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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

You Can Pull People Up The Ladder Behind You

Want to empower women? Be a mentor? Pull people up the ladder behind you. No matter where you are in your career or life, you can use these 10 ideas to help others. I’m sitting in the sunny corner of a coffee shop in Minneapolis, tucking into a late afternoon latte when my friend slides into the seat across from me. She slaps the table with both hands, leans forward and whisper shouts “You will NOT believe what just happened.”

“Tell me everything!” I whisper shout back.

My friend has been going through rough patch in her business. Like a “I don’t know if I can make my half of the mortgage, should I sell these boots on Ebay” sort of rough patch.

She’d been invited to pitch a project to a new client in Los Angeles. She sluethed a bit and discovered that the woman she was pitching was A Big Deal. Yale MBA, started her own company in her twenties, the whole thing.*

Feeling both intimidated and broke, my friend readied herself for the pitch call. After a few minutes of chitchat, my friend explained how she planned to run this project and shared her quote: $7,000.

There was silence on the other end of the line.

And then a sigh.

Firmly but kindly, the Fancy L.A. Lady said, “I’m so tired of women undercharging for their work. We had $40,000 set aside for this project so I want you to rewrite your proposal for that amount and send it through again. I’ll present it to the board along with the recommendation that we hire you. And I want you to promise that you’ll raise your rates.”


When I shared this story, the nearly unanimous response I heard was “Someday I want to be able to do that for someone.”

Friends, we don’t have to wait till we’re millionaires or CEOs to help people. We can start where we are, with what we have, right now. No matter who you are, where you live, or how much you earn, you can pull someone up the ladder behind you. Share on X

10 ways to pull people up the ladder behind you

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

True Story: I joined ‘Ashley Madison’ + now I’m sleeping with 4 married guys

True Story: I joined ‘Ashley Madison’ + now I’m sleeping with 4 married guys

This is one of many True Story interviews in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting/challenging/amazing things. This is the story of 'Lucy' and her active decision to sleep with married men.  While I totally understand that many readers will not approve of Lucy's behavior and decisions, please keep your comments articulate and as respectful as possible. Tell us a bit about...

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The Best Outfit For Thanksgiving Dinner

The Best Outfit For Thanksgiving Dinner

If you are a non-American Yes and Yes reader, I will assume that you don't know eating Thanksgiving dinner is equal parts Olympic-level sport and nearly religious experience. We take this business seriously. White or dark meat? Fresh, fancy cranberry sauce or the canned kind that everybody likes better?  Cream cheese in the mashed potatoes?  Any kind of pie other than pumpkin? And because we...

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Mini Travel Guide: Serbia

Mini Travel Guide: Serbia

No travel guide to Serbia would be complete without mentions of castles, coffee, or carbohydrates. Luckily, we have a local to give us the best Serbian travel tips on on where to go and what to do! Hey there! I’m Tamara and I’d like to share with you some traveling tidbits about my motherland, Serbia. I was born in Novi Sad, the capitol city of the province of Vojvodina, and lived there with my...

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Life Has Big Plans For You

Life Has Big Plans For You

We all know life can be less-than-easy. We have stressful jobs that grate and chafe. We go on first dates that don't go anywhere. We stay in almost-right relationships that need to be ended. We experience friendships that drain and showers that don't. Somewhere, the...

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True Story: I’m a Professional Cheerleader

True Story: I’m a Professional Cheerleader

This is one of many True Story interviews in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting/amazing/challenging things.  This is the story of Caity and her work as a cheerleaders for Washington Capitals. Tell us a bit about yourself!  My name is Caity, I’m from the Northern Virginia/DC area. I went to Penn State University but moved back to the Washington, D.C. area after I graduated...

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Mornings In Nigeria

Mornings In Nigeria

Name: Lape  Hometown: Lagos, Nigeria Age: 32 Occupation: Writer My alarm is set for: 5 a.m. My Nigerian breakfast On weekday mornings, I usually eat a sausage roll or chicken pie bought from a fast food restaurant. Sometimes, I eat crackers because they are filling and hassle-free. The main reason behind my breakfast choices is convenience to be honest. I wake up so early I can’t imagine eating...

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