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5 Reasons Your Good Habits Don’t Stick

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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

True Story: I Did Teach For America

Interested in Teach For America? Wondering what it's like to teach in a low-income area? Click through to read one woman's Teach For America experience!
What’s it like to do Teach For America? Would you ever want to become a classroom teacher in a low-income area … after five weeks of training? That’s exactly what Samantha did! This is her story.

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

You can choose to want less

You can choose to want less

Two months ago, I found myself at a run down coffee shop on a college campus, picking at an over-sized muffin and working on a pretty good anxiety stomachache. I was there to meet with a financial adviser. I anticipated a terrifying, math-y, money-based conversation that would somehow make me feel both poor and stupid. (Like most people in the world, I prefer to feel not-poor and passably...

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True Story: I Met My Husband In Another Country, When We Were 16 + Didn’t Speak The Same Language

True Story: I Met My Husband In Another Country, When We Were 16 + Didn’t Speak The Same Language

Tell us a bit about yourself! My name is Sarah, I’m 29 years old and live in a small town in Wisconsin. I enjoy crocheting, taking pictures, watching my brother play baseball, and road trips with my husband. I like to read and binge watch TV shows on Netflix. My husband and I also blog at Way We Go.How did you meet your husband? I met my husband Máté, in a bar in Ipolyvece, Hungary when we were...

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What We Eat Can Change The World (No, Really!)

What We Eat Can Change The World (No, Really!)

When I was 12 years old, I dramatically gagged a piece of Summer sausage back onto my dinner plate and announced to my family that from now on, I was a vegetarian. Such were the beginnings of my (mostly) meat-free life. I would like very much to tell you that I am an ethical vegetarian, that I love baby chickens and cows so much that I can't imagine eating them. And while I do love fluffy chicks...

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Mini Travel Guide: Bavaria + Northern Austria

Mini Travel Guide: Bavaria + Northern Austria

Hi! I'm Margo, a Virginian currently calling Germany home. Since moving here in 2013, my husband, schnoodle (that’d be a schnauzer + poodle) and I have been traveling around Europe nearly nonstop. There's so much to see! One of our favorite destinations to explore is not far from our front door: Bavaria! Home of BMW (Bavarian Motor Works), Oktoberfest, and Bayern Munchen (the Yankees of European...

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True Story: I’m Allergic To Pretty Much Everything

True Story: I’m Allergic To Pretty Much Everything

What would life be like if you were allergic to everything? Or at least it felt like you were allergic to ALMOST everything? That's exactly what's happening to Hannah. This is her story of dealing with severe allergies. Tell us a bit about yourself! I'm Hannah, a 27-year-old from Nuremberg, Germany. I recently graduated with my degree in Physics. I enjoy hiking and climbing, horseback riding,...

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6 Free Blogging Tools That Make My Online Life Easy + Awesome

6 Free Blogging Tools That Make My Online Life Easy + Awesome

This blog post has been gathering dust in my drafts folder for, oh, always. I want to write posts for you guys that are clever, inspirational, and filled with ideas that make your online life more awesome. I also assume that you already know about the piles of tools/apps/platforms available to you. But one person’s obvious is another person’s you just changed my life with this information,...

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