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Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

You can’t stop me from caring, Mr. Trump.

Want to reduce your carbon footprint? You don't have to live in burlap and only eat quinoa. Click through for doable steps!
Welp, it happened. Donald Trump has withdrawn the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accord, the agreement that 195 countries signed to slow climate change. NORTH KOREA SIGNED IT FOR PETE’S SAKE.

But here’s the ‘good’ news: Donald Trump cannot prevent any of us from caring about climate change. Share on X He cannot prevent any of us from spending our money, time, or energy to reduce our own carbon footprints.

This country (and planet) is made up of individuals. Many of our individual choices got us here and our individual choices can make a difference now, too.

Donald Trump can’t stop us from recycling or composting.

We’re signed up for Hennepin County’s organics recycling program and we loooove it. In case you were wondering, it’s not gross and nothing smells. If your city doesn’t offer composting, this countertop compost bin is cute, costs $22 and has 5,000+ five star reviews.

Donald Trump can’t stop us from reusing things and using fewer disposable items.

We have these coffee travel mugs and love them.

Donald Trump can’t stop us from driving hybrid cars, taking public transport, or riding our bikes.

NiceRide, Minneapolis’s bike sharing program costs $75 a year.

Donald Trump can’t stop us from eating less meat.

Afro-Vegan and The Chubby Vegetarian are great places to start!

Donald Trump can’t stop us from buying carbon offsets.

You can buy them through places like CarbonfundCool Effect or TerraPass.

Donald Trump can’t stop us from buying more things secondhand.

If you’re not up for pawing through piles at thrift store, start at Buffalo Exchange or thredUP.

Donald Trump can’t stop us from using LED lightbulbs, adjusting our thermostats, or signing up for wind or solar power.

We use SunShare and love it! And it’s cheaper!

Donald Trump can’t stop us from buying local produce.

The Hmong Farmers’ Market in St. Paul is wonderful! Or join a CSA! We’re signed up for Abraham’s Table and I’m nerdily excited about our first box.

Donald Trump can’t stop us voting with our dollars and supporting companies who favor ethical, environmentally-friendly policies.

Here’s a list of the world’s most sustainable companies, as of 2017. Johnson & Johnson, L’Oreal, Adidas, Colgate/Palmolive, and General Mills made the cut.

When it comes right down to it, Donald Trump can’t stop us. Period.

Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

30 New Things: Ride the Munger Trail

30 New Things: Ride the Munger Trail

Do you guys ever have a sneaking suspicion that you would be really good at something? That lurking deep inside you is a natural talent for belly dancing/pizza dough throwing/foreign languages? I've long harbored a belief that I would be a great long distance cyclist. Of course, this belief is based on absolutely nothing. Prior to this trip, I'd never ridden a bike a) with a cross bar b) with...

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How to Let it Go (yup, just about anything)

How to Let it Go (yup, just about anything)

A story: When I first got out of college I somehow managed to get a rather impressive job as an event planner. And I was convinced this was my true calling - list and plans and parties, oh my! But there was a catch. Of course there was. My boss gave that Prada-wearing devil a run for her money. She once actually uttered the words "You're not wearing that, are you?" I was the personal errand...

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30 New Things: Beer/Cheese/Bacon Cupcakes

30 New Things: Beer/Cheese/Bacon Cupcakes

  How would you feel if you knew that your favorite foods could be combined into a perfect storm of deliciousness? I mean, I'm still waiting for someone to develop some sort of dark chocolate/pasta/cheese dish. Nigella, I'm looking at you.Needless to say, I was pretty damn excited when I found this recipe for Beer Cheese Cupcakes with Bacon Cheddar Frosting. Ridiculous? Yes. Possibly...

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30 New Things: Read Twilight

30 New Things: Read Twilight

photo   I am not particularly snobby about most things (witness my list of the ridiculous music I listen to and the fact that I eat entire boxes of fake bacon in one sitting). But! I can be quite snobby about books. I'm very much that annoying person who refuses to read the type of books that make people line up outside Borders at 12 am. Harry Potter? Who's he? The DaVinci Code? Never heard...

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How To Live a Champagne Life on a Beer Budget

How To Live a Champagne Life on a Beer Budget

Dear Sarah, So this is a pretty awkward question, but I do hope you'll answer it. I know that you are a teacher at a non-profit and you've made a few references to you salary of "two dollars." But you are always dressed so well! And you travel all the time and it sounds like you live in a really nice neighborhood! How do you do it? You don't have a trust fund do you? ;D You're right! That is an...

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30 New Things: Drive-in Movie

30 New Things: Drive-in Movie

A double-showing! But we are old ladies and only game for one movie at a time The BFF is a professional drive-in attendee/nest-maker.In case you were wondering, we are the kind of girls who eat spring rolls and drink coffee at the drive-in.Heaps of kiddos playing on the hill before the movie starts, most of them already in their pajamas.Mini-van central Ever one to dig joyfully into a new list,...

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