like “get over him, that’s weird.” I’m not afraid of judgement because It’s my life and I’m the only one living it so why would I let anyone else influence me in a negative way! And I encourage you all to think the same! but its just that I think there isn’t any use telling anyone because they just won’t get it and I feel I will get frustrated when they just won’t be able to get where I’m coming from. I just needed to tell someone for a little relief of all these internalized emotions and I came across this page (which made me feel sooo much better) and I just had to write my story! If anyone is in my position I suggest you wait til they get older. It will drive you insane that you can’t be with them now but If it’s meant to be you guys will end up together no matter what! The wait will be so worth it. Take the time to just enjoy each other’s company, get to know one another very well and build a strong friendship. That’s the point where I’m at now! Pray for me to keep my sanity on this journey! God bless ?

  121. Anonymous

    I’m 45 and seeing a 31 yr old man ? enjoy yourself.

  122. Nomvula

    Hi everyone, I am turning 49 in April, I have been divorced for 11 years and chose to stay single and focused on raising my girls who are 19 and 20 this year and both at university. My ex got married two years after we divorced to one of the woman that he dated while we were married. I went through a phase were I was bitter and felt like my joy and happiness was stolen away from me but stayed strong fro my girls.

    I am ready to love or be loved again but I am also on attacking younger guys in their late 20s, I am currently torn between 2 wonderful guys 28 and 29 years old.

    The 29 years old guy made it clear that he just wants to have fun and phones me and just talk about what he is going to do to me in bed and more, which makes me so excited but scared due to being scared of being used.

    The 28 years old is such an old soul, very mature for his, ambitious, smart, have so much to say and have so many dreams and always refers to me as the one and the forever.

    I am very confused and sometimes wish to just close my eyes and both guys would disappear.

    The 29 year old is not promising the world just a good time and lots of sex and fun, which I sometimes feel like I should go for it since I know what I am up against.

    The 28 year old is more serious, focused and talk about the future together, something I am finding hard to believe, to good to be true. He is always asking to help, cares about my work, cooks, have amazing business ideas that he suggests we should do together. He is so protective of me and always makes sure that I am fine and we looked after.

    The both very handsome, playful and fun to talk to, I am lost for words but so lonely and do not find man my age interesting.

    Both these man phone me daily , get missed calls from the other while I am talking to the other. It is crazy to think I had no one for a while and now I am I this predicament that is so hard to deal with.

    Please help

  123. Nomvula

    I asked my daughter now recently how they would feel if I was to date someone that young and the both said whatever makes me happy makes them happy too. My daughters are my family and feel like they are the only people I need to answer to.

    Both my potential boyfriends know about my daughters and they both think I am the most beautiful woman on the planet even I do not think so. I have been told that I look younger than my age too, when I am with my daughters, we are mistaken as sisters.

    I am home alone now and miss my girls so much but mostly miss the romance and feeling of being wanted and giving back too.

    The other guy who wants to just have fun is 2 hours is in another state and a two hour flight away and the 28 year old is in the same town as me, a town that I have just moved to two months ago.

    I have known the 29 year old for a couple years now but only developed feelings for each other 6 months ago and the 28 year old I have only a month ago but feel like I have known my whole life.

    The 28 year old is helping me settle in this new town and taking me to places and tells me that I am such a lady and so smart and elegant.

    The 29 year old thinks that I am sexy, hot and have a body to die for, and talks about my boobs and etc..

    I am relay lost

  124. Madwoman

    I just turned 27, the man umm interested in turned 20 a few months ago. My mother is dead set against it “it’s ridiculous, he’s too young” and sometimes I want to scream. Any tips to get her to trust me?

  125. Anonymous

    I’m a 21 year old girl who is currently messing around with her 18 year old next door neighbor. I’m honestly so confused by him. One day he says he wants to still see me and then the next we can only stay friends. We sneak around all the time which is hot and all but I care for him a lot more then just the physical aspect of our complicated relationship. We talked recently and he is starting college. He says i should find a nice guy and that we are at different points in our lives that the age difference would never work out. I told him i have no problem waiting for him since i have a full time job myself, ill keep myself busy, but he says he doesn’t want to do that too me. But this is what always happens he pushes me away then a few months later we will be back at it again, i don’t know what to do.

  126. Adele

    I am a 44 Year old women and my boyfriend is 24 Years. He is Sexy, kind & loving and always making me feel like I am his queen.. Our roads crossed at work. I was going through a separation. Did not mention anything to my fellow co-workers and kept it a secret! But My Secrets was not save enough from him. Because he did see straight through me.. He was there during the darkest of my days and he is still holding on to me. Its one year later and we have grown in so many means and ways… Yes the Age gap is a tricky situation.. He is an old soul and I am a Kindred spirit.. So we meet each other halfway. The one thing I have learned from him is that communication is the virtue to our success. I cant give him kids because I do have 3. He did accept them and even love them more than there own father! I have met my soul companion for sure! We are both spiritual individuals, creative and blessed with good sense of humor.. Can say we love spending hours in the bath, talking about our day or just sharing a bit of gossip! He is such an intelligent person with great dept and inside. So I believe that is Gods doing for putting this Person on my road.. We are talking about getting engage by the end of this year. Don’t think that age should be a obstetrical in this lifetime.. We only have one life so make the best of what is given.

