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Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Talking About Money Is A Gift To Everyone Around You

Not sure why you should talk about money - especially if you HATE talking about money? Financial conversations are super important! Read on for 4 reasons why you should have them + how to talk about money! #FIRE #personalfinance #budgeting #moneytips

We’re at that point in the dinner party when we’ve moved from the dining room into the living room. Everyone’s on their third glass of wine. Shoes are off. I’ve given up trying to make my hair look decent. It’s the messy top knot part of the evening, ya know?

I’m admiring my friends’ new house and expressing envy over the woodwork. “It’s crazy to think we own a house now!” the husband laughs.

“Well, actually, your parents own 20% of this house,” the wife says good-naturedly. “And the bank owns the other 80%.”

We all laugh a little awkwardly and the conversation moves on because OH GOD WE ALMOST TALKED ABOUT MONEY. But I want to stand up and cheer.

I want to hug my friends and high five them and thank them. In the space of two sentences that wife did more for her dinner party guests than she could ever realize.

In two sentences, my friend essentially said: “It’s okay if you haven’t saved up the $50,000 necessary to put a down payment on a house in Minneapolis. You’re not doing anything wrong if – between school loans, 401ks, and health insurance premiums – you haven’t been able to sock away that much money. You’re not failures. You’re not doing it wrong.”
Honestly, talking about money is a gift to everyone around you. Share on X

Why you should talk about money (even if it makes you uncomfortable)

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

How To Do Just About Anything

How To Do Just About Anything

So this time it's for real, right? Quitting that job/getting a small business loan/going to art school/breaking up with that hot but useless boyfriend (I'm looking at you, 25-year-old self). But then something happens and a valid excuse to avoid your new adventure presents itself. And so we don't do it. That grand, exciting, scary, life-changing thing we were going to do. Maybe look at the loan...

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5 Ways to Enjoy Your Commute (Or At Least Hate it Less)

5 Ways to Enjoy Your Commute (Or At Least Hate it Less)

When I moved back to the Twin Cities, I went from a 15 minute commute (walking along the ocean) to a 30 minute commute (driving my 22-year-old car through heavy traffic). Awesome. So I sulked about it a lot and questioned my decision to work in St. Paul and whined to everyone I knew. Eventually my friends nearly went blind from rolling their eyes so hard and I found a few ways to actually not...

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True Story: I’m an Identical Twin

True Story: I’m an Identical Twin

Yes, that's what they really look like. And they're so nice/smart/funny you can't even hate them for looking like Bond girls! I lived with Carrie (the twin in the foreground of the picture - I think) my junior year of college. Despite seeing her every day, I'd regularly confuse Carrie with her sister Diana when I saw her around campus. Eventually, I just took to addressing them both by their...

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9 Ways To Save Money For Travel (or any big purchase)

9 Ways To Save Money For Travel (or any big purchase)

Dear Sarah, I'm writing is to ask you about saving money for travelling. You see, I'm off in the beginning of March for three months in New Zealand, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. My boyfriend and I bought our ticket on Saturday and I'm getting pretty worried about the money situation - even though we've decided to do it on the cheap. I have a full time job but it pays badly - do you have any tricks...

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True Story:  I Was a Stripper

True Story: I Was a Stripper

How did you become a stripper? When I turned 18, my top priority was to "grow up" and become independent as soon as possible. To me, true independence meant never having to ask my parents for money -- though they were more than willing to provide it. I hated the fact that they paid for my car, my college tuition, my food ... I had a joe-job slinging wheatgrass at a juice bar, and I got a...

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What To Pack (In A Carry-On!) For A Multi-Week, Multi-Climate, Multi-Activity Trip

What To Pack (In A Carry-On!) For A Multi-Week, Multi-Climate, Multi-Activity Trip

Are you trying to pack in a carry-on but you're traveling for multiple weeks, across multiple climates? And because you like to make things difficult you're also trying to pack for hiking AND for some nights on the town? It's not impossible! I've done it! Tons of times! Disclaimer: This is the packing list that works for me, when I'm in hardcore, multiple month, living-out-of-my-backpack mode....

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