How To Pitch + Get Featured In O Magazine. Ya know, NBD.

Looking for pr tips? Want to know how to get featured in magazines? Click through for tips that will get you featured in any magazine - even Oprah's!

What would it feel like to see your face or your products in the pages of Oprah’s magazine? How would it affect your business and bottom line? Would you have to hire more people? Work long hours to fill the gajillion orders?

It’d sure be nice to find out, right?! Today, I brought in Susan Harrow, media coach extraordinaire, to share her Oprah-impressing secrets!

Getting featured in O, the Oprah Magazine, is like winning the Academy Award. It’s a distinction that validates your product like no other publication.

In fact, getting featured in O Magazine helped raise one entrepreneur’s sales by 60% in just 30 days. But that was just the tip of the iceberg. The mention brought much needed awareness to a cause close to her heart–breast cancer. Thanks to O, The Oprah Magazine the issue is now visible on a grand scale.

Knowing how valuable it is to get published in Oprah’s magazine, you must consider your competition and understand that, just like The Oprah Winfrey Show, the standards at the magazine are some of the toughest in the industry. O magazine prides itself as a publication valuing beauty, courage, attention to the finer points of relationships, and people doing amazing things in the world.

3 Things You Should Know If You Want to Be Published in O, The Oprah Magazine

1. Your product packaging must be beautiful.

If your product packaging and product itself isn’t an eye-stopper, it’s most likely not going in O, The Oprah Magazine. Jeanine Boiko of J9 Public Relations, who placed her client Bonjour Fleurette in the magazine three times for three different products, has this rule of thumb:

“For a product to work in O, ask yourself this: if you walked past your product on the shelf somewhere, would it catch your eye and make you stop? It must have unique, attractive packaging that will photograph well. My advice, especially to new business owners, is to not play it cheap with packaging. At the end of the day, it’s all about the draw of your packaging.”

2. Your pitch must be meaningful.

So, before you make a pitch, heed the advice of O, The Oprah Magazine Executive Articles Editor Dawn Raffel who says the magazine teaches people
how to live their best life: “It’s about realizing your own greatest potential and also about making a contribution to others.”

Whether you want to write about yourself, be written about, or write about someone else, ask yourself these two questions:

  • Are you making a difference in a big way?
  • Are you making a difference in a way that is important to Oprah?

Genevieve Piturro, founder of the Pajama Project, gets a “yes” on both counts. Her charity gives new pajamas to abused and poor kids, many whose mothers are in prison. Some of these children never owned any pajamas, and certainly not new ones. When you think about children going to sleep at night in a fresh pair of pajamas instead of tattered, dirty clothes, it conjures an image of safety and home.

Pitturo scored big on two points: She tapped into one of Oprah’s key areas of importance: abused children. And she created a remarkable endeavor that attracted many people’s interest, given the story’s emotional pull. It made me want to hurry and buy pajamas and donate money to this worthy cause.

3. Your pitch must be well-written.

O’s readers expect the content to dig deep into emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being on many levels. Oprah’s magazine delivers on this expectation by seeking out top authors and freelancers from the best national magazines and newspapers in the country.

They look for writers from publications like the New York Times to Wired to write on topics as diverse as women slavery to how men really feel about breast implants to the death of a beloved dog.

You can either be interviewed by these experienced writers or write a feature on a topic that touches the heart of the O magazine reader.

It may take you 1 to 2 years to get published in O, The Oprah Magazine. But I’ve haven’t met one soul who said it wasn’t worth it.

If you want to dip a toe into the O Empire and get a taste of the possibilities start with this.

Henry David Thoreau said, “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” So if getting in O is one of your dreams, keep advancing toward it with all the steadiness of a tulip reaching toward the sun.

Thanks so much for sharing your tips, Susan! Do you guys have any questions for her? 

P.S. Everything I use + recommend to run my business

Photo by THE 5TH on Unsplash

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  1. Charlotte McGhee

    Hi Susan,

    Thanks for sharing your tips! I’ve been thinking a lot about my packaging and hiring a graphic designer to work on my Surprise Travel info booklets. This was the kick in the pants I needed. One day we’ll see Whisked Away in the pages of O! (By the by, is anyone else obsessively listening to the Super Soul Sunday podcasts?)

  2. Gail B.Johnson-Larson

    Hey Susan,
    I give myself permission to dream. Honestly it would be a distinct honor to see my works in O. Lol just the thought of this adventure makes me smile.Have a blessed day!

    • Carolyn T. Vicks

      I enjoy writing poems. I know others would enjoy reading them as well. I believe that O Magazine can help me with this. It is special to lift others as they have lifted me.I would really appreciate feedback with this project.
      Thank You in Advance


    Susan, how do I pitch a story to O Magazine. Do I need to use the portal?
    It appears to only want TV show ideas.

    • Genie Farris

      I have my own story of gratitude, regret, ignorance and survival living a happy, almost full life after 10 years of irregular heartbeat supervised by my “electrician” cardiologist. I have had two successful ablations. I do almost everything by the book. Almost is the key word. I had a stroke at 70, and was fortunate enough to have non-devastating damage to my vision. But life changing.
      I think I have a story which is a teachable one full of survival, humor, gratitude and overestimating my non-existent degree in medicine.
      I have always loved to write with humor and poignancy. Would my story be of interest to you for the magazine.
      I will look forward to your response. I know I’m not unique in my health experiences, but I do feel I’ve developed a spirit for living my life fully despite the inability to drive but making life and independence, sometimes challenging, but mostly fun and full.
      Than you for your time.

  4. Annette Megan

    It is so hard to find addresses for sending articles to magazines to be published. Any help here please?

  5. Saboorah Darling

    Id love to write about my experience as a single mom finding hope in finishing a dream alone.

  6. tina sharp

    Hi Susan I read your Article great tips I will be sending O The Ophra Magazine my book and my daughter book in hope she recieved it and like it. Any more tips

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Yes and Yes
Looking for pr tips? Want to know how to get featured in magazines? Click through for tips that will get you featured in any magazine - even Oprah's!
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4 Career Change Tips I Wish Someone Had Told Me
True Story: I’ve Had 35+ Jobs (And I’m only 35 years old)