Are you wasting money on your business? Or trying to make a budget for your business? You might be spending money you don't need to spend. Read on for tips to tighten up your business budget! #FIRE #personalfinance #budgeting #moneytips #savemoney

We’re wrapping up the go-through-your-bank-statement-with-a-highlighter exercise with my money and happiness group when I notice one of my students shifting uncomfortably in her chair. She’s doing that fidgety, lip-biting thing many of us do when we’ve just received unpleasant news. I tiptoe over and do ask how she’s doing.

“Welp, I just realized I’ve been spending almost two grand a month on my business that I don’t need to be spending. So!” she plays it off with a laugh and a shrug and tucks the offending bank statement under her other worksheets so I can’t see it.

I want to hold her bank statement aloft and yell dramatically about how I’ve seen this many, many times before! And knowing is the first step to changing things! And if she can figure how why she’s making all these regrettable business purchases she can build new habits!

But that’s sort of weird? And probably not what she wants in her most vulnerable moment? So instead I give her the ol’ sympathetic arm pat and move on to the next student.

Maybe you’re not wasting $2,000 a month on ‘totally justifiable’ business expenses. Maybe you’re ‘only’ wasting $500 or $300 or $75. No matter the number, wouldn’t you rather be spending your money on things that improve your business or make you happy?

Yes? Yes.

5 unexpected ways you’re wasting money on your business

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