Spend your money, time, & energy on purpose.

Living your life on purpose starts with knowing what REALLY makes you happy. Get started by downloading my FREE audiobook + workbook below!

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5 Reasons Your Good Habits Don’t Stick

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How To Stop Buying Sh*t You Don’t Need

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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

You’re allowed to stop if it’s not working

How do you know when you're allowed to quit? If it's not working, you're allowed to quit. Click through for 4 ways to tell it's time to quit and give up!

It’s 6:30 pm and I’ve spent the entire day in my pajamas. Not for a good, fun, ‘treat yo’self’ reason but for a ‘so busy you don’t have time to get dressed’ reason.

I’ve been wearing these pajamas while I ghostwrite and proof four, 700-word blog posts. I’ve been wearing them while I schedule a month of Facebook and Twitter updates. I’ve been wearing them on a conference call with a client who talks over me, interrupts me, and requests three rounds of edits.

If ‘this isn’t working’ had a uniform, it’d be pajamas-as-workwear.

I’m happy to report that this ‘too busy for real clothes’ era is in the past. These days, I have a set of morning habits that include putting on real clothes and walking the dog before I even read email (!!!)

But before I could do that, I had to
a) acknowledge what wasn’t working
b) stop doing the stuff that wasn’t working

Friend, in case you need it, here is your permission. If something’s not working, you’re allowed to stop.

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

Notes From The Road: Stockholm, Sweden

Notes From The Road: Stockholm, Sweden

photos! 1 currants // 2, 3 stockholm flea market + book sale // 4 havrebollar - they taste kind of like cookie dough rolled in coconut // 5 downtown apartments // 6 picnic overlooking the city // 7, 8 salty black licorice candy, bulk candy // 9 fancy building // 10 porridge with lingonberry jam   I'm spending six weeks poking around Europe, visiting friends and clients and (as you can see)...

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True Story: I Have Cerebral Palsy and I Travel The World

True Story: I Have Cerebral Palsy and I Travel The World

Physical disabilities don't have to hold you back from adventure and this story goes to prove it. This is the story of Antonia, her adventures and her cerebral palsy diagnosis. Yes, you can travel with physical disability! This is one of many True Story interviews in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting/amazing/challenging things.   Traveling with Physical Disability Tell us...

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How To Do Things By Yourself (And Actually Enjoy Them!)

How To Do Things By Yourself (And Actually Enjoy Them!)

Sometimes, I'm a bit of a Quirky Alone.  Even though I have piles of awesome friends and a rather packed social calendar, I love puttering around the house, pawing through racks at the thrift store and poking around tiny towns all by my lonesome. I've traveled through 36 countries, often by myself, and given the choice between a mediocre party filled with bad conversationalists or a comfy bed +...

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Mini Travel Guide: Dubai

Mini Travel Guide: Dubai

What's it like to travel in Dubai as a woman? What are you supposed to wear? Exactly HOW hot is it? I don't know about you guys, but the Middle East is such a fascinating, unknown travel destination for me. Thankfully, Victoria has been living there for almost 10 years and she's happy to share all her Dubai travel tips with us! There are a lot of misconceptions about living and traveling in...

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13 Ways To Buy Happiness For $5 Or Less

13 Ways To Buy Happiness For $5 Or Less

Can you really buy happiness? No!  Of course, not!  Buuuut, it can buy you things that will temporarily entertain, feed, and/or enlighten you. 13 ways to buy happiness (or at least brighten your day) for $5 or less 1. One of those awesome multi-colored pens You know, the kind you had in 4th grade?  And you used to write notes to your BFF about how cute Rick Burgstaler was?  And then you wouldn't...

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6 Ways To Beat The Blues

6 Ways To Beat The Blues

We all get the blues sometimes, right? Not real, actual Depression but we feel mope-y. Ill at ease. Listless and bored and without direction. How do we beat the blues? I favor a strong cup of coffee and a shower. Vanessa has even better advice than that for us! Lately I’ve felt glum and frustrated. It’s as though the daily grind is wearing down my resolve and leaving me exhausted. Janis Joplin...

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