True Story: I’m 4 Inches Taller Than My Husband

Don't let height stop you from dating someone awesome! A super sweet interview with a woman who's taller than her husband.

Tell us a bit about yourselves!

Cadence: Hi! My name is Cadence, I’m 32 years old and I’m originally from a small town in Iowa. I live and work in Minneapolis where my husband, Eli, and I own a photography business. I love sharing meals with friends and family, perusing design on Pinterest, running, and travel.

Luckily I get to share all of that with Eli (except for Pinterest, he doesn’t dig it as much as I do.) I’m currently dreaming of a trip to Scandinavia and scheming of ways that Eli and I can live abroad during the winter months.

Eli: I grew up in St. Paul. We’ll move to that side of the river and start a family sometime coming up here. Right now, we’re in Minneapolis, though, being married we don’t go out so much as we used to.

How tall are you guys?

Cadence: I used to say I’m 5’10” and 3/4. Now I just round up to 5’11”.

Eli: I’m 5’7.” So Cadence has 4” on me. When we stated dating she always wore heels out, so it was 6” or so.

How did you guys meet?

Cadence: We met nearly 5 years ago at First Avenue in Minneapolis. At the time, I was going dancing there every Saturday night. One night, I ran into several friends who happened to be there with their friend, Eli.Between the noise and the constant dancing, we didn’t get an opportunity to talk that night but we were definitely making eye contact. I was really interested in him (his hair! his eyes! his rave-like dancing!) so the next four Saturdays I ditched my weekly dance habit and kept inviting our mutual friends out.

I kept hinting that they should invite “whomever they wanted” hoping they would bring Eli, but they never picked up on the hint. On the fifth Saturday, we bumped into each other at a photography/fashion event supporting our mutual friend. We spent the entire night talking, he asked for my number, and two years later we were married.

Eli:We had both been going there just about every week, but had never seen one another – you know, because I’m short. 🙂

The night we met we had a mutual friend that was there and pointed Cadence out to me. I was totally into her, but wasn’t sure that she was interested. By the end of the night, I broke off from the group, not wanting to be TOO into her. Happily, she found me to say goodnight. I was going to be back next week to find her! I was back there for a month, all lone-wolf style looking for her. When I finally did see her again, it was a total surprise at a photo event a month later; I was elated.

My inner dialogue was literally “YES! CADENCE IS HERE!” We spent the whole night together, and within months I was confident that I wanted to marry her. There are pictures from that night somewhere. Cadence was crouching down in all of them; she has since stopped that. 🙂

Before you met each other, what were the heights of your previous partners?

Cadence: Everyone was pretty close to my height; I’ve never been with anyone who’s much taller than I and some were definitely uncomfortable if I wore heels.

Eli: First tall lady – It’s not like it’s a fetish or something!

Were you at all put off by the height difference?

Cadence: I was never put off by our height difference. In the beginning, it wasn’t something that I really noticed–I think I was too head over heels for him to give it much thought. Since I was wearing heels the first two times we saw each other and he still asked me out, I was fairly certain it didn’t bother him. However, we never mentioned the height difference so it kind of felt like the elephant in the room until one of us made a joke about it one night.

Eli: I was a bit insecure about it for a while. I felt like it reeked of a Napoleon Complex, heck, maybe it does. Whatever. Now, she’s my wife and a great partner how am I going to complain about what package that comes in?


Do people ever comment on it? How do you respond?

Cadence: My friends tease me sometimes, but it’s certainly not in a hurtful way; we’re able to giggle about it. I feel strangers stare at us just a little bit longer, especially when I’m wearing heels.

There was one particular time we were in an elevator in Las Vegas and I heard a woman stage whisper, “She’s SO tall!” I had imbibed in a few cocktails that evening so my response was probably sharper than it needed to be.

Eli: Nobody ever comments to me. I’d give ‘em a look.

Are there any challenges to dating someone who’s four inches taller/shorter than you? What are the benefits?

Cadence: We’ve never really mastered the art of slow dancing and I can’t wear his jeans as “boyfriend jeans” (but he could wear mine, I suppose).There are times when I feel vulnerable and I want to feel dainty and small…but those moments of insecurity are usually fleeting; Eli makes me feel strong and beautiful.

