Web Time Wasters

Slightly NSFW due to cussin’

How was your week, guys? I’m wrapping projects up and winding things down in order to take December 23rd – January 3rd off. Off from email, off from blogging, off from client work. Lovely! Weird! What will I do with myself?!

A bit of real talk, friends. I’ve spent a lot of time really thinking about Yes & Yes, the ghostwriting and client work I do, and work/life balance. I’ve thought a lot about the difference between doing things that come easily, doing things that make money, and doing things because Everyone Else Is Doing Them.

I’ll be mixing things up professionally in 2016 and one of the people who’s helped me find the gumption to do that is Kristen Kalp. She’s an absolute wonder and I think she maybe changed my life/business. Earlier this year, I took her Calling To The Deep course and it was amazing. If you’re toeing that line between ‘safe’ work that makes money and work you’re really excited about, I think you might like it, too.

Anyway! Enough self-reflection! Links for you!

What if you challenged yourself to include one sincere compliment in every conversation?

Love it. A gift guide for cat-lovers.

Did you know that 1 in 5 perfectly good pieces of produce doesn’t fit grocery stores’ strict cosmetic guidelines – so they get wasted? If you live in the Bay Area, you can sign up for Imperfect Produce delivery. For $18 you can get a large box of mixed produce delivered to your door!

FASCINATING. 10 viral sensations on life after internet fame.
People couldn’t get how I would do these skits where I was acting and doing comedy, but then have this one video where, yes, I did mean “leave Britney alone.” It was easier to just play to their perception, and I ran with this idea that I’m a lunatic who cries over celebrities. I thought I would get a chance later to expand on who I really was.

If you’re a human who’s dated other humans, you’ve probably been ghosted on. The five stages of ghosting grief.

I love this. “How to keep your lady-ness when it’s cold as shit outside.”

I’m so proud of Minnesota, Minnesotans, and our generous spirit towards refugees! Phones are literally ringing off the hook at Minnesota refugee resettlement agencies!

Good to remember. 10 measures of success that don’t involve dollars.


Important and interesting. A conversation with genderqueer activist Jacob Tobia.
Since I moved to New York, things have been very different. In New York, you run into strangers every single day. You don’t have the ability to influence a local small community. There’s not a finite number of people that you have to convince for you to be safe. In New York as a genderqueer person, or as a transgender person, you’re always in danger. You’re always hypervisible, you’re always mocked, and you constantly have to watch your back.

I loved Amy’s post about taking a break from self-development and self-improvement.

Totally random, but have you ever tried Poo-Pourri? It totally, totally works  – but it’s also $10 for a tiny bottle. Here’s a DIY recipe that works just as well!

Carmella and her family of five live in a 665-square foot cabin in rural Wyoming. This interview and the photos are great!

I would never think of other ways to flavor and serve hot cereal!

Such pretty, unique jewelry!

And a few Yes & Yes posts you might have missed: How to make your apartment look great on a budget, How to survive holiday travel with grace and aplomb, How to be a better friend.

This is the last Web Time Waster of 2015! See you on January 4th!

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  1. Rachel

    That Ghosting article was so terribly on point, in numerous ways: “For a friendship to exist in 2015, people need to know they can text “ugh I love oysterrrrs” at 2:15 p.m. on a Friday and get a response by 2:30.”

  2. saniel

    Imperfect produce sounds so great, wish it was available in my area.

    • Sarah Von Bargen

      Right?! Here’s hoping they expand!

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