Do you want to feel good? (entire internet rolls their eyes and groans "dur, ooooooobviously, von bargen.") Like almost every other human, I've spent most of my waking hours trying to feel good. And like every other human I've attempted to feel...

Tips & Recommendations to help you figure out what makes YOU happy (not your parents, friends, or partner)
Money-saving ideas because buying ish that doesn't actually make you happy is expensive!
Expert Advice to avoid the $18,000 thought-it-would-make-me-happy mistake I made
Do you want to feel good? (entire internet rolls their eyes and groans "dur, ooooooobviously, von bargen.") Like almost every other human, I've spent most of my waking hours trying to feel good. And like every other human I've attempted to feel...
How often have you seen “This too shall pass” embroidered onto a throw pillow? It’s one of my family’s favorite sayings, something to be intoned after a layoff or a breakup and I find myself reciting it on the regular - usually while stuck in...
Let me begin by acknowledging that the internet probably doesn’t need another post about how to be happier. (If you do need one, here are 101 ways to cheer yourself up.) You’re smart. I bet you already own this book. I bet you’ve read eleventy...
If you had to guess - how many times have you clicked on a headline that says something like 53 Ways To Organize Your Closet So You'll Reach Nirvana? Or Meal Plan Your Way To Personal Enlightenment? Or maybe You'll Love Your Life If You Can Just...
What if you could spring clean your life? What if you could take that new-sheets, open-windows, fresh towels in the bathroom feeling and apply it to other areas of your life?You can! Sort of! As a Type A Virgo who literally creates recurring Google...
When I was 12 years old I convinced my parents to let me be a vegetarian. I'd spent at least five years battling their two-bites-of-everything rule. If memory serves, my mom finally caved after I theatrically gagged some summer sausage back onto...
Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.