As far as benefits, Eli tends to be much stealthier than I am so it certainly helps when we’re shooting weddings together. (I’m hoping our kids get his mad gymnast skills.) And, of course, I can reach the top cupboards in the kitchen–which is where I hide all the good stuff.

Eli: I’d say the only challenge would be getting over a mental hurdle if you had one. People are wired to like and look for some particular things in mates though, and if it’s a ‘deal breaker’ for somebody thenI guess that’s that.

What do you guys think when you hear people talking about height as a ‘deal breaker’ for who they’ll date?

Cadence: I can’t imagine ruling out an entire segment of population, just because it doesn’t fit into a socially constructed norm.

Eli: I don’t think I’m quite qualified to be giving much dating advice. But, I’d say that too many ‘deal breakers’ and a person is liable to wind up alone or struggling to make their partner into something they aren’t.

What advice would you give to tall ladies/short dudes who are dating?

Cadence: Embrace it–and laugh a lot.

Eli: Keep it real.

Thanks so much for sharing! Do you guys have any questions? Do you have height hang-ups about who you date?

P.S. How to date a younger man + Love your ex enough to leave them alone

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  1. Anonymous

    Totally agree with the mentally constructed hurdle part. My boyfriend is like an inch shorter than me and it's definitely not really a thing if you don't want it to be. People might notice it, but only because the "norm" of tall man-shorter woman is still strong, but then again who cares about that?

    I thought of it a little at first, but then concluded that it wasn't worth being that superficial when i had found a guy i was into. Four years on, i'm really happy I decided not to care.

    • Anonymous

      I'm 5'10" and my husband is 5'4". He and I embrace it and it actually has worked well since I am the breadwinner. I lead our marriage and it works together perfectly. Wearing heels s a hoot! lol

      • Anonymous

        We are the same she is 5’10 and I am 5’4. We get a lot of states and giggles. I even over heard a server joke with another server if she offered a booster seat. It makes my girlfriend more mad than me. One day out of the blue my girlfriend jokingly suggested I wear a pair of her high heels. They were slightly tight so she recommended I wear hose. So I did it I got use to wearing them around the house. The door bell rang and with out thinking I answered the door. It was a canvasser and he got an eyeful. He explained why he was there and he commented on my legs. Before I knew it he was in the house and shut the door. He asked me if I was a lonely woman. I tried to explain and before I knew it he had lead me to the couch. I was wearing very short shorts. I was showing a lot of leg. He began to tell me more about why he was there and his hands began to rub my legs. I asked him what he was doing and he said I had very beautiful legs . Then his hands began to touch other areas. About that time he took my hand and placed it on his crotch. By now I was excited and the man unzipped his pants and took out his penis. I kept playing with him and he suggested I kiss it. I went down and kissed it and played with it. I soon had it my mouth till he released himself. He stood and zipped up and left.

    • Anonymous

      Completely agree with this. As a tall person especially a woman it is silly to limit one's options solely based on height. Unfortunately not a lot of guys are okay with being with a woman taller than them :/

    • Anonymous

      I am 5'11 and my fiancé 5'6 or 5'7. ????? Never thought my i will be marrying someone that short, but guess what, He is the most amazing guy I have ever met sooooo far. Nothing to do with the tall men I dated. ladies, you may need to check out shorter guys you may not know what you are missing. I feel feminine with him, he treats me like a queen. What else a woman need? I am thankful everyday for him and I will never trade him for a taller guy.

      • kavita

        every woman want to true love. your so lucky your life partner treats you as a queen..Height is not matter in love.. .”ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR BRIGHT FEATURE”….

  2. hannah

    This was so lovely to read 🙂 xx

  3. World Traveler In Training

    Growing up, I don't think I knew any couples where the woman was taller than the man, but now I know quite a few. In fact, now that I think about it, a lot of the long term couple I know have the lady as the taller one. I wonder if height is less important now or it's just a coincidence?

  4. Jessica R.

    I'm also married to a man 4 inches shorter than me. We used to get comments here and there in the beginning, but we never seem to get them anymore. Maybe it's because we don't notice any more and we're so comfortable with and in love with one another. Loved reading about another couple in our shoes!

