Occupation: Blogger, sales assistant at a department store
My alarm is set for: 7 a.m. I’m definitely a morning person. Even when I don’t set an alarm I usually wake up early on my own.
My Australian breakfast

Occupation: Blogger, sales assistant at a department store
My alarm is set for: 7 a.m. I’m definitely a morning person. Even when I don’t set an alarm I usually wake up early on my own.
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I always had avocado on toast with lime and pepper for breakfast. 🙂
I live in Sydney, Australia. My morning routine – motivated version: Get up when my husband does at 6:30am. Pack my stuff for work and his lunch while he eats breakfast etc;. Drive him to work, then drive myself to either the gym or to my office early to study (I'm finishing my Masters degree). Breakfast is a cup of coffee and a banana or a protein shake. My morning routine – unmotivated version: Sleep through husband's alarm. Wake up to mine at 7:45. Hit snooze button variable amount of times. Finally get up, dressed, make a cup of coffee and run out the door. Drive to work. My makeup routine is super simple – BB cream from the Face Shop, concealer from Clarins, and a slick of Clinique Chubby stick in Super Strawberry.
This morning routine sounds a lot like mine, but I'm loving the addition of coconut to your porridge! Good tip.
I have to race to catch the train to work, but I'd love to swap that for a leisurely stroll instead. I get a nice walk home from the station anyway, and I always find that really relaxing, especially when it's just starting to get dark, and there are rosellas flying home overhead, or even when it's proper twilight and there are fruit bats flying about!