Web Time Wasters

While I’m in Costa Rica (follow along here), I brought in some expert help for the Sunday link shift!

Hi! I’m Beth. I’m an artist, avid crocheter, and expert napper. I am also an Insomnia & Stress Management Coach. I help women find natural and practical solutions for insomnia and bedtime anxiety. I also talk A LOT about being cozy, making your bedroom your favorite place, and taking time for self-care.

My new CALM+COZY Podcast is educational and somewhat entertaining, so I’m told. So is my Better Sleep Blog. You can download my helpful DIY Guide to Insomnia Relief HERE (along with my other sleep freebies.)

Ok, are you ready for a diversion?

If you’re in a DIY mood, I’ve got a delicious-smelling project for you.

If you love chocolate, peanut butter, pretzels (and beautiful photography) as much as I do, you will drool over the Brunette Baker and this recipe.

My favorite item of clothing is SO comfortable, and SO ethical! (And SO Canadian! Like me!)

When the event calls for an epic greeting card, Emily’s got you covered.

As a childfree woman, I have to include this one. (And #2 DRIVES ME INSANE!)

An instagram account that promotes body positivity is my kind of instagram account!

Some people watch cute cat videos, others watch funny dog videos. I watch singing cockatiel videos. So, how do I teach my parrot to do this?

Looking for a funny, touching, and wildly inspirational book to read?

If you’re tired of drugstore deodorant, try this magic. I’m obsessed.

“But I don’t wanna be a pirate!”

I want to do this one day. #crochetgoals

There is such thing as an extroverted introvert. Are you one too?

And last but not least…

What time do you go to bed? What time SHOULD you go to bed?

Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

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Web Time Wasters

What you get up to this week, friends? This weekend, Kenny and I are in Superior, WI, staring at the lake and eating our fill at some of Wisconsin's best supper clubs. I mean, who wouldn't want to eat au gratin potatoes at a place with a sign like this!? Links for you...

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Web Time Wasters

How was your week, friends? Kenny had Monday off so we finally saw this movie and then fell down a Wikipedia hole reading all about the true story it's based on. This weekend, we took a super quick trip up north to help my mom celebrate her birthday and enjoy a bit of...

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Web Time Wasters

How was your week, friends? I saw Eighth Grade with a buddy, phone banked for the DFL (totally not scary!), and packed + planned for my trip to Denver next week. Totally excited to see the Denver Aquarium mermaids and try out some great vegan restaurants! Links for...

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  1. Beth Wyatt

    OOPS! My Podcast link goes to my blog! My CALM+COZY Podcast can be found below!

  2. Mary

    Thanks, Beth! My New Year’s resolution is to sleep through the night at least once this year. I signed up for your DIY Guide and will be in touch later in the year. (I work in geologic time.)

  3. Kristi

    Sarah, so happy you’re loving your Dressy Sweatpants! We’re proud to have someone as inspiring as you wearing them 🙂

  4. wakemeupbeforeyoucocoa

    That sleep calculator is so cool! Instead of just ‘whenever I tear myself away from the tv’ time so.

  5. Mandy

    Only two episodes in and I already love the CALM+COZY podcast! Subscribed!

  6. Rebecca Esther

    Parrots are the best! 🙂

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