  127. Shelby

    I’m 26 years old woman and my boyfriend is 24. I feel like he’s too young to settle down with me since he has so many financial crisis. He is good at spending and making sure that when folks asks him for money he gives them. It’s just doesn’t make sense. I love him, he makes me feel good, and I know that I make him so happy. But how do I get over the feeling that he’s still working toward his associate degree, and lives with his parents, and working towards his financial crisis. I want to get married and have children. Please help me decide. Thank you.

  128. Stacy Miller

    I am 48 yrs old and I am dating a 24 yr old .I met him through my sons who are 25 and 24.He is a friend of them .He was super cute and I asked my sons if it was okay if I dated their friend.At first they were uncomfortable with their friend dating their mum but now they think its cool.My boyfriend is extremely hot and its the best relationship I’ve ever had.I know I am too old to I’ve him children ,we have tried and I have miscarried once already but we are hopeful.I would like to have his baby.

  129. sandra

    I’m 26 and the guy i love is 24, He just told me he can’t continue with the relationship cause I’m older than him.. please I need advice cause I’m heart broken.

    • Stacy miller

      Sandra that’s. horrible.My boyfriend is my son’s friend.He gave hints at first and had no problem dating me even though I was his friends mom.He recently moved in with me and it’s really strange considering my son and his gf also loves with us.We are one happy family.When I was your age ,I thought something like this would be crazy .We even go on double dates with my son and his gf and we have no problem cuddling in front of my son.

  130. Renee

    This is a great site. I guess I found it a little late. What can I do to mend my heart? My younger man just told me I was no longer sexually appealing to him after a year and a half. His daughter saw me from behind and determined that I was too old for him. We did not have any problems until that was said. Now he sees me as a “granny” and no longer wants to be together. He trusts what his daughter said to be the truth. I’m almost 60 & he’s 45. We talked about age BEFORE we ever went out. Before his daughter made that comment, our life was going good, our sex life was great. Now he doesn’t touch me and is saying our relationship is dying cause of our age difference. My heart is in 2 million pieces.

  131. Me

    I’m a young looking 50, and currently dating a 34 year old…

    • ME

      … I’m kinda squicked out if and when his family ever find out how old I am.

  132. Lara reeves

    I wm a young looking 45yr old woman from hawaii who had been living in Brazil for some years now.I befriended a 12 yr old boy (please don’t judge,the age of consent here is 14),he was abused heavily by his parents.I asked him to hang out with me and my 5 sons who were all older than him.They loved him like a little brother.But I noticed him eyeing me up when I am in a bikini .We started getting closer and there was definite sexual tension.We made out heavily whenever my sons were away.He later confessed to my middle son(his favorite)that he was in love with me.My sons were accepting and thought it was hilarious.He still had to turn 14 to begin a relationship.The night of his 14th birthday,he came to my room and we had the best sex of my life.He soon moved in with me and my boys.The look on my son’s faces when he kisses or holds me is hilariousHe is now 16 and my sons are 25,24,21,20 and 18.We date openly and its amazing.

  133. Bizarre barako

    Happy to have found this section. All have very nice experiences. I am in a very odd situation though and i mean odd.

    I am a 53 year old gay man and head over heels for a 23 year old young ….overseas. Yes, it is a virtual/ online affair. It started as just fooling around and flirting with each other in online chats that started almost 2 years ago, until we started expressing intimate feelings and exchanging i love you’s. I know i should be the one to act my age and stop but it is just not that simple for me. It got to a point where i am so mesmerized at this boy everytime i see him online, i could the feel the intensity in the way he stares at me. I am beyond terrified because i know this cannot lead to anything but me getting crushed when that time comes. But in my mind, if i do not make this happen,when he repeatedly , verbally tells me that he wants to be with me. I know for sure that i will regret to pass up this chance, real or not. For how long can this last? I dont care i just know my life now revolves around this young man. If anyone can relate, i would appreciate a comment. I only ask for understanding as i am in a very fragile state mind and heart.

  134. Anonymous

    I’m 69 been dating-or companion-for 4 yrs he’s 58 am a widow 2 marriages both deceased -I look n act in 50s we have sooo much fun whatever we do get along fantastic-see each other few to a lot hrs daily-his family all love me -neither one of us want to get married -he was strict Mormon most life got out -never married can’t have children -poor -but cutie pie n personality n does look lot older -we both buy gifts for yrs now just recently he no wants sex or me just spend night days he feels I’m more friend than hubby -wow now feel awkward guess I’m his sugar momma bake n so many nice gifts often -felt we were more than just friend?

    • Anonymous

      He treats me like a queen. It is fabulous being in his arms. It’s sexy, it’s taboo and it makes me whole. I’ve just found out he is 31 and 18 years younger. It dampened my spirit but everything I think about him I remember how happy I am around him.

