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Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Web Time Wasters

So funny, so relateable.

What you get up to this week, friends? I caught up with friends, got a hair cut, and am gearing up for a roadtrip up to Winnipeg for my yearly mastermind retreat. You can follow along with all my travel adventures here or DIY your own creative mastermind with these tips!

Links for you!

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

True Story: I’m A Dog Trainer

True Story: I’m A Dog Trainer

Tell us a bit about yourself!  Hi, Von Bargen nation! I’m Gary Cassera.  I’m a 36-year-old entrepreneur and new resident to LA. I live here with my super amazing wife Melissa and our three dogs; Jacob (aka fun police), Kita (aka monkey feet), and Lily (aka little badness).  I grew up and lived in NJ for 33 years. I have spent the last three years living in Napa, CA before moving to LA. I've been...

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How to enjoy work (even when you’re busy + kind of overwhelmed)

How to enjoy work (even when you’re busy + kind of overwhelmed)

Is it possible to enjoy work when you're busy? Like, eight-back-to-back meetings busy? Because the truth is: we’re all busy. We’re all sleep-deprived and over-caffeinated; we’re all over-committed and under-relaxed. And while I’d like very much to tell you (and myself) to “say 'no' more” and “take on less,” that’s not always an option – particularly at work. If you’re self-employed, you know...

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The Cheapskate Guide To: Philadelphia

The Cheapskate Guide To: Philadelphia

If you’ve never been, the City of Brotherly Love is well worth a visit. It's home of the famous Philly cheesesteak, hot live music venues, and one of the fastest-growing culinary scenes in the world! Allow us to expertly acquaint you with the best spots to checkout while you’re in town! Cheap travel in Philadelphia is totally possible! Located in the heart of the city, Philly PR Girl is known...

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How To Hygge (Or: 29 Ways To Actually Enjoy Winter)

How To Hygge (Or: 29 Ways To Actually Enjoy Winter)

Imagine looking forward to the cold and dark of winter. Can you picture it? Pulling out your favorite soup recipes and a pile of cozy sweaters. Lighting candles around the house and inviting friends over for sledding and board games. Snowshoeing through a forest muffled with snow, towards a bright cabin full of your favorite people When we put it like that, six months of dark and cold seems...

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True Story: I Wear Vintage All Day, Every Day (Even When I Go Hiking)

True Story: I Wear Vintage All Day, Every Day (Even When I Go Hiking)

Tell us a bit about yourself! Okiedokie! My name is Frankie Sin, I hail from the land of sunshine, Los Angeles, California where I lived until last year when I swapped coasts for good ol’ fashioned love and adventure with my fella, Donny. We snuggled in teeny tiny room in Brooklyn before scooting down to our new home, the wildly inspiring and ever intoxicating, New Orleans! I’m 32 and went to...

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5 Steps to Writing an Irresistible Sales Page

5 Steps to Writing an Irresistible Sales Page

This guest post comes from Courtney Johnston. Courtney is the founder and Chief Copywriter at The Rule Breaker’s Club. She teaches women entrepreneurs how to write amazing sales pages and even performs “Sales Page CPR”. In her free course, The Rainbow of Sales, you can learn her unique approach to selling. The work I do has a rather challenging obstacle: It makes my clients want to vomit. As you...

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