  5. Anonymous

    What a great looking couple! My dear friend is taller than her fiance. They look great together and have chatted a bit about the height difference, but it's not a big deal.

    I have a height requirement. I'm being honest. I am 5ft5, but my father and all my male cousins are 6ft plus. I've dated three men: 6ft 1, 6ft 2 and 6ft 4. I just am not attracted to men who are shorter than 6ft. Not for me, and I get frustrated when that's an issue. It's only an issue for women to say they have a look they prefer, men on the other hand can have all sorts of physical preferences. But when a woman says, "I'm just not attracted to shorter men" I'm suddenly "picky, rude, judgmental." Alright! Lose, lose.

    Another friend of mine is married. She and her husband are both shorter, I believe he is 5ft 6– not sure. He knows I prefer taller guys and loudly asks anytime I mention someone I'm interested in, "how tall is he!?!" I get it, it's hard to be a shorter man when there's a premium for taller men out there. However, one thing he loved about his wife before they became an item was how petite she was. So interesting.

    Rant over, so glad they are living their love story and kudos to anyone else who doesn't care. I just do.

    • Anonymous

      I understand exactly how you feel, because I used to be the same way. I'm also pretty petite and only dated really tall guys, like 6'2" to 6'5". Then, I met my love. He's short like me and it's amazing how much you realize the height thing really only ever was a mental thing. At first, I was unsure about his height and spoke with some girlfriends that have short husbands, too. They helped me to realize what I was just beginning to notice–short guys often have amazing personalities and are really driven, while so many tall men skate by on their height alone.

      Anyway, I really enjoyed hearing the story of the couple in this feature. Such a good-looking pair, too.

    • Anonymous

      Ya ht requirement is sad my husband is way over six ft but he has rail thin arms and is so skinny Imuch rather have . A normal ht guy like 5’10 and we’llbuilt although my hubby is not a freak as a lot of talk guys are goofy Istill luv him and his steal blue eyes

  6. lauren claire  |  rebuild (health + home)

    Interesting topic! I had one boyfriend in college who was probably 5'7 or so (I'm 5'5), but generally all of my boyfriends have been 6 feet or taller… except the one that I'm now engaged to! He is just fractions of an inch taller than me. If you were to ask me to describe my dream guy in theory, I'd say tall, thin, dark eyes/dark hair, and here I am head over heels for a blue-eyed, blonde-haired guy of average-height and an athletic build. The heart wants what the heart wants…

  7. Elise

    Ooh this is a really interesting topic! I'm 5ft 10 but like to wear heels when I'm out…and the one thing I couldn't compromise on is height of a partner, he has to be taller than me! Not sure I'd call it conforming to society rules tho, I think its just a personal preference 🙂

  8. kmsyes


    • Eli Eijadi

      LOL Can't wait Karen! Let's just hope we don't run into that lady again at MGM. 😀

  9. Jessica

    Love this! Having watched the two of them as a photography team and partners at a friend's recent wedding, it is so crystal clear that they are in love and perfect for each other in every single way. Love them!

    • Eli Eijadi

      Jessica – let's happy hour soon!

  10. Amanda

    Proud to say I witnessed their budding love and the height thing was never an issue but made for good laughs. They really are a perfect match. 🙂 A guy did make a jerky comment on the street one time when we were out but we all wrote him off as a sad lot, laughed about out and moved on.

    • Eli Eijadi

      Amanda – I owe you some photos :/

  11. Anonymous

    I'm really glad you posted this! I am a 6ft tall woman and always get told to stop wearing heels or I'll "Never Find A Man" – too bad I say, my shoes are fabulous! Now I will direct people here!

  12. Chrissy (The New Me)

    Very cute! I've got an inch on my husband, and I think he's the sexiest man alive. So glad I gave him a chance, even though I had always dated taller dudes before!

  13. Brandon Wells

    I had a long term relationship with a young lady who had 2 inches on me. She got to wear my "Say Yes to Michigan" t-shirts, and I got to be the small spoon. One vote for height disparity being a "mentally constructed hurdle".

