Spend your money, time, & energy on purpose.

Living your life on purpose starts with knowing what REALLY makes you happy. Get started by downloading my FREE audiobook + workbook below!

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5 Reasons Your Good Habits Don’t Stick

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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

6 Apps That Help Me Find The Time & Energy To Go After What I Want

Looking for goal-setting tips or productivity advice? Motivational advice or tips to boost your energy? Read on for 6 time management apps that help me find more time and energy!Don’t care how, I want it nowwwwww

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory is being watched at loud volume in  the living room, while I saute garlic and onions for dinner. Over the sizzle in the frying pan, I can hear Veruca Salt’s big song and dance number.

She’s detailing what she wants (pink macaroons, a party with rooms full of laughter, the world) and when she wants it (now) and I can’t help but think:

“Girl, SAME.”

So what’s getting in my way? What’s getting in your way – from going after what you want? 

There are many complicated answers to this question (the patriarchy, institutionalized racism, life-long habits of self-sabotage + people-pleasing) but for the purposes of this short, actionable blog post let’s talk about how most of us really want more time + energy to pursue our goals!

6 apps that help me find the time & energy to go after what I want


We can’t rescue time if we, uh, don’t know where it’s going. Toggl is my favorite free time-tracking software – you just install it in your taskbar and click it on and off as you change tasks. It even gives you color-coded pie charts at the end of the week + day of where your time is going!!!


If you know you’re scrolling more than you want and you’ve reached a point of diminishing returns on the joy you’re getting from IG Stories, install this app to block yourself after a certain time.

Thumbtack + Taskrabbit

Not all of us are in a place where we can pay strangers to do things we don’t want to do. But if you can afford to order take out, you can probably afford either of these platforms! Skip this week’s dinner delivery and pay someone to do yard work, walk the dog, clean the gutters, whatever it is that’s eating up your time + energy!

P.S. Both these platforms offer discount codes to first time users – billed to the app, not the service provider – so Google around to see what you can find!

Youtube + Spotify playlists

Won’t help you find more time, WILL help you find more energy! The neural link between uptempo music + energy is well documented and luckily for us, Youtube and Spotify and free! And – even more luckily! – some lovely people have already put together “happy” playlists for us!

Want more tips + tricks to rescue even more time and energy? I made you this free workbook and audio download! Click here to grab yours + start listening now.

Photos by Benjaminrobyn Jespersen and on Unsplash

Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

7 Real Talk Holiday Reminders For All Of Us

7 Real Talk Holiday Reminders For All Of Us

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! It's time for thematic sweaters, egg nog, and the joy of finally giving that perfect gift you've had tucked away for three months! It's also time for holiday card-triggered feelings of inadequacy, credit card debt, and never-ending sugar crashes. As we head deeper into the holiday season, I wanted remind all of us (myself very much included) of these...

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True Story: I’m A Screenwriter

True Story: I’m A Screenwriter

What does it take to become a screenwriter? If you can write blog posts and marketing emails, can you write a script that actually get turned into a movie? Well, that's exactly what Melissa Cassera did. Tell us a bit about yourself! I’m 38, originally from New Jersey (Jersey girl!) and then moved to Napa, CA for a few years before landing in Los Angeles. I’m a Professional Screenwriter and a...

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The Cheapskate Guide To: Brussels

The Cheapskate Guide To: Brussels

Belgium cheap? I have a tendency to believe "Europe = expensive," but it doesn't have to! Today, we have from-a-local insight on a $21 Airbnb directly across from a palace (!!!), $2.50 fries, and free walking tours! Hi, I'm Isabelle, a forty-something French literary translator. I spend most of my free time blogging, going on city trips, posting my travel pictures on Instagram, practicing aerial...

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True Story: I’m A Medium

True Story: I’m A Medium

How would you feel if dead people regularly popped into your mind to communicate with their living relatives? Or if someone's dead father-in-law bumped into you a party? That's all in a day's work for my friend Heather! Tell us a bit about yourself! My name is Heather Westmoreland. I was born and raised in Minnesota. I’ve lived in Ireland, California and Arizona but I always end up back in the...

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11 Minimalist Gift Ideas That Add To Happiness, Not Clutter

11 Minimalist Gift Ideas That Add To Happiness, Not Clutter

"Minimalist gift ideas, Sarah? Like a single leaf in a vase? Or one drapey linen shirt? Har har har."  I can already hear the good-natured eye-rolling, friends. And let me tell you with all the love in my heart I AM NOT HAVING IT. When I say 'minimalist gifts' I'm not saying you spite-give everyone a copy of The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up. I'm not suggesting you give your sister a single...

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True Story: I live in a Tiny House with my wife and dog

True Story: I live in a Tiny House with my wife and dog

Can you imagine living in a tiny house? What about sharing your tiny house with your partner and a not-small dog? Miraculously, that's exactly what Austin is doing. Tell us a bit about yourself!  Hello, I’m Austin. I’m 27 years old, and I live in Gainesville, FL with my wife, Heidi, and our dog, Ruth. I love spending time outdoors paddle boarding, free-diving at the local springs, and playing...

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