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Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

How To Throw A Tiny, Meaningful, Easy Wedding (or at least how we did it)

How To Throw A Tiny, Meaningful, Easy Wedding (or at least how we did it)

Kenny and I had the We Want To Marry Each Other conversation five months into our relationship on a lumpy mattress in Mexico. I remember smiling into the darkness, listening to the ceiling fan click overhead and thinking “Oh! So this is what it feels like when your life changes!” It was another year and a half before we actually married each other. I wanted to drive around America, Kenny wanted...

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True Story: I Married For Money

True Story: I Married For Money

Tell us a bit about yourself! Hi! You can call me Mindy - though that's obviously not my real name. I am in my late twenties and have two school-age children. I own and run a small real estate team. I am an avid outdoor enthusiast. I run, rock climb, and jump out of planes from time to time. I live in Boise, Idaho and we work out of San Francisco. I consider myself a fun loving and honest person...

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How To Have Long-Lasting, Super Loyal Professional Relationships

How To Have Long-Lasting, Super Loyal Professional Relationships

On a scale of 1-10, how weird is it that I’ve known most of my clients longer than I’ve known my husband? Wait. Don’t answer that. It’s not that I married my husband a few months after meeting him, it’s more that I’ve been with most of my clients for a very, very long time. I knew Dr. Danielle Dowling before she was a doctor, back when she didn’t have a Facebook page and she was juggling a...

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My choices are not a commentary on yours

My choices are not a commentary on yours

Let’s play a super fun game called “What are your worst personality traits?” I’ll go first! My worst personality traits include but are not limited to: 1. A general tendency towards gossip 2. Weird over-decisiveness 3. Defensiveness about everything, ever As I’ve gotten older and more socially adept, I’ve learned to tamp down my external defensiveness but the space between my ears is still a...

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True Story: I’m An Adoption Social Worker Who Find Homes For Hard-To-Place Kids

True Story: I’m An Adoption Social Worker Who Find Homes For Hard-To-Place Kids

Tell us a bit about yourself! My name is Michelle. I grew up in Boulder, Colorado and moved to Minnesota (following love) in 1990.  I’m 46 years old and have been somehow involved with the child welfare system for 31 years. I was a foster kid from age 15-18. What do I do for fun?  Sometimes not as much as I should do, I suppose.  This work can be pretty draining and I don’t often make as much...

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The Cheapskate Guide To: Minneapolis + St. Paul

The Cheapskate Guide To: Minneapolis + St. Paul

Looking for budget travel tips to Minneapolis and St. Paul? I've lived here for 12+ years and today I'm sharing all my best budget travel tips for the Twin Cities - including free museums, an inner-city waterwall, and $1 donuts. With some regularity, sweet readers will ask me for travel advice to our beautiful Twin Cities and if I was being really honest, my answer would be "Go to Trieu Chau and...

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