  14. Whit

    Great interview! This reminds me of my favorite quote from Miranda July's book, "No One Belongs Here More Than You":

    "People end to stick to their own size group because it's easier on the neck. Unless they are romantically involved, in which the size difference is sexy. It means: I am willing to go the distance for you."

    • Cadence

      I absolutely love that Whit, thanks for sharing! I'm stealing it now. 🙂

  15. Mo Adore | Morag Lee

    They look so beautiful together and sound so in love! I'm a pretty average sized lady but I've dated short guys, average sized guys, 6ft and over guys, and I have no preference. Actually if I did have a preference I'd say nearer the same height as me – I don't think taller automatically makes a guy more attractive.

  16. Jackie Just

    You guys are the cutest! xoxo

  17. Sara Jane

    I'm six feet tall and always look for towering tall men to date. Short guys tend not to be interested in me, they said I'm too intimidating, while tall men like tiny petite women. At least the ones I want. It's pretty frustrating. The only shorter guys I dated made it such an issue, we stopped seeing each other.


    • Anonymous

      i m man. i m only 5.5 but i am ready to go with 6ft tall girl. i get attracted towards taller girls. why so, i dont know. but there is defenitely an attraction of tall girls. do you get attracted towards short boys?

    • Anonymous

      It is a pity that short guys dont get interest in you, you are marvellous. I sincerely belive you will get man of your dream…and a short man will always love you and take care of you 200 %…so if u ignore the will be benefit

      • Anonymous

        I’m currently trying to ignore the height difference. He’s 6 inches shorter than me.
        It doesn’t bother him, he was attracted to me & then I realized I was attracted to him.
        I love his sense of humor & his down to earth personality.

  18. Ashley Snipes

    Hey eli… did ou ever think that people hated the way you look with your wife, Im like 5'10 and my bf is like 5'5 and we get made fun of everyday and i don't care about the size and or height but i can feel that he does..

  19. Ashley Snipes

    Hey eli… did ou ever think that people hated the way you look with your wife, Im like 5'10 and my bf is like 5'5 and we get made fun of everyday and i don't care about the size and or height but i can feel that he does..

  20. Love and Coffee

    I'm exactly four inches taller than my boyfriend. Dancing is difficult, but we laugh about it. One thing I do not like is that people don't recognize that we're a couple when we go out together. Since dating him, I've finally learned to stand up straight, and to be proud of myself.

    • Love and Coffee

      One more thing. . . we can't figure out how to take photos together.

    • Anonymous

      Good for you in standing up straight!
      I so appreciate these comments even tho they’re 5 years old.
      Im trying to ignore the reality of our height differences & embrace our comparability.
      He’s 6 inches shorter than me & I look taller than what I am on top of it all.
      Go figure. I don’t want to throw away someone who really cares based on society’s call. What lonely fool I would be.

  21. Tina

    Love love love it! Such a sweet story! I'm 5'10 and sort of seeing someone who is maybe 5'7. I struggle because my last boyfriend was 6'7! However, I have never been treated more kind and loving in my lifetime of relationships. We have an added issue…I'm also ten years older than him! Yikes. He doesnt care about either factors.

  22. Little Bill

    I have to say that having a late growth spurt was an interesting thing because I went through puberty being 4'9 until I hit 17 somehow went from 4'9 to suddenly 5'10 in what seemed like less than a year. I recall feeling strange about dating short women because even the short girls had always been taller than me. I loved tall women and that didn't change at all, although my height did!lol I have dated women between 4'9 -6'6 married a 5'7 gal who always wore heels making her closer to 6 foot and I am 6'1! Love has no boundary's except the ones we create ourselves!

  23. Little Bill

    I have to say that having a late growth spurt was an interesting thing because I went through puberty being 4'9 until I hit 17 somehow went from 4'9 to suddenly 5'10 in what seemed like less than a year. I recall feeling strange about dating short women because even the short girls had always been taller than me. I loved tall women and that didn't change at all, although my height did!lol I have dated women between 4'9 -6'6 married a 5'7 gal who always wore heels making her closer to 6 foot and I am 6'1! Love has no boundary's except the ones we create ourselves!

