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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Are You Putting Off Happiness? 5 Ways To Feel Happy NOW

Are you putting off happiness? It's incredibly common! Read on for 5 happiness tips that will make it easier to do more of what you love. #selfdevelopment #happinesstips #selfhelp #feelbetter

It’s a rainy Tuesday night and I’ve successfully convinced my friend that grocery shopping counts as a “friend date” and we’re poking through the aisles of Super Target.

I’m weirdly excited to grocery shop with said friend because she always brings the best, most impressive dishes to parties. MAYBE SHE’LL BE THE ONE WHO FINALLY HELPS ME FIGURE OUT CHEESE FONDUE.

We turn down the tv dinner aisle and my friend – my loves-to-cook, Julia-Child-esque friend – shovels 654 Lean Cuisines into her cart. “It seems ridiculous make a real meal when it’s just me, you know?” she shrugs.

I nod but I don’t really get it. Is she saying that she doesn’t deserve the same sort of lovely meals she makes and shares with her friends?

Later, on my drive home, I think of all the places I’ve heard something like this before.

I think of the friend who moved to a new city for a one-year academic program. She isn’t bothering to make friends because she “isn’t going to be around that long.”

Another friend signed a six-month lease while she house hunts. She’s usually very stylish and decor-conscious, but she’s living out of boxes. Her framed art is still on the floor because she’s “just going to move soon.”

We can all see the common denominator here, right? Putting off or avoiding happy-making, life-improving things because they’re an inconvenience?

Friends, a bit of real talk:
There is no ‘perfect time’ to do things that make you happy or improve your life. Share on X
If we want to find them, there will always be excuses for why we don’t need to treat ourselves with the same thought and consideration that we treat others. And honestly? SOMETIMES HAPPINESS IS A TOTAL HASSLE.

Making friends in a new city is vulnerable and weird (here’s how to make friends as an adult). Cooking An Actual Meal is a lot harder than heating up a Lean Cuisine. Making your living space lovely requires time and thought.

It’s so much easier to convince ourselves that we’re too busy or we don’t really care. It’s easier to convince ourselves that the inconvenient, happy-making thing won’t really make that much of a difference.

I’m here to tell you
a) that’s rubbish
b) it’s possible to make happiness easier
c) you deserve to feel happy now, not some imaginary time in the future when the stars align

5 ways to stop putting off happiness + make it easier

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

On Memories + Souvenirs + Living In A Space You Love

On Memories + Souvenirs + Living In A Space You Love

I'm not really a stuff-haver. At least, I don't really enjoy having stuff for the sake of it. Don't get me wrong, I will very happily have cheese for the sake of it. I'll own three gajillion bangle bracelets and wear most of them, but stuff? I'm not really into it. In a perfect world, I would live the William Morris quote "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe...

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True Story: I Chose To Get Sterilized At 23

True Story: I Chose To Get Sterilized At 23

This is one of many True Story interviews in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting/amazing/challenging things.  This is the story of Maggie and her decision to get sterilized at 23 so she would never have children. Tell us a bit about yourself! I grew up in Little Rock, AR and it's where I live now, too. I've had the good luck to live a few other fun places, but I absolutely...

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5 Travel Apps/Programs/Products You (Probably) Don’t Know About

5 Travel Apps/Programs/Products You (Probably) Don’t Know About

Every time I travel, I make new mistakes.  The upside to this?  I also discover new tools/apps/products/programs to help deal with said mistakes.  Here are five awesome new things I discovered on my recent trip through Europe. 5 Best Travel Apps You Haven't Heard Of (Yet) Eat with a local I love traveling by myself (I even wrote an ebook about it!) but it can be really hard to meet locals and...

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True Story: I’m A Grocery Store Sample Lady

True Story: I’m A Grocery Store Sample Lady

This is one of many True Story interviews in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting/challenging/amazing things.  This is the story of Jan and her work as a grocery store sample lady.   note: this is NOT Jan Tell us a bit about yourself! I’m 64 years old. In previous lives I was an ESL teacher and before that had a 20 year career at a newspaper. Two years ago I moved to La...

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Mini Travel Guide: Rwanda

Mini Travel Guide: Rwanda

Looking for a travel guide to Rwanda? Want to know where the best beach resorts are? Luckily for all of us, I brought in ex-pat Kat to share her best Rwanda travel tips - what to do, where to go, and how to travel Rwanda cheaply, safely, and respectfully! I have lived in Kigali since August 2011 and work at Generation Rwanda, an organization which provides university scholarships and...

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4 Little Ways To Show People You Love ‘Em

4 Little Ways To Show People You Love ‘Em

Sometimes, when I think about my friends I get a little verklempt.  And by "a little verklempt" I mean "at least twice in the last year I've cried about how great my friends are" (?!) When things are bad, they send me flowers, bring me magazines and hash browns, call me from New Zealand, and get just as upset as I am.  When things are good, they shriek with joy, give me high fives, and tell me...

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