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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

The Secret To Getting What You Want Is Asking For It (Here’s How)

Not sure how to ask for what you want? Looking for goal-setting advice or tips for chasing your dreams? Read on for self-development tips you won't read elsewhere! #goalsetting #motivation #productivity #getwhatyouwant #growthmindset #inspiring #motivation #motivational #personaldevelopment #getoutofyourcomfortzone #styleyourlife
When Jen’s email pings into my inbox, my first reaction is to lean back and squint.

I’ve asked Jen for feedback on the course she just took and I’m expecting/hoping for a few kind words, some constructive criticism, and maybe some hard numbers if she’s willing to share them. Some numbers in the low four figures.

That’s what I was expecting.

Instead, Jen told me that my course had given her the courage to negotiate a 12,000 raise. That’s almost $14,000 for us Yanks! Whaaaaaaaat?!

And while I am, of course, happy that Bank Boost nudged Jen to negotiate for a bigger salary, the truth is this: Jen got what she wanted because she asked for it.

There are a million blog posts bouncing around the internet that tell us how to reach goals, manifest our dreams, and change our habits. (I know this because I write a lot of those blog posts.)

Many of these blog posts walk us through the art of getting clear on what we want, breaking our goals into teeny, tiny steps, and working towards what we want on a consistent basis. And these are all important parts of getting what we want.

But. None of that means anything if we’re not willing to ask for it. Let's say you want to get into an amazing party. Breaking goals into little pieces is walking up the sidewalk, asking for what you want is knocking on the door. Share on X

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

True Story: I’m a Homemaker + I Don’t Have Kids

True Story: I’m a Homemaker + I Don’t Have Kids

Have you ever fantasized about being a stay at home mom ... without the mom part? After working as a teacher, Heidi had the chance to do just that! Here's her story. Tell us a bit about yourself!  My name is Heidi; my body is 28 years old but I inherited my soul from an 80-year old woman. I herald from the Twin Cities but have adventured all over Minnesota. I love to bake up new recipes, read on...

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11 Ways to Practice Gratitude Without A Gratitude Journal

11 Ways to Practice Gratitude Without A Gratitude Journal

When someone tells you that you need to find more ways to practice gratitude are you like "UH OKAY HIPPIE"? Do you nod politely and mentally add gratitude to your list of Things I Know I Should Be Doing But Realistically Have No Time For? Right between 'mediation' and 'drink more water'? By now you've probably heard all the reasons we should add more gratitude to our lives. It's scientifically...

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True Story: I Drove My Motorcycle 1,000 miles in 24 hours

True Story: I Drove My Motorcycle 1,000 miles in 24 hours

I'm a pretty experienced roadtripper. I've driven over 15,000 miles ... but that was in a car. Over the course of many, many weeks. Can you imagine making a cross-country motorcycle trip in just 24 hours? Well, that's exactly what Ryan did. Editor's note: Don't try this at home, kids. Like, really. Driving this long without sleep is incredibly dangerous.  Tell us a bit about yourself! I grew up...

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How To Stop Equating Success With Self-Worth In 8 Not-Easy Steps!

How To Stop Equating Success With Self-Worth In 8 Not-Easy Steps!

Last summer, I did something big and exciting and potentially life/career-changing. I re-homed all my ghostwriting clients, re-directed all my copywriting clients, and committed to creating the course I'd be wanting to write for two years. I completely re-worked my business model and jumped into the somewhat terrifying abyss of being truly self-supporting. No retainer clients to base my budget...

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True Story: I’m A Camerawoman

True Story: I’m A Camerawoman

What's it like to work as a camera woman? Particularly a camerawoman in sport where the vast majority of your co-workers are male? Today Kate is telling us all about it - from filming Oprah segments to shooting the Chicago Bulls basketball team. Fascinating! Tell us a bit about yourself!  I'm Kate! I’m from Michigan originally, but I have lived and worked around the country, in Los Angeles, San...

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The Cheapskate Guide To: Atlanta

The Cheapskate Guide To: Atlanta

Want to travel cheap in Atlanta? Of course you do! It's a gorgeous city and there's tons to do! Today, Atlanta local Katie McLendon is sharing all her best Atlanta budget travel tips: $15 a night camping (or $85 a night glamping), $1.95 biscuits, $10 river tubing, and free Walking Dead tours! I’ve lived in California, Louisiana and the Bahamas, and traveled as far as Tokyo, but still in peaceful...

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