Being relatable online just comes down to acting like a normal human. We buy from people we know, like, and trust and your people will know, like, and trust you when you're honest about who you are! Some of the best online sales advice you'll ever get! ;)
I’m halfway through my Facebook Live class when I hear it: “Tootley toot!” This is followed by a distinct click and a vrooooom-ing sound.

It’s coming from under the banquet in the dining room and I already know what it is. It’s my Roomba, doing its scheduled 12:15 pm cleaning, smack dab in the middle of my live class.

I apologize, turn it off, and I sit down to continue the class. My dog Loretta chooses this moment to crawl into my lap, claw her way up my chest, and try to climb into my body via my mouth. Awesome! I am the paragon of professionalism! What a great impression to make on the 1,500 people in my Facebook group!

Needless to say, I was surprised to discover this email in my inbox a few days later:

I wanted to thank you for being a human being and thus being super inspiring. Watching the More Money, More Happy videos where your Roomba starts going made me feel ridiculously inspired. I’m trying to get my own blog/business/charity up and running and I have been paralyzed by fear, trying too hard to be perfect and have it all figured out before I start.

What could be considered a “mistake” was easily one of the best parts of an already excellent and valuable free course. I loved your videos even more because of how relatable you were! It felt easy, like talking to a friend. I admire that and I hope to incorporate more of that attitude into my own business!”

So in case you needed it, this is your permission to be human on the internet.

Now, there are many reasons to be a human on the internet. Primarily: Pretending to be someone you’re not is exhausting and unsustainable. But if we want to approach things from a business and success angle:
Being human helps people know, like, and trust you. We buy from people we know, like, and trust. Click To Tweet

3 more reasons it’s important to be human on the internet

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