  24. Lucky

    i am 5'9 and my love is 5'4 (though i feel he is shorter) On our first date, I cannot lie I felt completely awkward and wanted to remain sitting the entire time lol. 2 months later I realize he is the most manliest and confident guy I have been with. There is nothing my man doesn't do and I'm glad I didn't let something like height potentially ruin what is an awesome relationship.

    • Anonymous

      Wow….I really needed to read this!!!!
      5 years later, I love to know if love kept you all together.

  25. VoiceOfLove

    I'm a dating and relationship coach and I applaud Cadence and Eli for looking at the qualities that make a relationship work and last! The way someone treats you and makes you feel about them and your relationship is what really matters most! Not their height or looks!

  26. James Mutaha

    A'm 5'2"and I wouldn't mind dating or marrying a woman who was even a foot taller than me.Actually the shortest woman I've dated is 5'5".What matters most is not how someone looks on the outside but how he or she is on the inside.

    • Anonymous

      I love your way of thinking!

  27. Anonymous

    Women love short men!

  28. Anonymous

    Tanx for sharin ur story with us I'm actual taller than my boyfriend wen we first met he proposed to me bt I culdnt take him serious bcs of the height so I jst decided to befriend him we hang out alo n he enjoyed my company always bt I stil had a problem with the height bt he wasn't even caring bwt de height n nw today we expectin our 1st baby n planning to get married I must say he's de sweetest guy I've ever met n frm all de previous relationships I've height I gotta say love has no boundries if u realy love each other n hey I'm so head over heels inlove with him lol

  29. Kyle Dahl

    My wife and I are going on 15 years married this year. She is at least 2" taller than me. I encourage her to wear heals when we go out. From day one, the height thing was never really an issue with us. I tried to date taller girls in high school – they turned me down. One in fact told me that I was too short to date. I hardly ever considered dating a girl shorter than me, I LOVE the long legs. She dated guys that were taller than her in high school, she said they were all schmucks. Moral of the story: give it a chance!

  30. Kyle Dahl

    Forgot the facts: I am 5'9", she is 5'11"+.

  31. Anonymous

    I have been with my wife for 22 years she is 5'11 and I am 5'4. We have always had a great relationship and never let the height difference bother us. She even enjoyed wearing heels out and yes we got looks but just laughed about it. Our three girls are all about the same height as my wife and they just call me their little daddy.

    • Anonymous

      Awww! So cute

      • Anonymous

        That’s so adorable !! I love it ?

    • Anonymous

      Wow…how beautiful!!
      I would love to chat with you all.
      God Bless

  32. Anonymous

    I am 5'10" and my boyfriend is about an inch shorter. Its not enough to notice if you don't want to, but it's always been an area of self-consciousness for me. And he doesn't talk about it… EVER. So I have to bring it up should I feel the need to talk about it and then I feel SO vulnerable. Which doesn't help when I also feel larger than him. I want to feel feminine and delicate; held. But so often I feel like he couldnt really hold me… I'm too "big" which is the worst thing in a girl's mind. He never makes me feel this way, but I struggle with feeling it…

    • Anonymous

      Hi there!

      I just stumbled upon this article and although it was uplifting, I still feel the same way about my boyfriend as you do about yours. My boyfriend and I are the same height, 5’7″, but of course, in heels, I’m 4 inches taller. He’s also skinnier than I am…very well-built, but still skinnier. I should add that I’m not overweight myself, but I’m definitely curvy (hour-glass, hippy) and not petite.

      He is so loving and caring and constantly tells me how beautiful I am but I can’t seem to get over his height and I feel so superficial and terrible about feeling this way. But, I feel exactly as you do. I feel “big” around him. I look bigger than him, even though I’m not technically “big.” I have always been self-conscious about my body so feeling this way around him makes me feel even more insecure. Anyway, I noticed that you posted your comment over a year ago, and I’m not sure you’ll even see this, but I guess I just wanted to ask if those feelings ever went away? Do you think about the height difference much anymore or does it still make you self-conscious? I’d really appreciate it if you let me know!

      Best wishes!

