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Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

True Story: I’m a Democrat and My Boyfriend’s a Republican

True Story: I’m a Democrat and My Boyfriend’s a Republican

This is the story of Lauren. She's a Democrat and her boyfriend is a Republican. Tell us a bit about yourself! Hi! My name is Lauren. I am 23 years old and I am from a small, conservative town in the suburbs of the San Francisco Bay Area. I now currently live in San Francisco and commute to Berkeley as a program manager for the YMCA. I love being able to work with teens from all different...

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The One Sentence That Helps Me Be Present

The One Sentence That Helps Me Be Present

I am not particularly good at 'living in the moment.' I spend huge amounts of time thinking about the future. And not 'thinking about the future' like fantasizing about a big farmhouse with a garden full of perfectly weeded heirloom tomatoes. I mean 'thinking about the future' like I should really get my brakes checked Do I have enough spinach to make that salad? I need to do laundry today...

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From Minimum Wage Newspaper Intern to Professional Blogger – What I Did Right (And Wrong)

From Minimum Wage Newspaper Intern to Professional Blogger – What I Did Right (And Wrong)

Dear Sarah, I'm a sophomore in college in an odd transition period - I'm transferring to a college in the Pacific Northwest in the fall and studying abroad this spring to get away from where I am. I am curious about your college-to-current-career path story, you've said snippets of it on your blog but I want details! Politely requested, of course! Oh, dude. You flatter me!  The story of my...

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True Story: I was in a psych ward for three months

True Story: I was in a psych ward for three months

Tell us a bit about yourself. My name is Marthe and I’m a 25-year-old renaissance soul from Norway. I have a deep passion for writing and I write over at The Freedom Experiment where my primary aim is to inspire and help people make their dreams come true.I am also training to become a life coach, and on top of that, I currently study law in University. I’m a highly sensitive person (HSP) and I...

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Mini Travel Guide: Syria

Mini Travel Guide: Syria

  I'm not sure any of us will be using a travel guide to Syria soon, but it's important to remember that beyond its current instability, Syria is a beautiful country, filled with wonderful people, amazing food, and tons of interesting things to do and see. Today ex-pat Kat shares her best Syrian travel tips. I spent 10 months in Syria studying Arabic at the University of Damascus and teaching,...

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The Inestimable Power of “I’m Sorry, Dude. That Sucks.”

The Inestimable Power of “I’m Sorry, Dude. That Sucks.”

Have you ever read about the differences between how men and women (allegedly) handle problems and complaints? When women complain, we (allegedly) want people to listen to us, validate us, and make cooing noises. When we complain, men (allegedly) want to solve our problems.And when they try to do that, fighting and hurt feelings ensue.  Because, Dude!  I totally know how to solve this problem! ...

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