Web Time Wasters

How was your week, guys? I got my taxes done, met a friend’s sweet new baby, and regretfully discovered that you can watch all the early seasons of Sex And The City on Amazon Prime. I didn’t have HBO in 1998 and I’ve only seen the last few seasons TILL NOW. The flip phones! Everyone paying for things in cash! PEOPLE SMOKING INDOORS. Whhhaaaaat!

So I guess that’s what I’m doing with every spare moment now.

Anyway, links for you!

This week I was on the Raise Your Hand, Say Yes! podcast, talking about making space for ‘yes,’ staying focused when you’re working on a million things, and the mistakes you see when you give 1,600+ site audits.

Wow! Did you know that TripAdvisor is totally, irredeemably rigged? An Italian magazine got a fake hotel that doesn’t to #1. Ugh.

Does this sound familiar?
“I’m just checking in.” = Where is that thing you promised I’d have by now?
“Sorry to bother you again.” = Why can’t you do your job?
“I feel bad for making you do this.” = You should feel bad for not having done this already.

I loved this totally sensible list of wellness habits that are “actually worth the time and money.” MY SUSPICIONS ARE CONFIRMED; flossing > oil pulling and daily walks > some super involved fitness fad.

A gorgeous, gorgeous dress.

Isn’t it fun to work through Best Of lists? I guess every date night is planned for the rest of the year now that I have this list of the 100 best restaurant dishes in Minneapolis/St. Paul. Black bottom coconut cream pie? Dontmindifido.

A new-to-me-blog that everyone else has been reading and loving for years: Manhattan Nest. Awesome DIYs, design, decor all written with wit. Into it.

A swimsuit with a …. belt? I kind of like it!

Did you know that Amazon sells art now? Like, the kind with limited runs and prints? I like this print.

A lesson in empathy: What it’s like to be that fat person sitting next to you on the plane.
I practice how I will sit on the plane, pushing my body against the cabin wall, one arm holding the other firmly over my chest, so that I will make no physical contact with the person sitting next to me. I bring mints, so I won’t need anything to drink, so that the flight attendant won’t have to reach across the row for the fat person. I research whether the airports I’ll pass through have a history of confiscating seat belt extenders. If I bring my own, I’ll be spared the white hot spotlight of asking the flight attendant for one.

Super interesting! What fruits and vegetables looked like before we domesticated them!

What happens when Themorningnews.org asks people around the globe—in Uganda, Ecuador, Fiji, and more—to make food from the opposite side of Earth.

I love a good listicle! 50 ways to activate your inner badass, starting now.

A woman after my own heart: 90-year-old chooses road trip over cancer treatment.

And a few Yes & Yes posts you might have missed: True Story: I’ve had 70+ sexual partners, How to deal when your life is in shambles, Chicken Frito Pie from Gone Girl.

Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

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Web Time Wasters

What you get up to this week, friends? This weekend, Kenny and I are in Superior, WI, staring at the lake and eating our fill at some of Wisconsin's best supper clubs. I mean, who wouldn't want to eat au gratin potatoes at a place with a sign like this!? Links for you...

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Web Time Wasters

How was your week, friends? Kenny had Monday off so we finally saw this movie and then fell down a Wikipedia hole reading all about the true story it's based on. This weekend, we took a super quick trip up north to help my mom celebrate her birthday and enjoy a bit of...

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Web Time Wasters

How was your week, friends? I saw Eighth Grade with a buddy, phone banked for the DFL (totally not scary!), and packed + planned for my trip to Denver next week. Totally excited to see the Denver Aquarium mermaids and try out some great vegan restaurants! Links for...

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  1. Kate

    Ha! One of my friends from college is the co-author of the global food article. Worlds colliding…

  2. Sarah Von Bargen

    Love it!

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