      • Justme

        Hey there,
        My hubby and I are both about 5’8 but I feel like I am taller than him. When we first met I thought he was a bit too short for me but I fell in love with him anyway. We are in our mid 50’s now and have been married for 28 years. My man is a keen surfer and goes to gym every week so he’s got a good looking body. I am pretty fit myself and we are very similar size wise expect he’s got more muscles of course. I still struggle with feeling so tall next to him. I can’t seem to get over it. He’s a great guy a good man and I love him I just wish I was a bit more petite. I rarely wear heels. I think it’s superficial but I still feel this way so I can relate to what you feel. It doesn’t bother my man at all. Thankfully in bed it really doesn’t matter at all. And I must say, if you have a good man that’s what matters. I hope you get over your feelings.

        • Anonymous

          I really appreciate these post, regardless of it being a year or two or 5 years later

          Need this right about now.
          I’m in an awkward looking relationship.
          I’m 6 inches taller. He’s 5’6 & I’m 6’2.

          i’m trying to push past the feelings of insecurities that’s trying to haunt me. Smh

  33. Anonymous

    We need to promote this idea. Guys should marry only girls who are taller than them. It will be so interesting than the the taller man relationship

  34. Anonymous

    I'm 57 years old and 5'10" and when I was a teenager, it was a big deal if a girl was taller than her boyfriend. It was pretty much assumed that a husband would be older, taller, better educated, more sexually experienced than his wife…in the "Marriage and Family" course I took in college it was called the "Dating Differential". I realized when I was 16 or so that it pretty much depended on the girl's attitude: if a shorter guy showed an interest and asked me out, my height was obviously fine with him. Sure enough, I ended up falling in love with a 5'8" guy…35 years later we're still happily married. Once in a while I'll overhear someone say something like "men are supposed to be taller than their wives"…my response is "Are you prejudiced or something?"

  35. Anonymous

    Just came across this thread, and it genuinely made me smile! At 5'6, I tower over my 5'1 fiancé. I never imagined myself dating a short guy (much less one who's 6" shorter), and didn't believe that such a guy would give me a second glance. I was caught completely off guard when I met my fiancé, who relentlessly pursued me, but was delighted eventually. I knew I would regret not giving him a chance simply because of superficial reasons, so I gave in and couldn't be happier about it. We've been laughed at in public, or gotten rude comments and whispers from strangers, but we mainly get stared at. Sucks that people are like that, but what you gonna do? We just keep truckin'. It's refreshing to read about other couples similar to us, and we hope to be as happy as them as well!

    • Eli

      Hey! Loved reading what you wrote. Just want to ask are you happy with him? I and my fiance are both 5′ 0″. Some say its rare and we are the cutest couple others say he is too short.

  36. Anonymous

    People are always gonna talk but if you have happy who cares what other say.

  37. kim huguenard,RN

    Oh my my…these comnents melt my heart. I appreciate them so much. Im currently dating a guy 3 inches shorter…never imagined I wpuld be doing this. But how could i give him up when hes so kind and caring…smart…athletic…educated… successful in business…and plus has successful relationships with daughters (divorced)

    Struggling though ovet feeling bit awkward getting a hug from him standing up…but he continues surprise me how im still turned on to him… i do want to be physically intimate….we do connect mentally…emotionally. ..and spiritually. ..i find mysrlf “head over heeks” over him…yet in all this im still struggling but can’t seem to cut off the relationship just because im feeling achward hugging him standing up…

  38. fr

    hi.. everyone i want to ask you all what happen if i marry a man who have height may b same as mine let me clear you all my situation ..i am in love with a man i am 5’1″ and he is either 5’2″ or 5’1″ and we are just in relationship i dont know how to convience my family plzzz help

    • Eli

      Oh! Its the same with us. I and my fiance are both 5’0″. Its an arranged marriage. If you are happy go with it. Life is so much more than shapes and sizes. 🙂

  39. Anonymous

    I have always been attracted to taller women, my gf is 6’7″ and I’m 6’2″. She has beautiful smaller feet for her
    height and enjoys wearing sexy hi heels and has no problem with the fact she just flat out towers over me and to be honest i find it after many years still a huge turn on and the looks on some peoples faces almost can’t be described.

