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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Web Time Wasters

How was your week, friends? As you read this, I’m in Philly, speaking at The Blog Connect conference about defining success for yourself and creating habits that will make that success a looooot easier. (P.S. If you run a conference and you’d like me to speak, drop me a line and let’s chat!)

Links for you!

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

New Thing: Take An Historical Tour of Summit Hill (aka the neighborhood where I live)

New Thing: Take An Historical Tour of Summit Hill (aka the neighborhood where I live)

  Each year I make a list of new things I want to try. Some of them are emotionally or physically challenging, a lot of them will make you question how I became an adult without doing them. You can read about previous adventures here. Are you guys ready for the nerdiest hobby you've never heard of? I like to call said hobby 'house walks.' Before she up and moved (weep!) my BFF and I loved to...

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Mini Travel Guide: Romania

Mini Travel Guide: Romania

Looking for a travel guide to Romania - that land of cobblestone streets, castles, AND DRACULA??? Me too! Which is why I brought in a local to share her best Romanian travel tips. Let's all book tickets now! Hi, I'm Mickey, a Romanian expat, born and bred in Bucharest, who landed in the U.S. by way of a dimpled musician. I geek out about language learning at Panglossity. I would love to give you...

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Are you a ‘taker’? How to tell if you are + what to do about it

Are you a ‘taker’? How to tell if you are + what to do about it

Here are some things I've needed help with during the last 10 years of my life early morning drop offs/late night airport pick ups (about a million of 'em) some heart-rending breakups lots of Craigslist runs that necessitated borrowed pickups/hatchbacks/another pair of strong arms Many of my nearest-and-dearest buy furniture from, like, stores and have the nerve maintain happy, healthy marriages...

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True Story: I’m a Supertaster

True Story: I’m a Supertaster

Mel with a steamed bun Tell us a bit about yourself!  My name is Melissa, and I was born in Hong Kong before moving to San Francisco at the age of 7. I lived in San Francisco most of my life and in Seattle and New York for a bit before coming full circle by moving back to Hong Kong 3 years ago. I work in planning and strategy for a Fortune 500 company and I am a food blogger and photographer in...

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14 Ways To Make Your Apartment Look Great On A Budget

14 Ways To Make Your Apartment Look Great On A Budget

  My first post-college apartment had dark, dirty 1970s cabinets, a yellow stove and a green fridge, and a full-size window directly in front of the toilet. And I loved it. I took so much joy in making that weird, cheap apartment cute! I scoured thrift stores and Craiglist, I repainted and disguised and replaced and I positively After 14 rentals, here's everything I know about how to make an...

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Mini Travel Guide: Luxembourg

Mini Travel Guide: Luxembourg

Looking for a travel guide to Luxembourg - that tiny, multicultural country? I brought in a local to share all her best Luxemboury travel tips - what to do, where to go, and how to do it cheaply(ish)! Nicknamed the “Gibraltar of the North”, Luxembourg is the only Grand-Duchy in the world, which gained its independence from the Netherlands in 1839. It is a multicultural little gem in the heart of...

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