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5 Reasons Your Good Habits Don’t Stick

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How To Stop Buying Sh*t You Don’t Need

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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

8 relationship habits that will make everything easier, smoother, and more fun

Can you turn being a good partner into a habit? Are there such things as “good relationship habits”? Yes! Read on to learn eight of them! #relationshiptips #habits #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #lifehacks #communicationtips

Can you make it a habit to be a good partner? Are there such things as “good relationship habits”? (I can hear you being skeptical from all the way over here.) 

You might be sick of hearing me talk about habits by now (not stopping anytime soon!), but I truly believe that they’re one of the secrets to a life well-lived. Studies vary, but psychologists and neurologists estimate that between 40 and 95% of what we do every day is habitualized – including how we interact with our partners.

So it stands to reason that building even one good relationship habit (or breaking a bad one), could have a big impact on your relationship. If you’re not sure where to start, read on!

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

How To Define Success For Yourself (no, but REALLY)

How To Define Success For Yourself (no, but REALLY)

We’ve all seen those hand-lettered quotes floating around Pinterest, haven’t we? “Write your own definition of success!” “Success is: [photo collage of six pack abs, checked off lists, and lattes]” or that illustration of the imagined path to success versus the reality. If you’re anything like me - you nod at your computer screen. You think “Yes! I should write my own definition of success!”...

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Mini Travel Guide: Queensland, Australia

Mini Travel Guide: Queensland, Australia

No travel guide to Queensland, Australia would be complete without cultural tips for navigating the Australian sense of humor. True story: I had several Australian friends when I lived in Taiwan and I spent most of our friendship wondering if they even liked me! Read on for Sandra's advice on eating 'bush tucker,' getting free rental cars (I've done this! It's great!), and how to travel through...

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True Story: I’m a celebrity bodyguard

True Story: I’m a celebrity bodyguard

Ron on the job What would it be like to work as a celebrity bodyguard? Scary? Exciting? Filled with hate mail and weirdos and death threats? Ron Eastman has been guarding celebrities for more than a decade and today he's sharing his fascinating story. Tell us a bit about yourself! My name is Ronald D. Eastman II (but you can call me Ron); I am 47 years old and was born in Los Angeles, Calif. and...

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8 Secret Qualities Of A Good Client

8 Secret Qualities Of A Good Client

Have you ever found yourself halfway through an email to your graphic designer/web developer/virtual assistant and thought "Wow. I am The Actual Worst." No? Just me? You've never found yourself doing the exact things you find annoying? If you've never found yourself in that situation, you are charmer, a scholar, and I tip my hat to you. If you have found yourself in that position, you'll...

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Every choice is a chance

Every choice is a chance

It's a wet, overcast Tuesday and I'm treating myself one of my favorite activities: Poking Around Antique Stores, Picking Things Up And Putting Them Down Again. I page through the old Life magazines, fiddle with Fiestaware, imagine a life that necessitates a 12-piece set of Wedgwood china. I turn a corner and see a sign that shoots an arrow through the dust-filled air of that overfilled antique...

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True Story: My Twins Were Born 3 Months Premature

True Story: My Twins Were Born 3 Months Premature

Having twins is a pretty big deal. Having twins who are born three months premature is ... what adjective do you even use to describe that? Today, Heather shares the story of her family and how her daughters arrived earlier than planned. Tell us a bit about yourself!  I’m Heather. I’m 30 years old and am originally from the suburbs of Chicago, IL. My husband and I now live in the Finger Lakes...

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