  40. Anonymous

    Being 5’7″ all women are taller then me. I get the
    turn on especially when they really tower over me and kick
    off the heels and they still tower over me and have to lean way over to hug or kiss me. You should have seen the
    looks and comments from the other night, she was 6’8″, but
    had flats on.

  41. C

    Height shouldn’t matter at all. If height is the worst problem a couple has, they don’t have any problems. It is hard enough finding a good decent person so just because the male is shorter shouldn’t matter. Embrace your height.

  42. Bill

    Don’t do it. I married a woman much taller than me 30 years ago. Everything seemed to be going so well. But, she had infertility issues, and we had started an adoption process.

    Three days after our home study was complete, she told another man she would sleep with him when he visited her home office. They spent every conceivable moment in bed.

    As she left me for him so said, and I quote. “I just needed to be with a man my own height for a while”. She fully expected to spend the week in bed with this man, and just return home like nothing had happened. All her belongings were in contractor bags in the back yard when she was “done”. Door locks changed. And I move in with my parents.

    So, sometimes a woman will put her desires on hold because you might have other aspects that make up for it. But, there is no compensating for height. Eventually she will realize all the things she gave up by marrying you.

    And she’ll need them again, eventually. Short man – tall woman? Recipe for divorce somewhere down the line.

    Oh, we divorced many years ago. Just heard from the grapevine that she’s on her 4th husband, cheated on everyone of them. And she was just diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.

    Glad I got away when I did.

    • Anonymous

      From your story. I conclude it is not because of your height she cheated on you. She has cheated on her other husbands who I believe are taller. And she has a personality issue.

  43. rani

    Your comment…hi my husband height is 5.1″ and mine is 5.2″. is that ok for happy married life? please help me

    • Eli

      Hey Rani! If he’s a nice guy and you like him height doesn’t matter. I and my fiance are both 5’0″. You are a perfect pair 🙂

  44. Jason Long

    I am a 5’8″ male and my significant other is a beautiful women 6’1″ barefeet and towers over me and always
    wears 4″ heels and the height difference standing can
    be staggering if judged by the stares.
    As a couple we are way past the height difference and so what really is the big deal, its only height people.

  45. Anonymous

    I’m a 5’11” girl and my boyfriend is 5’7″. What can I say, even our parents were a bit astonished, but eventually they got used to it. Why would I say “no” to a guy who accepted my for who I am, including my child from my previous marriage, and everything that comes with it, who is kind, funny, smart, outgoing, who loves me and makes me feel like a lady. Okay, we may look a little awkward in the eyes of strangers passing on the street, but honestly, I don’t care, as long as I like him, and he likes me, and we both don’t have a problem with our height difference.

  46. Sarah

    Just found this now and this was a really heartwarming read. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 3 years but we officially started dating a year ago. He is 5’5 and I’m 5’9. He is lovely, generous, caring and strong. I’m in South Korea at the moment and it really isn’t the norm here to see a short guy and a taller girl..but I’m happy with him. We have another friend couple where the boyfriend is 5’6 and the girl is 5’11. I can relate to wanting to feel docile and feminine sometimes but I still body doesn’t take anything off my personality. And as for previous dating, Ive never dated before this. However, there were many times guys asked me out and I can honestly say I’ve always been attracted to shorter guys. Tall guys just don’t do it for me- they don’t have that same energy. Anyway, I’m really happy with my shorter boyfriend and I would say to anyone debating- F*** societal norms and pressures and do what you want to be happy

  47. Daisy

    I am 5.6 my fiancé is 5.5. I enjoy heels & he dont mind at first I rejected him bcz of his height and talked to the taller guys Who r 6.3 & 6.2 and I realised they were apparently tall but very short inside, i came to know tht just height is not able to give you happy life but a good man can! He is the only person who care abt me I returned to him and i m sooo happy i cnt even explain? I wil nvr replace him with a tall guy….

  48. Joe

    We are good friends with another couple and the woman is 3 or 4 inches taller than her husband.

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Yes and Yes
Don't let height stop you from dating someone awesome! A super sweet interview with a woman who's taller than her husband.
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