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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

25 Super Tiny Resolution Ideas You Could Actually Keep

Looking for tiny resolution ideas that are actually doable? A resolution you'll actually stick with or good habits you'll keep? Read on for 25 resolutions to try this year! #goalsetting #resolutions #habits #growthmindset #inspiring #motivation #motivational #personaldevelopment #getoutofyourcomfortzone #styleyourlife

Our resolution ideas are often – what’s the word? – unsustainable? Unrealistic? Way too ambitious which sets us up to fail and then feel bad about ourselves thus creating a vicious cycle of self-doubt?

(that last one was 22 words)

If you’re nodding along because you’ve already abandoned your resolutions or good habits by January 9th, may I be so bold as to suggest one (or maybe two AT MOST) of these tiny, super doable resolutions instead?

When we succeed repeatedly at tiny things, we're building the courage to take on big things. Share on X

25 super tiny resolution ideas you could actually do

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

On Changes + Really, Actually Trying + Gratitude

On Changes + Really, Actually Trying + Gratitude

2008 me, a few months after starting Yes & Yes. Yes, that's cop in riot gear. We were trying to sneak into the Republican Convention hence my 'disguise.' (??) I never thought I’d be writing this blog post. When I started Yes & Yes, I was 28 and living in a ‘garden apartment’ (read: basement apartment with pipes hanging from the ceiling). I’d just moved back to America after five years of...

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9 Surprisingly Easy Ways To Avoid Buyer’s Remorse

9 Surprisingly Easy Ways To Avoid Buyer’s Remorse

For many years, my closet was stuffed to over flowing with cute vintage dresses, novelty ballet flats, and slightly stretched out, faded pieces of regret. It's particularly easy to find on sales racks and in thrift stores where things are allllllmost what you're looking...

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True Story: I started college when I was 13

True Story: I started college when I was 13

I don't know about you, but college was a bit of a shock to my system. Classes that don't start till 11 am! Co-ed dorms! LOFTED BEDS. Imagine encountering all that at 13, instead of the usual 18 or 19. Today, Kamina shares the story of how she found herself 13 and attending university full-time.  Tell us a bit about yourself!  I’m Kamina, I’m 28 and I’m in sunny Brisbane, Australia.  I live in a...

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The Cheapskate Guide To: Leeds, England

The Cheapskate Guide To: Leeds, England

Interested in a budget travel tips for Leeds? Of course you are - because traveling on the British pound can get a bit pricey for Americans and Canadians. Today,  Leeds local Amy is sharing her best Leeds budget travel tips: cozy rental cottages for $42 per night, $1.50 pizza slices, free pub quiz nights, and cheap beer! My name is Amy and I moved to Leeds in 2011 to study (and a bit for love,...

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Money Doesn’t Matter If Everything Else Sucks

Money Doesn’t Matter If Everything Else Sucks

How many times has someone wisely intoned “Money can’t buy happiness” at you? And how successfully have you stifled the urge to say “That’s hilaaaaarious because I’ve got a $700 flight to Greece in my cart right and that looks A LOT like happiness, my dude"? Friends, I am not going to tell you that money can’t buy you happiness because I have purchased happiness, freedom, connection, and support...

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True Story: My brother requires 24/7 supervision + lives at home

True Story: My brother requires 24/7 supervision + lives at home

If you had a child who needed round-the-clock supervision and medical attention, what would you do? What if this was your brother and you might eventually be in charge of his well-being? Today, Katie shares the story of her brother Johnny, his epilepsy, and how her family has dealt with it. Tell us a bit about yourself!  I’m a 28 year old financial underwriter currently living in St. Paul, I was...

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