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5 Reasons Your Good Habits Don’t Stick

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How To Stop Buying Sh*t You Don’t Need

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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Why You Need A ‘No Grocery Challenge’ + How To Do Your Own

Want to reduce food waste while saving money, time, and eating great meals? WELL DUH OBVIOUSLY. You need to do a No Grocery Challenge! #foodwaste #FIRE #savingmoney #budgettips #moneytips #frugal

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“You’re going to tell us how you did this, right?”

The DMs pinged into my inbox and I squinted at my screen in confusion. What was all the fuss about?

Over the last week, I’d been cobbling together meals from my pantry and fridge, putting off grocery shopping because we were leaving for vacation.

I’d been hashtagging the experiment #nogrocerychallenge and amusing myself by making homemade croutons out of old hotdog buns and bacon fat I’d saved. I made a Mexican-inspired gazpacho to use up a bunch of vegetables and a cold Vietnamese-ish salad to finally get rid of those rice noodles.

After about 20 DMs politely demanding insight on the topic, I started writing.

And then I wrote some more. And then I wrote a lot more.

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

5 Tips To Stay Motivated When You’re Working On A Huge Project

5 Tips To Stay Motivated When You’re Working On A Huge Project

How do you stay motivated when you've undertaken a huuuuuge project? How do you stay focused when you know you've got months and months of unsexy slogging ahead of you? How do you stay away from Netflix and string cheese and keep your eye on the proverbial prize? I asked my friend Katie these very questions when she told me she was writing a book. Katie's a lifestyle designer so if there was...

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Why You Need To Try New Things + How To Create A ‘New Things’ Practice

Why You Need To Try New Things + How To Create A ‘New Things’ Practice

I was readjusting my pasties when my phone buzzed. It was my first ever burlesque show and I was hovering backstage, pulling on my gloves, gossiping with my classmates, and devotedly hoping that my husband was the only person I knew in the audience. I looked down at that tiny glowing screen, expecting to see a note of encouragement from Kenny when I saw an unidentified number and the words "I...

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The Cheapskate Guide To: Washington DC

The Cheapskate Guide To: Washington DC

Looking for cheap things to do in Washington DC? Our country's capital is notoriously expensive (it's the fourth most expensive rental market in America) but fear not! DC local Katie is telling us about $30 hostels, $11 bottomless mimosa brunches, and free museums and movies! In 2014. Washington D.C. welcomed 20.2 million visitors to the city! Tourists flocked to museums, took selfie photos in...

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True Story: I got laid off 3 times in 5 years

True Story: I got laid off 3 times in 5 years

Have you ever been laid off? I have. My bosses broke it to me in a cafe so I couldn't "make a scene" and then locked me out of my computer. Three months later, they tried to hire me back as a freelancer. A HEARTY NO THANK YOU, BECKY. Anyway, this interview isn't about me and my former career as an event planner. This is about Jacqueline, how she was laid off three times in five years, what she...

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7 Strategies To Get Booked Out In Your First Year Of Business

7 Strategies To Get Booked Out In Your First Year Of Business

I first discovered Maggie and her work while doing one of my free site reviews. While I was nosing around, I saw that in her first year of self-employment she was completely booked out and able to exceed her former salary. WHAT IS THIS WITCHERY. I thought Maggie's insights would be particularly interesting because her business isn't really internet-based! She's gotten booked out without using...

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True Story: I’m a Christian Sex Coach

True Story: I’m a Christian Sex Coach

Does the job title 'Christian Sex Coach' strike you as something of a contradiction? Of course, Christians have sex just like everyone else, but America's Christian culture is generally less inclined to speak frankly about sexual needs and desires. My friend Morgan is trying to change that. I think you'll love her interview! Tell us a bit about yourself! I’m 36, married mom of two. Our family of...

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