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Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

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How To Stop Researching + Start Taking Action

How To Stop Researching + Start Taking Action

I can see the tiny ‘like’ notifications piling up under the comment on my Instagram post. 12, 13, 14 likes. And honestly? I get it. Because the comment is so, so relatable. Who among us hasn’t done this? Who hasn’t spent weeks or months researching:  How to launch...

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  1. Chrissy

    How great! I love it!
    You are beautiful!

  2. brlracincwgrl

    Love this!

    You're beautiful!

  3. Courtney

    Of course! But I like to be reminded every once in awhile.

  4. Melissa Allam

    When I saw your post here, it made me think of the new song by Mercy Me called Beautiful. I went on line to You Tube and found a video with some of the same pics you have here. It is absolutely Beautiful! Thank you for the reminder. If you don't know the song here is the Youtube link:

  5. screwdestiny

    I did know this. But it never hurts to be told. 🙂

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Yes and Yes
How To Motivate Yourself To Do The Boring Things You Need To Do
How To Decide When To Give Up On A Goal And When To Recommit
How To Stop Researching + Start Taking Action