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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

A Weird Tip For A More Fulfilling Life: Make A ‘To Do For Fun’ List

Looking for to-do list ideas? Or productivity tips or happiness advice? Click through for a bullet journal idea you've never considered before!

Are you a super laid back human who’s great at relaxing? Are your evenings and weekends filled with picnics and movies and friends and reading in a hammock?

If that’s you, stop reading this blog post. It will do you no good. Instead, read this post about how to travel for a month with only a carry-on

But are you one of those Type A humans who runs themselves ragged? Who struggles to uncouple their productivity from their self-worth? Who fill their days (and evenings and weekends) with one million tiny tasks?

If you are this person, I’d like to introduce you to one solution to your Type A problems: the To Do For Fun list.

Quite simply, a To Do For Fun list is a list of fun things you’d like to do with your evening, your weekend, or any free time that falls into your calendar.

If we make lists of duties and chores so we’ll remember to do them, couldn’t we also make lists of fun, unproductive things so we’ll remember to do them? Share on X

I realize this might sound completely counter-intuitive, but sometimes if I don’t plan to have fun … I don’t. My lazy, unstructured weekend becomes an opportunity to organize paperwork, clean the fridge, and detail the car. And then once I‘ve worn myself down, I’ll fall into a Netflix coma.

Instead, what if I made a To Do For Fun list that looked like this?

Weekend To Do For Fun list

  • Sleep in
  • Go to the beach + get nachos at Sandcastle
  • Give myself a manicure
  • Make sweet corn ice cream

Even if I don’t do any of those things (which is fine, since it’s a To Do For Fun list!), I’ve taken five minutes to remind myself that this time is set aside for fun and relaxation. This time is not for never-ending chores, meeting other people’s deadlines, or putting everyone else’s needs before my own.

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

You’re allowed to change (and people who love you will let you)

You’re allowed to change (and people who love you will let you)

When my friend Amy* was in her twenties, she was competition-level Maneater. If you could medal in OkCupid and making out with dudes in bar bathrooms, she would have made it to the podium. Every time we’d meet for drinks or dinner, we’d all wait with baited breath to hear about her latest hijinks - how were things going with The Handsome Dumb Dentist? Was she going to see Shy Professor again? On...

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True Story: I Accidentally, Unexpectedly Gave Birth At Home

True Story: I Accidentally, Unexpectedly Gave Birth At Home

Tell us a bit about yourself! I'm Aya! I am an almost-thirty year old mom of three living in Toronto. I work in administration at an NGO I am passionate about. I love cooking for my family, stalking ASOS for new arrivals, refreshing my Feedly reader, and watching movies with the subtitles turned on. I speak three languages and there is a 90% chance I am taller than you. What was your pregnancy...

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Everything You Need To Know About Planning A Road Trip

Everything You Need To Know About Planning A Road Trip

Are you planning a road trip? If we're friends on Instagram you've probably seen me on my very own six-week road trip - eating southern biscuits, sweating in NYC traffic and visiting weird museums. For the last 45 days, I've been working my way around America and Canada on the biggest road trip I've ever attempted. While I'm no stranger to road trips, this trip took things to a whole new level...

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True Story: I’m A Young Latina In The Tech Start Up World

True Story: I’m A Young Latina In The Tech Start Up World

This is one of many True Story interviews in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting/challenging/amazing things. This is the story of Jacqueline Ros and her experience working in tech start-up culture as a young woman and a minority. Latinas make up 2% of the tech workforce.  Tell us a bit about yourself!  I’m from Miami, FL and I’m 24 years old. I’m Cuban-Colombian. My love...

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What To Say Instead Of “Aren’t You Scared?”

What To Say Instead Of “Aren’t You Scared?”

I was almost finished with my hash browns when my friend told me that she was flying to Somaliland and taking a Jeep five hours through the jungle to write an article about Frankincense farmers. Instead of finishing my hash browns, I put down my fork, leaned forward and - like a concerned mother hen - clucked “Aren’t you scared!?” I myself have been on the receiving end of these questions for...

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True Story: I’m 99 years old, still living at home + walking everywhere

True Story: I’m 99 years old, still living at home + walking everywhere

This interview is particularly close to my heart. Lenore is from my hometown of Aitkin, MN. She's actually in a book club with my mom and her husband delivered me when I was born! At her request, I did not include any photos.  You’re 99, still living at home alone, and still walking everywhere. What’s your secret to staying so healthy? Well, I guess I’ve always been health conscious. I didn’t...

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