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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

True Story: I Started Doing Stand-up Comedy at 34

Do you want to start doing stand-up comedy but you're not sure where to begin? Or you think you're too old to start? You're not! Click through for one woman's story and her tips to get started as a comedian!

Have you ever wanted to try stand-up comedy but then thought “Oh, that’s for 22-year-old dudes!”

It is not just for 22-year-old dudes! In fact, my friend Amy started doing stand-up JUST LAST YEAR, and she’s booked for 16 shows this year! This is her story.

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

New Thing: See A Movie At ‘The Heights’ (+ voting with your money)

New Thing: See A Movie At ‘The Heights’ (+ voting with your money)

Each year I make a list of new things I want to try. Some are easy, some are suuuuuper hard (at least for me) and some are so, so mundane and easy to complete. You can read about previous adventures here. Tell me if you guys know this feeling: Lean-forward-in-your-seat fascination I-should-probably-be-embarrassed-I'm-this-excited grinning A just barely suppressed desire to clap like a toddler It...

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How To Find The Best Stuff In Any Thrift Store

How To Find The Best Stuff In Any Thrift Store

It brings me an immeasurable amount of joy to tell people how much my belongings cost. Like my sofa? I'll fall all over myself to tell you that it was $90 on Craigslist. Those brass bookends? $5 at Salvation Army. My red velvet flats (which are, amazingly, Crocs!) I got 'em at Goodwill for $7. One of my biggest not-so-secrets to living the proverbial champagne life on a beer budget is buying...

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4 Ways To Disguise Horrible, Ugly Kitchen Cupboards

4 Ways To Disguise Horrible, Ugly Kitchen Cupboards

This is the first guest post from our new DIY/design contributor Thalita of The Learner Observer! Thalita will be writing about easy, cheap ways we can all make our small, rental spaces even cuter. Follow along with her on Twitter or Instagram! As any renter will tell you, it's nearly impossible to find a place that meets the criteria of your "dream apartment" while sticking to your budget....

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True Story: Med School Made Me Have A Nervous Breakdown

True Story: Med School Made Me Have A Nervous Breakdown

This is one of many True Story interviews in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting/amazing/challenging things. This is the story of Alison and her time in med school. Tell us a bit about yourself!  Hello there! I’m Alison, I’m 28, and I live in southern NJ, not far from Philadelphia. I currently work as a clinical research assistant at a children’s hospital in the department...

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11 Creative Ways To Make Your House Cozy

11 Creative Ways To Make Your House Cozy

Now, I don't want to brag or anything but I'm pretty much a competition-level cozy-fier. As a third-generation Minnesotan of Scandinavian decent, I know how to make your house cozy - I mean, it's kinnnnnd of written into my DNA. Even if you live south of the frost line, winter means shorter days and longer nights. I bet even Floridians could benefit from these house cozy-ing ideas! 11 ways to...

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True Story: I went from fashion school to business school to missionary work (and I couldn’t be happier)

True Story: I went from fashion school to business school to missionary work (and I couldn’t be happier)

This is one of many True Story interviews in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting/challenging/amazing things. This is the story of Betsy and her decision to change directions - three times.  Tell us a bit about yourself!  Hi I’m Betsy! I am 26-years-old and grew up in the Midwest (Ohio) but also lived in NYC and Florida during my twenties. I coach women (primarily in...

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