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Living your life on purpose starts with knowing what REALLY makes you happy. Get started by downloading my FREE audiobook + workbook below!

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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

How To Help Other People Make You Happier

Can you enlist the people in your life to help you be happier? Yes! Sort of! If you're looking for happiness tips or relationship advice, tap through for suggestions on how to make your needs and expectations known - lovingly. #happinesstips #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #fullfillment

It’s August 29th, 2004 and things are NOT going as planned. I wake up: zero ‘Happy Birthday!” texts. I open my email: three pieces of spam and one email from a colleague asking me to teach his Friday evening class.

I push through the glass doors of the school where I teach and my co-workers barely glance up from their grading. My work BFF pulls me aside for a quick gossip about our boss and points out I have a marker stain on my shirt. I head into my kindergarten class hoping this is some sort of elaborate ruse: A setup to lower my expectations before everyone jumps out and yells ‘Surpriiiiiise!’

Friends, there was no surprise party. My 26th birthday was commemorated with a voicemail from my parents and two belated emails from high school friends.

After I spent a few days sulking and eating my feelings, I realized there was exactly one person to blame for The Sad Birthday Debacle Of ’04.


Had I told anyone my birthday was coming up? I had not.

Had I given my roommate or my friends a head’s up that my birthday was a big deal to me and one of my love languages is ‘fuss-making’? Nope.

Had I done anything to make it easier for my friends to show me they loved me? No. If anything, I’d made it oddly hard. I’d created one of those “If you don’t know, then I’m not telling you” scenarios.

What if we made it easier for our friends and family to make us happy? What if we helped people make us happier?

Of course, a giant preamble: Really, you’re the only person who’s responsible for your happiness

In a perfect world, the people who love us add to our lives. They help us be our best selves. They’re interested in knowing what makes us happy. Once they have that information, they want to do things that will add more happiness to our lives.

That said, your best friend is busy. Your partner has hobbies. Your family members have lots of things on their proverbial plates. They all love you and want you to be happy! They do not necessarily have time to make your happiness a priority in their lives!

So let’s do our very best to hold two truths in our big, clever minds and hearts simultaneously:
1. People probably won’t know how to make us happy unless we tell them.
2. Even if they know how to make us happy, the people in our lives are not required to spend their time and energy making us happy every minute of every day.

Yes? Yes.

Now that we’ve established that, let’s talk about how we can help people make us happier.

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

How To Backpack With a Toddler (Part 2)

How To Backpack With a Toddler (Part 2)

This is Part 2 of Eternal Voyageur's incredibly helpful post on how to travel with the kiddos. For clever responses to nay-sayers and packing list suggestions, do pop over and check out Part 1! Transportation Stroller: I didn't take one, but some people swear by them. Research the state of the country's roads, pavements and public transport before you decide to take one, and remember that you'll...

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How To Backpack With A Toddler (Part 1)

How To Backpack With A Toddler (Part 1)

This is a guest post by the hugely knowledgeable and informed Eternal Voyageur. This incredibly brave lady backpacked around South America pregnant and with a two year old kiddo! Impressive no?! How to Backpack with a Toddler People often hesitate to travel with small children. Not only do they expect it to be hard work, but they feel guilty about dragging the little ones around the world for...

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Should I pursue my dreams or a steady paycheck?

Should I pursue my dreams or a steady paycheck?

Sometime opportunities present themselves that put a big monkey wrench in the works! You decide to pursue one dream but then "adult" life comes calling—which is the right path to choose? One reader asked me this question: Dear Sarah Von, I recently made the decision to leave my current employment. The original decision was to leave in late October, do some traveling and go back to school in the...

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How To Quit Your Job + Travel The World Without Ruining Your Resume Or Credit Rating

How To Quit Your Job + Travel The World Without Ruining Your Resume Or Credit Rating

  If you've ever wanted to quit your job and travel the world, you've probably been just a bit worried about things like money, job security when you return home, or how to make the whole thing work. You're not alone! Dear Sarah, I wanted to ask you about traveling. I have no idea where to begin or what to do. Here's the thing, I want so bad to be able to go somewhere and live for a few...

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Be The One

Be The One

You know that slightly annoying email forward about Anybody, Somebody, Everybody and Nobody? The one you're aways getting from that well-meaning second cousin? The one about how any of us can take action, can do the tiny things that everyone puts off and avoids because we think someone else will take care of it - but no one ever does? But let's do it. Let's be the one. the one who puts the big...

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5 Cheap, Doable, Homemade Beauty Tips

5 Cheap, Doable, Homemade Beauty Tips

  I'm not sure that I would consider myself a beauty expert. I don't know how to pluck my eyebrows, my morning routine takes all of 15 minutes and I frequently forget to wear deodorant (don't worry - I'm freakishly non-smelly. Probably because I'm part robot.) But! I do have a few tricks up my sleeve, tricks that keep my beauty budget low and keep getting me carded even though I'm quite a few...

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