  135. Anonymous

    Im 50 I look and act about 37 I met and fell in love with a guy who is 32. He says he loves me, calls me beautiful but he has issues in bedroom and when we fight he constantly brings up everything he hates about me. My initial instinct is to run for the hills, I don’t have time to deal with childish behavior. But I do love him. He hates my children and they hate him they are all grown and I moved across country so him and I could start a fresh new life. But since we have he doesn’t touch me , no sex, nothing. I put my family aside for him and now I am wondering if it was a mistake.

  136. Anonymous

    I was, as a thirty year-old woman, in a brief relationship with a 19 year old guy who went to college in the town where I live. Although it was fun at first I can honestly say it was a huge mistake, not necessarily because of his age but because of who he was. He had this sort of surface charisma and seemed very intellectual for his age and had a sort of cockiness that I’ll admit I’ve always liked in any man. But he also turned out to be fairly narcissist and irresponsible. I was in a lonely place in my life so I suppose I was more susceptible. It should have tipped me off that he was no good when we met at a bar, where he and a friend had gotten in with fake IDs. I also should have just ended things when he started insisting that we have sex without a condom because he ‘was too into me for a thing between our bodies to feel right.’ Instead I kept seeing him, mostly on the weekends, until he asked me one day for a lot of money and eventually admitted that he was afraid he’d gotten some lady-friend of his pregnant and needed to help with the abortion. Some girl closer to his age who he’d been sleeping with almost the whole time I’d known him. Then it came out that there was even a third woman. He admitted that he often spent the night with her and the next day came over to my house. He tried bullying me into staying with him, said he knew I didn’t mean it if I broke up with him. But I draw the line at infidelity and since he was clearly not using protection with another person I felt incredibly disrespected. I broke up with him right then and there and when he tried calling me later I told him if he came near me again I would file a restraining order. Don’t know what became of him, but I did gather that the pregnancy scare ended up being nothing and he didn’t need any money anyway. Well, just a cautionary tale to anybody out there who feels like a person who is still a teenager might be ‘the one.’

  137. Gazali Olamilekan Isiaq

    Am 19 and deeply in love with a 23 year old lady you she says am too young need an advice on how to make her understand that I truly love her

  138. Amy

    I am a 49 and over the past four months I’ve been pursued by this gorgeous 23-year-old man. Him and his brother on a store that I go to frequently. One day he asked me for my number and I was completely shocked. But for whatever reason I gave it to them. He’s a sweet charming attentive funny handsome responsible and gorgeous ! He’s always complementing me and always going out of his way to do things for me. This is a new experience for me but I’m really enjoying it. I take really good care of myself very athletic, most people think I’m in my late 30s or early 40s. When I told him I was almost 50 it didn’t seem to shock him. We’ve been dating for a month now and recently became intimate. I guess I have a hard time wrapping my mind around why he would be interested in someone so much older but he says he doesn’t even think about the age difference anymore. All I know is I’m having a blast and I really like him. I guess we’ll just see what happens ?

  139. anon

    I don’t think dating a younger man should be anything long term, but that’s just my opinion. They’re a lot of fun, but not the settling down type. You’re always going to worry in the back of your head when you are aging if they are going to be attracted to someone more their age who looks better than you.

    But, that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with them. I’m 38 and the guy I’m having fun with is 24. He thinks I’m suuuuuuper cool, sexy and confident- it’s just we don’t give that many shits when we get older! lol

    It felt sooo wrong the first time we kissed. Almost brought me back into a highschool type of crush feeling sensation all over my body. Pure lust, nothing more. They’re fun to play around with but that’s about it.

  140. GurlInTheWorld

    To all the women “worried” about taking the plunge with a younger man, ask yourself, are you hurting anyone? Breaking any laws? If you answered no, GO FOR IT.

  141. Anonymous

    I’m right there with you girl. I’m 55 and my young fine, gorgeous body sex partner is 28. I’m so attracted to him , he’s always on my mind. The sex is the best I I’ve ever had. I feel guilty some times. I have children younger than him and older then him. Should I break it off or live my life. He enjoys me and I enjoy him. I’m fine with just sex, he makes it very very interesting and enjoyable ?

  142. Chelsea Douglas

    I’ll be turning 26 next month but I look 15 or 18 and I work in the media department in my church. I’m a graduate but I don’t have a boyfriend though. A guy in my church who is 17 or 18 in the same media department is giving me greenlight. He always chats me up on fb. I know he likes me and I like him too but isn’t it crazy?

  143. Melanie

    I am a 52 year old woman married to my 25 year old husband.
    At first my family, especially my 34 year old son was against it but now everyone’s supportive.
    My younger 17 year old son and him are best friends

  144. Baby

    I am a 44 yr old woman in a relationship with a 26 yr old man. We’ve been obsessed with each other for about a year and a half. He is an old soul and has a way of always making me feel beautiful and important. I have tried to break it off many times but he will not let me walk away. I have a connection with him that I’ve never experienced before. And he’s told me he is so afraid that he would never feel this way again, it’s too right. We are happy and rolling with it…

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