I'm standing in the aisle at Target, staring at a plump, pink tube of $20 'cheek gel.' My cart is already filled with sensible, not-really-for-me-purchases. Toilet bowl cleaner, frozen peas, ibuprofen. Can I afford this blush? I can. Is my...

Tips & Recommendations to help you figure out what makes YOU happy (not your parents, friends, or partner)
Money-saving ideas because buying ish that doesn't actually make you happy is expensive!
Expert Advice to avoid the $18,000 thought-it-would-make-me-happy mistake I made
I'm standing in the aisle at Target, staring at a plump, pink tube of $20 'cheek gel.' My cart is already filled with sensible, not-really-for-me-purchases. Toilet bowl cleaner, frozen peas, ibuprofen. Can I afford this blush? I can. Is my...
When it comes to happiness, I’m afraid I share a few traits with lab rats. Yes, I too have nearly invisible eyelashes. I too have nearly hairless extremities. But what I’m talking about here is my personal propensity to find the button that brings...
We’ve all seen those hand-lettered quotes floating around Pinterest, haven’t we? “Write your own definition of success!” “Success is: [photo collage of six pack abs, checked off lists, and lattes]” or that illustration of the imagined path to...
30 minutes across town happiness is waiting for me. In this case, it takes the form of a dance class filled with The Perfect Playlist, women I like, and a teacher I adore. I HAVE ALREADY PAID FOR IT and every class I miss is a $20 bill I’m...
I have a weird, type-A tendency to put off doing things I know make me happy. I know I'll feel sooooo much better if I get out of the house but putting on real clothes and walking to the coffee shop IS SO MUCH WORK. Sure, I could read a chapter of...
When you hear the phrase work life balance, do you: a. want to reach through the computer and strangle me for referencing lifestyle blog/self development cliches b. imagine an Instagram photo of a thin blond woman doing yoga on the beach c. think...
Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.