Spend your money, time, & energy on purpose.

Living your life on purpose starts with knowing what REALLY makes you happy. Get started by downloading my FREE audiobook + workbook below!

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5 Reasons Your Good Habits Don’t Stick

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How To Stop Buying Sh*t You Don’t Need

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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

How To Feel Richer + Fancier Without Spending Any More Money

Want to feel richer? Looking for budget advice or personal finance advice you haven't heard a million times before? Tap through for some truly unique insights on abundance! #personalfinance #budgeting #moneytips #FIRE #moneymindset

If you’re looking to feel richer, let me preface this by saying:

1. I’m not going to tell you to make a list of everything you’re grateful for. That’s lovely! Gratitude is great! But that’s not what we’re doing here.

2. I’m also not going to tell you to manifest more money. We’re not doing that today, either.

Instead, I’m going to share a wildly effective, potentially obvious way we can all feel richer, fancier, and more “abundant”:

Use the things you already own + pay for to the utmost of their capabilities

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

Mornings In: Estonia

Mornings In: Estonia

Name: Marilin Hometown: Tartu, Estonia Age: 29 Occupation: Scientific Researcher in Tartu Toy Museum (yes, I do play all day long), currently on maternity leave My alarm is set for: 7:00 or whenever the baby decides Most mornings I eat: Usually, I eat plain old sandwiches with coffee or tea. We only call dark (rye) bread “bread” here (light bread and medium-light bread have their own names), so...

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True Story: I Interviewed Hundreds Of People About Sex + It’s Totally Changed The Way I Think About It

True Story: I Interviewed Hundreds Of People About Sex + It’s Totally Changed The Way I Think About It

  Tell us a bit about yourself! I’m a writer living in New York City (originally from Sydney, Australia), and the author of a book called The Sex Myth: The Gap Between Our Fantasies and Reality. The book examines the way we think and feel about sex and relationships, and how our perceptions of how we "should be" shape our self-image. It’s based on interviews with more than 200 people, as well as...

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The Most Important Relationship In Your Life + How To Improve It

The Most Important Relationship In Your Life + How To Improve It

Let’s imagine for a moment, dear readers, that I invited you over to my house for a barbecue. And let’s imagine that when you went into my bedroom to throw your purse on the bed, you took a peek at my bedside reading. You’d see a copy of Spook and my friend Rachel’s new book. You might see some ubiquitous lady magazines and one of those weird round lip balm things. You’d exit my bedroom...

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How To Replace Your Apartment’s Terrible Lighting

How To Replace Your Apartment’s Terrible Lighting

Want to replace your apartment's lighting? Trick question! Of course you do! Who actually enjoys those ubiquitous "boob" lights?! Today, I brought in professional interior designer Liz to tell us all how we can upgrade our lighting without breaking the bank My biggest complaint about rental living is the terrible lighting. Most apartments come with cheapie fixtures that throw off stage-level...

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True Story: I’m A Shaman

True Story: I’m A Shaman

Note: I realize that many of people hold different or more 'traditional' religious or spiritual views than the ones that Peter expressed in this interview. Polite, articulate disagreement and discussion are always welcome. Inflammatory comments will be deleted.  Tell us a bit about yourself! My name is Peter. I am 53 years old, born in England from an Indian father and Hungarian mother. I work...

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Mini Travel Guide: Scotland

Mini Travel Guide: Scotland

Looking for a travel guide to Scotland - that land of kilts, lake monsters, and amazing accents? I brought in a local to give us all the best Scottish travel tips and give us the lowdown what to do, where to go, what to eat and how to do it all cheaply! Hi there! My name is Sarah and I’m a native of Scotland’s capital, Edinburgh. I work in marketing and communications by day, and spend my spare...

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