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How To Stop Buying Sh*t You Don’t Need

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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

9 Painless Ways To Trick Yourself Into Spending Less

Want some tricks to spending less? Looking for budget tips that don't suck the joy from your life or easy money advice. Tap through for tricks to spending less in a way that doesn't suck!#moneysaving #moneysavingtips #moneysavinghacks #budget #savemoneytips #savingmoneytipsDoes spending less feel like a long slog of coupon clipping, ramen noodles, and watching everybody have more fun than you on Instagram?

Friend, it doesn’t have to. Hand to God, I swear by these tricks to spending less that feel nigh-on painless. Like, you might not even notice that you’re spending less till you get your surprisingly small credit card bill.  

A giant asterisk: these tricks will absolutely help you buy fewer things you don’t need. HOWEVER. They won’t help you get to the root of why you’re buying things you don’t need in the first place. That’s a much bigger endeavor.

That said, this is a great place to start and when you’re ready to really, actually change your relationship with money, this will help.

9 Painless Ways To Trick Yourself Into Spending Less

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

37 Blogging Tips + Business Tricks I’ve Learned In 37 Years

37 Blogging Tips + Business Tricks I’ve Learned In 37 Years

What sort of blogging tips does one learn after almost nine years of blogging? What sort of 'business tricks' do you discover after working with hundreds of clients? Friends, a lot of my best blogging and business advice is stuff your mom has probably told you. "Be nice!" "Do what you say you're going to do!" "Get your elbows off the table and take a breath between bites for Pete's sake!" Last...

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A New Birthday Tradition We Should All Try

A New Birthday Tradition We Should All Try

On Monday, I celebrated my 37th birthday. I commemorated my time here on earth by doing all my favorite things: Sleeping in Reading in the backyard Having hashbrowns at my favorite diner Getting a pedicure while reading Lady Magazines 'Shopping' on Grand Avenue (aka 'smelling candles, picking things up and putting them down, considering buying something at Anthropologie and then deciding that I...

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True Story: I have 9 children

True Story: I have 9 children

What's life like when you have 9 children? How do you feed, clothe, and discipline them all? How do you get any time to yourself?! Today, Sue is sharing her story - including buying an abandoned house, teaching two-year-olds 'the helping game,' and how she'll feel when they're all finally out of the house. Tell us a bit about yourself! My name is Sue and I'm married my high school sweetheart...

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Mornings In: France

Mornings In: France

We're all a little obsessed with French style aren't we? I mean, there entire books devoted to dressing, eating, and flirting like a French woman! Today I'm very pleased to bring you an interview with food blogger and Parisienne Clotilde Dusoulier. I loooooved her breakdown of the beauty products she uses and her breakfast recipes! Name: Clotilde DusoulierHometown: Paris, France — more...

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True Story: I’m biking across America

True Story: I’m biking across America

I don't know about you guys, but I'm preeeeetty impressed with myself any time I ride a bike anywhere. In the rare event I even ride my bike to the grocery store, I become convinced I'm essentially a tri-athlete (my events being cycling, buying produce, and small talk with the cashier). Imagine biking across the country! Like, THOUSANDS OF MILES. Today, Sarah is telling us how she's doing just...

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Entry Level SEO Tips That Won’t Overwhelm You

Entry Level SEO Tips That Won’t Overwhelm You

Raise your hand if you file SEO under the heading of "Know I should be doing it, am completely overwhelmed and unsure where to start." Dude, YES. Up until last year, I never, ever optimized my posts because I thought since I didn't like it, I could ignore it. But then I hired Kim Herrington (the author of this super helpful guest post) and she helped me grow my traffic, income, and subscribers...

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