I laaaaaughed when I saw the question and its accompanying emoji in my Instagram DMs. Is there any hope for us non-Virgos, non-Enneagram 3s* to get organized or ever get anything done?? ?♓ And while I sometimes joke that my time-management and...

Tips & Recommendations to help you figure out what makes YOU happy (not your parents, friends, or partner)
Money-saving ideas because buying ish that doesn't actually make you happy is expensive!
Expert Advice to avoid the $18,000 thought-it-would-make-me-happy mistake I made
I laaaaaughed when I saw the question and its accompanying emoji in my Instagram DMs. Is there any hope for us non-Virgos, non-Enneagram 3s* to get organized or ever get anything done?? ?♓ And while I sometimes joke that my time-management and...
If you heard the pep talks I have to give myself on an almost daily basis. Like, out loud! To amp myself up to file paperwork, or go to the bank, or break down that enormous cardboard box. I used to say “Get it together, Von Bargen” but that’s not...
“No, we’re not doing that today. It’s Wednesday, Sarah. We’re doing that the first Tuesday of next month.” Have you had a conversation like this ☝️ at some point in the last few months? Because WHAT IS TIME EVEN. Is it a weekday? What month is...
What day is it even? How is it almost the weekend again??! If you’ve ever uttered these words, I see you and I get it. Developing healthy routines is challenging in the best of times - it can feel damn-near impossible when you don’t have a set...
“But I want it to be custom designed. And I need to change the font. And also maybe I need real headshots?” It’s 2008 and I’m sitting on a futon in my “garden level” (read: basement) apartment, talking at my then-boyfriend about the blog I want to...
For the ninth night in a row, it’s 3 am and I’m glaring at my ceiling. Narrowing my eyes at the light fixture I don’t like and counting my worries like they're sheep. Like most of us, my anxieties have multiplied like wet gremlins over the last...
Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.