Web Time Wasters

Such a sassy song.

What you do on a friend’s birthday says about how much your value their friendship.

A brave article from a mom who gave up primary custody of her daughter.
I worried that I was teaching her that struggle is a part of life — something that many of us are taught subliminally. I worried that she would grow up with issues from not having her daddy in her life (a struggle that many women can relate to). I worried about the relationship she would have with money if she watched me try to make ends meet. I worried about a lot of things during that time, but the biggest worry of all was that I was setting an example for her that life is very, very hard — and that is not something I want to pass on to my child.

Let’s all make bacon donuts with maple cinnamon cream and then let’s make lemon poppyseed ricotta waffles followed by a watermelon margarita and a pie that has a crust made out of saltines.

I’m completely mesmerized by this … blazer?

I’m almost done with my tube of CC cream and I think I’m going to splash out on this highly-reviewed mineral makeup.

I love a good interview. A crematory operator explains what it’s like to burn bodies for a living.
What is the grossest thing you do at work?
Sometimes we get bodies in that are fairly decomposed. Because I’m at a crematorium in Detroit we often deal with bodies that have been found in abandoned houses and they’re there for quite a while until they’re found. So when they are found I have to make sure each body matches up with the paperwork so I have to check the toe tags and ankle bracelets to check and keep everything organized. Recently we’ve been dealing with the universities and donor cadavers and sometimes the cadavers aren’t all in one piece. If they’re in multiple pieces, each piece is tagged with the same ID number to make sure no pieces get misplaced. I had to hold a severed human head and it was a lot heavier than I thought it would be. That could be a little weird for people.

Ha! The asshole rating self-exam.

Yup. I didn’t blog for an entire week and no one died.

Ooof. What do I have to say to a cop?

Yes! You can actually enjoy your mornings!

Gorgeous cat toys and accessories.

ALLLLLEEEERT! This empty Sicilian town is giving away houses.

My partner’s a climatologist so this article hits close to home.
“Oh yeah,” Schmidt says, almost casually. “The business-as-usual world that we project is really a totally different planet. There’s going to be huge dislocations if that comes about.”

But things can change much quicker than people think, he says. Look at attitudes on gay marriage.

And the glaciers?

“The glaciers are going to melt, they’re all going to melt,” he says. “But my reaction to Jason Box’s comments is—what is the point of saying that? It doesn’t help anybody.”

Do you have an intense kid in your life? Here are five ways to calm them down.

This designer is funding her trip of 26,000 miles by selling a series of 26 travel-inspired, hand-lettered posters!

And a few Yes & Yes posts you might have missed: True Story: I have Aspergers, How to become a morning person (or at least fake it), Love your ex enough to leave them alone. 

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Web Time Wasters

What you get up to this week, friends? This weekend, Kenny and I are in Superior, WI, staring at the lake and eating our fill at some of Wisconsin's best supper clubs. I mean, who wouldn't want to eat au gratin potatoes at a place with a sign like this!? Links for you...

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Web Time Wasters

How was your week, friends? Kenny had Monday off so we finally saw this movie and then fell down a Wikipedia hole reading all about the true story it's based on. This weekend, we took a super quick trip up north to help my mom celebrate her birthday and enjoy a bit of...

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Web Time Wasters

How was your week, friends? I saw Eighth Grade with a buddy, phone banked for the DFL (totally not scary!), and packed + planned for my trip to Denver next week. Totally excited to see the Denver Aquarium mermaids and try out some great vegan restaurants! Links for...

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