Web Time Wasters

How was your week, friends? I checked ‘Eat Baked Alaska‘ and ‘Use a Chainsaw‘ off my New Things List. I also checked into a tiny, bathroom-less cabin in the woods for a DIY writing retreat and tried to forage for Chicken Of The Woods mushrooms (failed). Busy, busy!

Awesome stuff from my lovely sponsors

Such a good reminder from Joanna: every once in a while, it’s good to do your own thing. Also: lessons on not being a doormat.

Monica is a girl after my own heart: Personal change is healthy. Also! 7 surprising time-management secrets (I’m good at #3 and #5)

Totally random but worth sharing – we had three old, set-in dark grey stains in the beige carpet on our stairs. This totally got it out and cost 98 cents!

So sweet! 101 small ways you can improve your city.

A good reminder.

This is going to be my new approach to meal-planning: Meal non-planning.

A sweet room tour and tips on how to decorate a space for a differently-abled child.

I want to live and travel in this … cargo van?

This woman tried 5 hair colors in 7 weeks and how people treated her is fascinating. (As a sidenote, this is my natural hair color. I dyed it dark brown in college for a few months and I really did feel like people took me more seriously!)
At work, the double takes are cartoonish. The mailwoman declares that I look exactly like Marilyn Monroe. At my dermatologist’s, I hear that I’m a dead ringer for Taylor Swift. I meet a group of guy friends for lunch—each looks right at me, then away, before realizing it’s me. “You look just like Khaleesi,” says one. I begin to believe people can name only three blondes.

Related: “I went a week without my bangs and it was a true test of my spirit

What a gorgeous living room!

An interesting read on Jennifer, Angelina, and Brad and what our fascination says about us.
In hindsight, there were two very clear ideological strains in conflict: To be “Team Aniston” was to root for the scorned woman, but also for a traditional understanding of what contemporary femininity should look like. Aniston had a Pilates body, hair that always looked the same and samely great, a steady tan, a pert nose, and a great smile. She was a television star, but more significantly, the star of Friends, one of the most popular and inoffensive shows of the late ’90s and early ’00s.

Relying on friendships in a world made for couples.

Of course I’m into this Instagram account that’s just facades of Russian apartment buildings.

If you haven’t seen ‘What We Do In The Shadows’ I’m not sure we can be friends. They’re going to make a tv show spin off! (Viago’s my favorite. OBVIOUSLY.)

FASCINATING. The right way to reheat things in the microwave!

An idea whose time has come: savory French toast.

And a few Yes & Yes posts you might have missed:
True Story: I survived Hurricane Katrina
Two sentences that make almost anything better
You’re not a fraud. I promise. 

Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

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Web Time Wasters

What you get up to this week, friends? This weekend, Kenny and I are in Superior, WI, staring at the lake and eating our fill at some of Wisconsin's best supper clubs. I mean, who wouldn't want to eat au gratin potatoes at a place with a sign like this!? Links for you...

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Web Time Wasters

How was your week, friends? Kenny had Monday off so we finally saw this movie and then fell down a Wikipedia hole reading all about the true story it's based on. This weekend, we took a super quick trip up north to help my mom celebrate her birthday and enjoy a bit of...

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Web Time Wasters

How was your week, friends? I saw Eighth Grade with a buddy, phone banked for the DFL (totally not scary!), and packed + planned for my trip to Denver next week. Totally excited to see the Denver Aquarium mermaids and try out some great vegan restaurants! Links for...

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  1. Marie

    Argh I thought french toast was savoury… I eat it with lashings of HP sauce…

  2. K.

    “Relying on friendships in a world made for couples.” – Great article! So nice to hear about someone with the same lifestyle as me.

  3. Liza

    I’ve made a savory french toast before. Parmesan, garlic, and basil in the egg mix. Served it with italian sausage patties and added marina sauce for dipping.

    • Sarah Von Bargen

      That sounds amaaaazing!

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