How do you know that your tarot reading is going to be awesome? Clue number one: there are no less than 75 different types of incense for sale in the store front. Clue number two: the woman who answers the phone literally uses the phrase "kinda...
Figure out what makes you happy!
Tips & Recommendations to help you figure out what makes YOU happy (not your parents, friends, or partner)
Money-saving ideas because buying ish that doesn't actually make you happy is expensive!
Expert Advice to avoid the $18,000 thought-it-would-make-me-happy mistake I made
New Things: Try Miracle Berries
Ever one to embrace to the theme party, last Friday I decided to kill two very fun birds with one stone, combining my house-warming party with a Miracle Berry 'flavor tripping' party. (Go ahead an roll your eyes over that 'flavor tripping' bit. I...
30 New Things: Make Sweet corn Ice cream
credit Professional Minnesotan Garrison Keillor is credited with saying sweet corn is better than sex. Sooooo, sweet corn ice cream? That must be your own personal passport into heaven, right?Right. Last weekend my lovely friends Shaun and Erin...
30 New Things: Go out For Breakfast Before Work
creditNow. I will grant you that going out to eat before work isn't quite as challenging as cycling 88 miles with no training or braving a Scientology lair, but it's hard to resist the siren song of pancakes, yo. So it was with visions of giant...
30 New Things: Go To a Scientology ‘Church’
A girl has pretty high expectations when she works up the nerve to enter a church of Scientology. Anything that makes Tom Cruise jump on couches must be pretty intriguing, right? When my friend Emily and I braved the doors of Minneapolis's very own...
30 New Things: Take a Belly Dancing Class
credit I like to think I can dance. Really, it is probably more accurate to say that I'm not afraid of trying to dance. Or perhaps that I'm not afraid of moving my body in an enthusiastic manner. In any case, I'm pretty constantly shimmying around...
Welcome to Yes & Yes!
Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.