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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Make Yourself 25% More Uncomfortable

Are you willing to make yourself uncomfortable to get what you want? You don't have to do things you absolutely hate but if you want to reach your goals, you probably need to do this. Click through to find out how I balance discomfort with growth!It’s a hot evening in July and I’m perched at my desk, sweating and grimacing over an email.

I’ve just opened my latest course and at midnight the price doubles – which seems like something people would want to know, right? Especially the people who attended the webinar?

I’ve emailed everyone who expressed interest twice already – once on Wednesday and once on Thursday. Is a third time overkill? Am I going to annoy everyone? BECAUSE OH GOD WHAT IF I ANNOY EVERYONE.

It would be so much more comfortable to close my laptop and pour myself a drink.

It’d be so much easier to say “if people want it, they’ll buy it! They’ll figure it out.”

But instead of drinking a tall vodka gimlet, I sucked it up, got uncomfortable, and sent that third sales email.

And would you like to know how much money than third email brought in? $2,134.73

Being slightly uncomfortable for 30 seconds brought in enough money to pay for a family vacation or two of those huge wheels of Parmesan cheese.  

Since this happened, I’ve been thinking a lot about those Pinterest quotes about how “great things never come from comfort zones” and how we need to “get comfortable with being uncomfortable.”

While I love an inspirational quote as much as the next white lady, I’ve always given these particular sayings a bit of side eye.

Like, how do I know the difference between Challenging Thing That’s Actually Good For Me and Thing I Genuinely Don’t Like, Never Will, And Makes Me Hate Life?

What’s the difference between knowing myself + my limitations and selling myself short?

I’m not sure I can answer that probably-universal question, but I think I’ve found a workaround: be willing to make yourself slightly uncomfortable. Like, 25% more uncomfortable.

Making yourself 25% uncomfortable will probably yield 100% better results.

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

Mini Travel Guide: Bali

Mini Travel Guide: Bali

Looking for a travel guide to Bali - land of amazing food and fantastic beaches? I brought in a local to share her best Bali travel tips - where to go, what to do, and how to do it all cheaply, safely, and respectfully! I'm Sarah, a 24-year-old photographer living in the jungle in Bali, Indonesia. Last winter I was home in America, between jobs, and the travel bug was biting me hard. So when an...

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10 Ways To Feel Rich (no matter your bank account balance)

10 Ways To Feel Rich (no matter your bank account balance)

How does "being rich" feel? How does luxury and abundance feel in your skin? How does it look? The good news for all of us is that there are plenty of ways to feel rich, and most of them are available to us for less money than we'd expect. Today, Sarah McColl shares her favorite ways to feel rich. Valuing a dollar, counting your pennies, stretching the last cent…it’s all fine and good until...

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Notes From The Road: Mardi Gras

Notes From The Road: Mardi Gras

For the next four weeks, I'll be Cajun-ing it up in Louisiana. There will be Mardi Gras-ing, there will be grit-eating, there will be dancing to Zydeco music. I just love Louisiana.  Just.love.it.  If you've never been here but you want a taste of Oh-my-God-this-feels-like-a-different-country, let me recommend it heartily.  The accents are different, the food's different, the holidays are...

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The ABCs of Self-Love: Y is for Yes

The ABCs of Self-Love: Y is for Yes

Friends, let us talk about the art of self-love. About what it means to like yourself as much as your friends do. To give yourself the treats/compliments/breaks you give other people. To eat half a block of cheese because, you know what?  You want to. The language of love that I'm particularly fluent in is saying "Yes."  To, um, most things.Here are a few of the things that I say yes to that...

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True Story: I’m Dating and Disabled

True Story: I’m Dating and Disabled

This is one of many True Story interviews in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting/amazing/challenging this. This is Melissa's story of navigating dating as a person who has Freeman-Sheldon Syndrome. Tell us a bit about yourself! I'm Melissa from So About What I Said, and I'm a writer and a college newspaper adviser from Illinois. I turned 30 this year, which, surprisingly,...

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True Story: I’ve Had 70+ Sexual Partners

True Story: I’ve Had 70+ Sexual Partners

This is the story of Autumn and her sexual history. I realize that some readers might take issue with Autumn's choices, or tie sexual behavior to ethics or morals. While you are free to disagree (respectfully! articulately!) any inflammatory, aggressive comments will be deleted. Just as a point of reference, based on this 2007 study, 9% of American had more than 15 partners. Tell us a bit about...

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