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5 Reasons Your Good Habits Don’t Stick

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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Why You Need An “Every Damn Day” List + How To Create One

Looking for productivity tips or trying to stay positive? You might need an Every Damn Day List! Read on and see how this super simple tool can help you stay on track towards your goals, not matter what else is going on with your life! #productivity #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #todolists #motivation #workfromhome

It’s a perfect world and I awake to songbirds, cooing me into consciousness. I eat a surprisingly delicious, kale-filled breakfast and then walk the dog while simultaneously meditating.

I settle into a lovely day of writing, phone calls, and catching up with friends. I am wearing a cute outfit, my hair looks amazing, and my home is miraculously spotless. I AM A PARAGON OF POSITIVITY AND PRODUCTIVITY!!!

But, sadly, this isn’t a perfect world.  

On any given day, it’s entirely possible that I will sleep late, work myself into a headache, avoid phone calls, and/or eat popcorn for every meal.

Life happens! Deadlines change, priorities shift, and sometimes I just don’t want to put on real pants, okay?

So how do we keep our lives from derailing when things get busy? How do we keep making tiny, incremental steps towards the life we want when we’re nearly too frazzled to function?

We make and use an Every Damn Day List.

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

True Story: I’m 28 + I’m a Self-Made Millionaire

True Story: I’m 28 + I’m a Self-Made Millionaire

What's life like when you're a self-made millionaire ... at age 28? Most 28 year-olds are still paying down school debt or living with roommates! Today, Grant shares his story of making his first million. Tell us a bit about yourself!  I am 28 years old, currently living in Chicago. In the summer, my weekends are spent cycling along Lake Michigan, exploring cool neighborhoods, and having good...

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What I’m (Trying To) Teach My Kids

What I’m (Trying To) Teach My Kids

If you're a parent, what are you trying to teach your kids? Not just the basic stuff like making a bed or saying please and thank-you, but The Big Stuff. What are you teaching them about kindness and self-worth and how we treat other people? Today, I asked 14 of my favorite moms what they're teaching (or trying to teach) their kids. Read on! Brandy // Serena, age 3 I want to teach her never to...

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True Story: I Smoked Pot For 20 Years. Then I Stopped.

True Story: I Smoked Pot For 20 Years. Then I Stopped.

Sarah, thanks for speaking with me about this. I guess I feel like we need to talk more openly about pot. We don’t, you know, because it’s not scary and urgent. It’s more slow motion. It didn’t make me careen out of control. But one day I woke up and I’d been smoking dope for 20 years and I hadn’t even noticed. Tell us a bit about yourself!  I'm Erica. I’m a writer and I work with young writers....

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Mornings In Malta

Mornings In Malta

Name: Claire Hometown: Ħ’Attard, Malta (tiny Mediterranean island country in Europe) Age: 24 Occupation: law student + trainee notary + proofreader My alarm is set for Any time between 6.30AM and 9.30AM. Depends on whether I have early lectures (6.30AM), work (7.45AM), or nothing planned for the morning (as late as 9.30AM if I had been up late working the previous night). My Maltese breakfast I...

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Job Awesome: Teach with Fulbright

Job Awesome: Teach with Fulbright

Once a month, we're going to talk about awesome/weird/adventurous jobs that you (maybe) didn't even know existed and talk to people who have done them. If you're sick of your current gig, get to applying! You can read about other awesome jobs here.  How impressive would it be to add ‘Fulbright’ to your resume? Incredibly impressive. There are multiple Fulbright programs, but the Fulbright...

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How To Restart A Bad, Annoying, Unproductive Day

How To Restart A Bad, Annoying, Unproductive Day

Wouldn't it be awesome if you could restart a bad day? Like, literally, push a rewind button and get out of bed all over again?That's not exactly possible, but we can re-direct our energy and attitudes. I know because I do it all the time. See, I have this (somewhat ridiculous) belief that my productivity and mental state are an exceptionally delicate ecosystem that needs constant monitoring. I...

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