Web Time Wasters

How was your week, guys? It’s really, officially spring here so I’ve been breaking out the sundresses and breaking in the fire pit. I spent this weekend celebrating a friend’s soon-to-be-born baby girl, brunching, and helping my niece ring in her birthday with manis and a visit to the bookstore.

Also! I’ve got puh-lenty of space in April’s Network of Nice!

Meet new friends in your city! Get career/travel/moving/educational advice! Beta test your new offerings! You can send me 50-ish words about your non-promotional, non-Google-able hookup offer or request at sarah (at) yesandyes (dot) org.

Anyway! Links for you!

Get out of my life, Reductress! 4 Lob Haircuts That Say ‘Whoa I Get Hangovers Really Easily These Days’

I leveled up my hippie with this purchase AND I LOVE THEM.

A former Uber customer service representative (CSR) provided screenshots of a search query of the Uber database, in which driver tickets are stored. The results are disturbing. A search for the words “sexual assault” returned 6,160 tickets, and the search “rape” returned 5,827 individual tickets. Let’s use this service instead.

A really fascinating long read about the very, very few people to convert and become Amish. Apparently only 75 people have joined the Amish faith since 1950!

Related to my post about watching tv shows by/about people who are different than you: Srugim. An Israeli soap with English subtitles – now on Hulu!

A really interesting and enlightening take on police work.

Two Instagram accounts I’m currently obsessed with:
1. Fuzzberta & Friends (two guinea pig sister who wear costumes a lot and have adventures)
2. Georgiykot (an over the top Russian wedding hairstylist who dresses like a 1980s vampire)

The one question to ask yourself before your next purchase (it’s not what you think!)

Let’s make this chopped salad with spiced chickpeas for dinner with rhubarb fritters for dessert!

Related: beet (!?) tahini snack bars.

Cutecutecute. Tiny treehouses for your houseplants!

Haaaaaa! Inspirational advice from a beautiful woman.
I’m selfish, impatient, and the right shoes. I make mistakes, I’m manicures, and at times people even more than things. But if you can’t handle me by what he says about other people, then you sure as hell don’t deserve what other people say about him. Inside every size twelve are a woman’s eyes.

Helpful! All the mistakes Elsie made while renovating her house.

YES. Yes. It makes me crazy when an unknown man tries to chat me up on the street and when I’m less-than-BFF-y, he gets huffy and claims he’s “just being friendly” or “just making conversation.” Then why aren’t you talking to other men if you’re so desperate for conversation, my guy? #DudesGreetingDudes is great.
“Damnnnn bruh you WEARING that Bluetooth”(sees dude reading a book) “Whatcha reading bro? You like books? I love smart dudes. Get that brain on, bud. Aw yeah.”

And a few Yes & Yes posts you might have missed: One oddly obvious thing I always forget, How to give a great compliment, and How to have a social life on a budget.

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Web Time Wasters

What you get up to this week, friends? This weekend, Kenny and I are in Superior, WI, staring at the lake and eating our fill at some of Wisconsin's best supper clubs. I mean, who wouldn't want to eat au gratin potatoes at a place with a sign like this!? Links for you...

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Web Time Wasters

How was your week, friends? Kenny had Monday off so we finally saw this movie and then fell down a Wikipedia hole reading all about the true story it's based on. This weekend, we took a super quick trip up north to help my mom celebrate her birthday and enjoy a bit of...

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Web Time Wasters

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