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5 Reasons Your Good Habits Don’t Stick

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How To Stop Buying Sh*t You Don’t Need

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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

9 Ways To Stay Smart Even If You Haven’t Taken A Class In Years

Want to stay smart? Of course you do! Staying intellectually curious is one of the keys to a happy, fulfilling life. Click through for 9 ways to stay sharp and train your brain!

Have you ever seen that tv show Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?

It is, by and large, an exercise in realizing that you now know nothing about history, science, or math.

How many cups are 28 fluid ounces?
Between 1455 and 1485, the War Of Roses took place in what country?
A common type of radio wave is referred to as VHF. What do those letters stand for?

I DON’T KNOW OKAY. But I can definitely tell you the full name of Instagram sensation Tuna Melts Your Heart!

As kids head back to school, I am more motivated than ever to stretch and build my brain so I’m not stumped when my 12-year-old stepson quizzes me about the difference between genus and species.

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

How To Chase Your Dreams Without Hating Your Life

How To Chase Your Dreams Without Hating Your Life

When I was nine years old, I told my parents I wanted to be a writer. Loving and supportive and deeply pragmatic as they were, my parents patted my tiny, third-grade hand and said, “That’s great! Maybe you should get another job and write at night. See how that goes first?” And while I resented their advice even at that young age, I followed it. For years, I taught ESL at a non-profit, coming in...

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Mornings In: Pakistan

Mornings In: Pakistan

Name: Noor Unnahar Siddique Hometown: Karachi, Pakistan Age: 17, turning 18 in August Occupation: College senior, blogger, blog and graphic designer, poetess My alarm is set for: 5:30 (for prayers) & 7:00 (college life, ugh!) Most mornings I eat: Most mornings, I eat a toast or two with peanut butter mixed with strawberry jam and a cup of mildly brewed Horlicks or tea. A typical Pakistani...

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True Story: I’m Famous On Instagram*

True Story: I’m Famous On Instagram*

* Giant asterisk! This title is mine, not Sara Tasker's. I'm not sure she'd qualify herself as famous 😉 Tell us a bit about yourself! My name is Sara and I'm 32. I live in rural Yorkshire, England with my daughter, Orla, and my fiance Rory. We moved here last summer from the city, looking for a slower pace of life. I just recently quit my job in paediatric speech therapy after ten years to blog...

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The Life-Changing Magic of Intentional Ignorance + How To Use It

The Life-Changing Magic of Intentional Ignorance + How To Use It

A few weeks ago I did something exceptionally brave. I had to psyche myself up a bit and it took a few false starts, but after a few minutes of hovering and second guessing, I did it. I was flooded with a mix of relief and guilt. I felt the internal click of an idea sliding into place, the realization that I could do things differently than I have in the past. And what difficult, meaningful...

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Mini Travel Guide: The Poconos

Mini Travel Guide: The Poconos

Looking for a travel guide to the Poconos? Want a resort experience like the one you saw in Mrs. Maisel? You are TOTALLY in the right place! Today, we're getting Poconos travel tips from a local - what to do, where to stay, and where to eat. I’m Olivia! I’m a college senior living in New York City, but today I’m here to tell you about the Poconos, where I grew up. This mountainous region in...

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New Thing: Watch ‘The Sandlot’

New Thing: Watch ‘The Sandlot’

Each year I make a list of new things I want to try; it’s part of how I live my life on purpose. Some of these new things are exciting, many are terribly mundane. Apparently, I spent most of my childhood living under a rock. It was a PBS, “go-play-outside”- shaped rock, but a rock nonetheless. This means that when you try to talk to me about mid-90s Nickelodeon programming, I’ll just stare into...

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