When you hear the word 'witch', do you imagine broomsticks and pointy hats? Steaming cauldrons? The AMAZING 1993 movie Hocus Pocus? Well, Britton isn't any of those things. (Though she does collect bones, herbs, and views the Devil as an ally.) Her...
Figure out what makes you happy!
Tips & Recommendations to help you figure out what makes YOU happy (not your parents, friends, or partner)
Money-saving ideas because buying ish that doesn't actually make you happy is expensive!
Expert Advice to avoid the $18,000 thought-it-would-make-me-happy mistake I made
True Story: I’m A Stripper
Have you ever wondered what it's like to work as a stripper? How much money do they really make? How hard is it to walk in those heels? Today, "Regina" (<- stage name!) tells us about her job as a stripper. She's been stripping for two years in...
True Story: I’m a morning TV news anchor
When I met Hilary in Tulum a few weeks ago, my first thought was "Why is her hair so awesome in this humidity?!" followed by "I must interview her." The life of a morning tv anchor is a weird one. They get up super early, everyone recognizes them,...
True Story: I was adopted at age 24
It's not uncommon for people to adopt babies, but what about adults? How does one end up being 24 and being adopted? By someone you don't share DNA with? Today, Ashley shares her sad/sweet/important story. Tell us a bit about yourself! My name is...
True Story: I teach in a low-income urban school
What's it like to teach in an urban school? Rewarding? Heartbreaking? A little bit of column a and a little bit of column b? Low-income urban school districts are constantly under fire from the government, parents, and community members; teachers...
True Story: My Grandfather was illiterate and now I write for a living
Did you know that 14% of Americans are illiterate? And 21% of Americans read below a fifth grade level? Today, Rachel is sharing the story of her grandfather's illiteracy, how it affected his life and how it affected her own education and career...
Welcome to Yes & Yes!
Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.