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Living your life on purpose starts with knowing what REALLY makes you happy. Get started by downloading my FREE audiobook + workbook below!

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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

How to use your ‘failures’ to plan for success (It’s easier than you’d think!)

Use your failures to plan for success? Yes. If you're looking for productivity tips or an unusual life hack, read on for great tips! #behappier #howtobehappier #howtofeelhappier #happierthanever #waystobehappier #tipstobehappier #happybooks #waystomakeyourselfhappier #howtobehappy #happinessactivities #happinesshabits #happinessmindset

“I mean, no offense, but….”

That’s a great thing to hear on a Monday morning, right? When you’re 10 minutes into an hour-long walk with a friend?

I put on my Polite Midwestern I Won’t Be Offended Face and prepare for my friend to say something vaguely offensive.

“I really didn’t think it would work. I’ve read tons of books on this stuff. I’ve downloaded, like, five different apps. But this worked when nothing else did.”

My friend is talking about my course Bank Boost (shameless plug! It opened for enrollment yesterday!)

I’m flattered and blushy and I tell her so. I totally believe in the stuff we talk about in Bank Boost. It is full of great, insightful information and we approach money in a fun, doable, way!


There are other differences. The stuff my friend tried that hadn’t worked for her? The books and apps? They were solo endeavors. She had no support, no accountability, nobody to bounce ideas off of.

Maybe if she’d had that, those other things would have worked for her.

And if my friend knew this about herself – that she needs support + accountability to get where she wants to go – she’d be able to use that knowledge in every area of her life.

If she wanted to change careers, eat differently, train for a marathon, buy a home, sell everything and travel the world … she’d make sure she had support and accountability to do those things.

She’d stop buying books she doesn’t read, self-paced courses she doesn’t complete, and apps that take up space on her phone. She’d think about what has worked for her in the past and do more of it if she wants to find success in her future.

So I guess the good news is: If something has worked for you in the past, it’ll probably work again for you in the future!

And the bad news is: If something didn’t work for you in the past, it probably won’t magically start working now.

You already have all the information you need to set yourself up for success (or failure). Just look at what has worked in the past and do more of it. And stop doing shit that has never worked for you. Share on X

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

Help me think of new things to try!

Help me think of new things to try!

If you've been reading Yes & Yes for long, you've probably noticed the frequently changing, occasionally updated list over in the sidebar. Each year around my birthday, I make a list of new things I want to try and then (with varying degrees of success) I try those things and write about them. And while I rarely check everything off my list in a given year, it's a really, really great way to...

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5 Surprising, Clever Ways To Use Herbs

5 Surprising, Clever Ways To Use Herbs

Are you frantically googling "ways to use herbs so I don't have to waste that $5 bunch of basil"? Welcome to every Thursday of my life! Thankfully, Katie is here with some clever ways to use those herbs wilting in the crisper! Of my many years of navigating being an adult, one of the biggest areas I struggle is not letting food go to waste. My kitchen is basically hospice care for fruits and...

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Mornings In: The Czech Republic

Mornings In: The Czech Republic

Name: Jay Bee Hometown: Prague, Czech Republic Age: 32 Occupation: government analyst My alarm is set for: 7.00 a.m. My Czech breakfast Right after I get out of bed, I fix myself a glass of warm lemony water. (It's a great way to re-up on vitamin C, alkalise the body, and kick-start my metabolism.) I usually follow up with some fruit or blitz up a smoothie to take with me to the office. When I...

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True Story: I Was Progressive State Senator In A Deeply Red State

True Story: I Was Progressive State Senator In A Deeply Red State

Tell us a bit about yourself! I was born in Oklahoma City in 1973. As a white heterosexual, affluent, male born in a red state at the beginning a massive expansion of American wealth it is a miracle I ended up a liberal Democrat. Maybe not a miracle. My parents always emphasized being curious about the world outside our little parochial bubble and their devout Catholic faith actually instilled...

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Surprise! Absolutely No One Has It All Figured Out.

Surprise! Absolutely No One Has It All Figured Out.

I am lucky enough to count among my friends some of the smartest, most talented, most insanely capable women in All The Land. These ladies have written New York Times best sellers. Their products have been featured in Vogue. They pull down Fortune 100 clients and earn multiple six figures. (#coolerbyassociation #ihopetheirsuccessistransferablebyosmosis) And yet. Here are some things I hear...

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How To DIY Cheap, Classy Looking Window Treatments

How To DIY Cheap, Classy Looking Window Treatments

Window treatments are weirdly expensive, aren't they? Like, how are those curtains HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS??? Thankfully, we have Liz to helps us DIY window treatments that won't break the bank. And Liz is an ASID professional designer so you know she knows what's up! Hello, friends! I’m back this month to talk about an aspect of design that often makes me a little batty... window treatments....

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