Spend your money, time, & energy on purpose.

Living your life on purpose starts with knowing what REALLY makes you happy. Get started by downloading my FREE audiobook + workbook below!

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5 Reasons Your Good Habits Don’t Stick

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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Why You Need To Literally Schedule Fun Into Your Life + How To Do It

Want more fun in your life? Schedule fun! This might not sound like a budgeting tip, but having more fun makes like on a budget more bearable! #tipstobehappier #waystofeelhappier #feelhappier #thingstodotobehappier #iwanttobehappier #happierlifestyle #howtolivehappier


I did not plan on leading anyone towards an epiphany.

I mean, I knew what I was teaching people was helpful and useful. I knew that my course would help people bring in a lot of extra money, pay off debt, etc. etc. etc.

But I didn’t expect one tiny suggestion – something I thought was so-obvious-it’s-barely-worth-mentioning – to change everything for my students.

What did I tell my Bank Boost students to do? (Side note: a pre-holiday round of Bank Boost starts November 2. Join us here!) 

I told them to schedule fun into their week.

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

Surprising Marriage Advice … From Divorced People

Surprising Marriage Advice … From Divorced People

What kind of marriage advice could divorced people possible give you? Friends, you'd be surprised. In fact, I think you should consider dating someone who's been through a divorce. Wait. Wait. I FULL ON RECOMMEND IT. Here are my completely subjective and anecdote-based reasons that you should go out with that divorced cutie from OkCupid. 1. Divorced people are more likely to take relationships...

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True Story: I Don’t Have A Cell Phone

True Story: I Don’t Have A Cell Phone

Tell us a bit about yourself! My name is Lindsay and I'm an herbalist, wellness guide, yoga teacher, poet, and small business owner with a former life (I suppose I'm old enough to have a former life now) in non-profit management and social services.  I geek out on plants every day.  I have a permanent reversed manicure of rich, black soil under my nails. I don't wear make-up but sometimes like...

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How To Find Awesome New Blogs To Read

How To Find Awesome New Blogs To Read

"Uuuuugh, everything on the internet is just listicles and reaction gifs." "Nobody uses punctuation anymoooooooore!" "If I see another pale pink or gold anything I'm going to dig my eyeballs out with this spoon." Such were the complaints leveled against blogging at my most recent Internet Lady Brunch. As we sipped our overpriced lattes, my ladies and I opened up our RSS feeds and tried to...

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38 Ways To Have A Great Summer

38 Ways To Have A Great Summer

Let's talk about Summer ideas. Summer ideas smell like sunscreen. Summer ideas stay out late on week nights and wear a wet  swimsuit to the movie theater. Summer ideas are better/different/looser than Autumn ideas. If you want to have a great summer, you need great Summer Ideas. 38 ways to have a great summer  1. Find a new place to swim A new lake. A river beach. A rooftop pool. An inflatable...

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True Story: I Have Schizoaffective Disorder

True Story: I Have Schizoaffective Disorder

Tell us a bit about yourself! I'm a writer in my early thirties -- born in the Midwest and living in San Francisco with my husband, pup, and miscellaneous old things. My debut novel, THE BORDER OF PARADISE, is being published in 2016. I currently run esmewang.com, where I provide resources for aspiring writers to develop mastery and resilience on the path to building a creative legacy; as a part...

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How To Find More Meaning In Life

How To Find More Meaning In Life

Let me preface this post by telling you that I am one of the least spiritual people you will ever meet. I once (once!) attended a service at a Universal Unitarian church and when a stranger asked me about my ‘faith journey’ I turned inside out, fell on the floor, and slithered to my car like an embarrassed sea cucumber. When people talk about the healing power of crystals I nod politely while...

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