Spend your money, time, & energy on purpose.

Living your life on purpose starts with knowing what REALLY makes you happy. Get started by downloading my FREE audiobook + workbook below!

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5 Reasons Your Good Habits Don’t Stick

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How To Stop Buying Sh*t You Don’t Need

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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

How To Make Habit Change Stick – For Real This Time

You’re smart. You already know that good habits will get you closer to the life you want. 

And you’re totally aware of the bad habits that are pushing you further from your goals.

But you just can’t seem to make habit change stick. You drink smoothies every morning for a few days and then fall off the wagon. You resist Netflix binges for a few weeks, but then you have a bad day and you’re back at it.

You see other people who seem to have all figured out. You wonder what they know that you don’t. 

“How can she go running every morning? Doesn’t she ever want to sleep in?”

“He never seems tempted to order a third beer. Why not? Where does he get all that self-control?”

“Every day she unpacks some impressive salad she brought from home and I’m over here with my mediocre $10 deli sandwich. Why can’t I be like that?” 

Make It Stick Habit School is your bridge from knowing to doing. 

You already know what you should be doing. You just need your brain and body listen. This 6-step system and self-paced course will help you understand how to make habit change stick – for good.

  •  Your good habits feel effortless and almost second nature
  •  You’re finally free of those bad habits that have dogged you for years
  •  You’re not tempted or easily derailed; you don’t waste energy struggling with self-control
  •  If you do fall off the wagon, you treat yourself with compassion and grace; then you get back up and keep going

“This course helped me realize that working out/being active every day is key to my happiness: I feel better, eat better, and look better when I do. With Sarah’s humor, humility, and science-backed strategies, I haven’t missed a workout since I took the class. I know I’ll miss a day eventually, but Make It Stick has also prepared me to lessen the impact of that by planning alternate activities and, most importantly, going easy on myself.” – Bobby S. 


This course really forced me to be honest with myself about why I’m doing or not doing things. Now that I understand my own motivations and triggers, it’s so much easier to change my habits!” – Geraline M. 



What you’ll gain in this course:

  • A specific-to-you plan for changing your habits
  • An understanding of why your attempts at habit change have failed in the past
  • Science-backed strategies for avoiding temptation and reinforcing good habits
  • Methods you can apply over and over again, to any habit you want to make or break

After you sign up, you’ll immediately have access to:

    • 8 self-paced modules
    • 9 video lessons
    • 9 audio versions of that same lessons so you can listen at the gym or in your car
    • 17-page workbook

You will be taken to an order form. Once your purchase is complete, you’ll receive an email with your workbook and access to the whole course!

“This is the magic formula. I’ve been trying to build a regular fitness habit for a decade, but I wasn’t allowing myself room for any deviation whatsoever. Now I have a whole collection of mini ‘bookmark’ activities that I love to do, so that when I can’t get in a ‘real’ workout, I’m still moving my body every day and maintaining my habit.”  – Erin G.


Where was this information all my life?!! Habit School helped my discover why my new habits haven’t stuck in the past. The suggestions to focus on how I feel when I do the bad habit, and then what I want to feel is mind-shifting!”  – Amy C.



We’re more than halfway through 2017. I’d love to help you make the second half of this year better than the first! You can read more about Make It Stick Habit School here or click below to join us right now!

Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

True Story: I Had a Brain Hemorrhage

True Story: I Had a Brain Hemorrhage

What's it like to have a brain hemorrhage? Surely, it's triggered by something or more dramatic than ... feeling like you twisted your neck? Well, yes and no. This is Jen's story of what happened when she had a brain hemorrhage. Can you tell us a bit about yourself? Hi! My name is Jen, I'm 50 and was born in France but both my parents are British. I spent most of my life in France but moved back...

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This Just In: Not All Guys Are The Same (Shocking!)

This Just In: Not All Guys Are The Same (Shocking!)

Dear Dude is a twice-monthly column in which my good friend, The Dude, answers some of your questions about the hairier sex. Dear Dude is an industrial designer by day and a serial flirt by night. He owns entirely too many bikes and a fairly well-behaved dog. He loves good food, good music and smart ladies. Hey Dude, Why is it that once u guys are dumped, why do u keep coming back and trying...

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How To Wear Everything In Your Closet (Yes, EVERYTHING)

How To Wear Everything In Your Closet (Yes, EVERYTHING)

When I wear white, I eat spaghetti. Or drink coffee. Or munch on Cheetos. Or write with Sharpies or open cans of motor oil or serve grape juice to passing children or basically do any and everything possible to STAIN THE LIVING BEJEEZUS OUT OF MY CLOTHING. But I wear white anyway because what’s the point of owning it if it doesn’t get worn? I am trying to apply this philosophy to my fancy and...

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True Story: I Didn’t Buy Anything New for One Year

True Story: I Didn’t Buy Anything New for One Year

This is one of many True Story interviews, in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting/challenging/amazing things. This is the story of Holly and her one-year shopping ban. Nothing new! For 365 days! Impressive, no? What was your relationship with money/consumerism before you took on this challenge? Before the challenge my relationship with money was nuts! I spent most of my...

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It’s Okay To Be Awesome

It’s Okay To Be Awesome

This guest post comes to via my very first internet friend, Alexandra Franzen. If you like this, you'll like everything she writes. She's wonderful.  It’s OK to be awesome. In fact, it’s preferable. Highly-recommended. Perfect 10s across the board. It’s OK to be the smartest, the cutest, the sassiest, the brassiest, the best-dressed, the most well-versed AND the most ambitious person in the...

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True Story: I Was A Lady Cab Driver

True Story: I Was A Lady Cab Driver

This is one of many True Story interviews, in which we talk to people who have done interesting/amazing/challenging things. This is the story of Mara and her summer driving cab in Massachusetts. What made you want to be a cab driver? Somewhere along the way, driving a cab became a little bit of a family business. My sister started driving when she was 18, about four years ago, and the other...

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